Chapter 19

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(George POV)

"George!" Quackity yelled outside my door, "Are you ready? We really should go!"

"Yeah I'm ready!" I shouted back as I was done fixing my hair and wearing my graduation suit.

Today's the day me and Quackity will be graduating out of highschool, and I couldn't be more happier to finally reach the end of the line for the last semester.

I stepped out of the room to be greeted by Quackity's face who immediately drags me downstairs without a second to waste. Telling me that we should hurry since he doesn't want to let his older brother wait for us at school.

Each student get to invite their parents or guardian to watch the ceremony as to celebrate for such event. But since I know that my mother wouldn't care less, then I've invited none other than the person that has been deeply taking care of me.

Ever since I gave Clay a chance he's beginning to show a lot of affection towards me. Sending me flowers every week, greeting me with sweet good morning messages. Sometimes he'd be calling me at night just to check up on me, asking if I'm doing alright.

It's no doubt that he's been giving me butterflies in my stomach these past few weeks as we began to get to know each other better.

He offered me and my friend a ride today which Quackity and I declined the offer as it's better to just meet him there at our school. The alpha was kind of annoyed but he agreed eventually and that it would be better to just meet up at the place.

Quackity began driving his car after the two of us got into it, placing our seatbelts on. I asked if his boyfriends will be there in which he answered with a 'no' because he haven't introduced Sapnap and Karl to his family just yet.

We arrived just fifteen minutes before the official ceremony started, getting off the car as Quackity went ahead to park it, leaving me on the main entrance of the school gymnasium.

I walked inside to see a bunch of students talking to each other, some are with their families and some are already seated in the middle.

"George!" A familiar alpha called out. Dream makes his way towards me, holding a bouquet of blue orchids in his hands. "The suit you're wearing fits you well." He stated, handing me the flowers as I gladly accepted it from him.

"It's the traditional graduation uniform the school offered." I said, turning around for him to take a good look as he hums in approval. Just then, the speaker in front began to inform us to take our seats as the ceremony shall now be starting.

Dream takes one of hand, leaning towards it as to kiss the back of my palm, telling me to enjoy as he went to where he's seated.

I saw Quackity walk in with a man similar to him but older, which I assume was his brother before I took my seat to in the alphabetical order.

The ceremony went smoothly, beginning with a few words from our school principal and some of the schools head of the department. I'd occasionally glance to where Dream was sitting, sending out smiles whenever I look at him which makes my heart race.

Soon it was my turn to take my diploma, as I slowly went ahead up the stage, greeting and shaking the hands of our school principal, "Congratulations Mr. Davidson."

"Thank you Sir." I happily replied, taking the hard plastic folder with the diploma and my name on it as I glanced to where Dream was. His phone was out as he deliberately took a bunch of photos of me while smiling.

The graduation ended after two hours and everyone was celebrating around us, a few of the students started to leave with their families, Quackity also told me he was going to be entertaining his brother as the two of them left.

I  went ahead to where Dream was sitting who I saw talking with the school's principal, slowly making my way towards them as I interrupted them from what they were discussing.

"George, I never knew you were acquainted  to Mr. Dream." He spoke as Dream purposely took my hand in his.

"Yes, we are pretty close." He responded before I get the chance to.

"Oh so I see, then I'll be taking my leave Mr. Dream. And George, congratulations once again." He stated, before leaving the two of us alone.

"What was it you were talking about?" I asked, curious to why the principal came to talk to him.

"He just happen to know who I was, you don't have to be jealous Georgy." He said, teasing me in the latter which made me rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't jealous, I was just asking." I snickered, telling him that I was going to get my things before we leave.

"Lead the way my beloved..." He said, as we both got out of the gymnasium, heading towards the main building where my locker was at near the cafeteria.

We both walked through the hallways, recalling some of my memories when I was still coming in here every five days of the week. Taking a left on the corridors as we got into the boy's locker room.

I didn't really have much, just some of my books and a small brown box that has my shoes and PE uniform. Dream lend me a hand by carrying the books as I closed the locker and headed to the deans office.

Finally after a few more walks we've made it to his car where he brought his chuckled X1 SUV that has a metallic orange color. "Wow, this is the fifth car I've seen you drive." I couldn't help but be amazed even though I know he's a multi millionaire boss.

"You know me George, I like cars." He said, unlocking the doors with one click of a button as he opened up the passenger seat for me.

"More like obsessed with it." I teased him, just as he got inside the driver's seat, placing down the books behind as well as the small box I was carrying.

Clay chuckled in response, "So how about we get something to eat for dinner, as a celebration."

"McDonalds!" I immediately said, as he playfully scoff at my request.

"You've been eating McDonalds every week George, let's try something else." He said, turning on the engine as we drove off to a place he picked himself.


Ey im back!
and I was half asleep writing this.. 

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