Chapter 35

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George and Dream got inside the apartment after they parked the car downstairs, the first thing the omega did was plopped himself down the sofa, sighing in relief that he's finally able to lay down on the comfortable couch.

Clay on the other hand went into the kitchen taking a bottle of cold water inside the fridge before he turned towards the remote of the air conditioner as to change its temperature.

George stared into the tall ceiling, his mind drifting on his three friends as he hoped that Quackity, Sapnap and Karl had now talked things though.

He let's out a sigh a couple seconds later, "Clay!" Calling out the alpha as he shouted through the living room.

Clay was still in the kitchen, a bottle at hand while his other readjusted his tie as it felt too tight for his liking. He wonders how someone can even stay in these for longer. Though funny how he's a businessman and still needed to wear it himself.

"Yes Georgy?" Dream replied, opening up the water bottle as he gulped down a few the drink little at a time.

"I'm going to take a shower!" The brunette yelled, just as the blonde closed the cap of the now empty bottle, throwing it in the bin as he made his way to the living room, glancing towards the sofa to see it empty.

He heard the sound of a closing door upstairs, as George must have already made his way inside the bathroom. Sighing as he makes his way to follow the brunette.

Dream notices the bathroom door slightly open, getting the idea that George must have done it on purpose or he could be just thinking about it.

He let's himself inside, the sound of a running water can be heard as he glances at the silhouette of the omega behind the glass door. Taking off his upper and lower clothes as he dumps it in the laundry basket, taking an extra towel under one of the shelves on his sink as he wraps it around his waist before knocking on the glass door.

"Clay? Is that you?" The brunette called out, dipping himself into a bathtub as he felt kind of excited to try it out since the last time he was here.

"Yeah it's me, can I come in?" Dream asked, knowing how bold he was feeling as he patiently waits for the omega's answer.

"Why are you even in here?" The brunette scoffed, trying to enjoy his own bath as he sunk half of his face underwater.

"Can't I have a bath too?" Clay pouted, trying to sound as if he was sad that George wouldn't let him inside.

"Fine come in." The brunette mumbled, as not a second later did Dream hurriedly went inside, smiling brightly as he walks toward the omega.

"Let me wash you." Dream said, taking the soap next to the stand as he offered to scrub the omega clean.

George shook his head no, while he crunches his legs towards his chest, holding into a curling position while his body is still submerge in the water.

"Give me your arm Georgy." The alpha commanded, as George glanced at him with a frown.

"Arm, now." He said, with a more serious tone as the brunette made a 'tch' noise handing over his right arm to Clay.

The blonde gladly accepts it, rubbing the soap on the brunette's skin as his other hand scrubs along creating bubbles.

"I know you can do it but I just want to take care of you so you could relax even more while spending your evening in my place."

George sighs in defeat, knowing that his alpha is very caring and protective over him. "Fine..."

He lets the alpha continue to clean him up, slowly making his way to George's shoulders, down to his back until he reaches below the waist of the brunette's.

Dream's hand move to accord, as he grips gently on the omega's butt cheeks hearing the sudden gasps from his mate as he lifted George up, making him stand and support himself on the alpha's chest.

"C-clay?!" George stuttered, a bit nervous as he thought he might slip from the tub only to be supported by the alpha's strong hold.

The alpha took the opportunity as he slid down one of his fingers on top of the brunette's hole. "This needs to be cleaned too." He whispered seductively, catching a glimpse of red cheeks from his mate as he slips one of his fingers inside.

"I-its already cleaned Cl-ay." The omega mumbles, feeling his body react to his alpha's touch.

"Really? Let me check..." Dream said, flashing his seducing smirk as he guided George's hands on the opposite side of the tub facing the wall. "Relax yourself baby..." He cooed, as George tried to hold his moan.

Clay began to let him hands roam up on the omega's thighs, exciting his mate even more as he readjusted himself, leaning towards the omega's hole. He started to lick it with his tongue, making George let out a surprised moan.

"D-dream?!" He uttered, shocked to see his alpha lick fucking his behind while he focuses on staying into the position.

Dream continued to devour him, meeting the brunette's eyes every once in a while as muffled moans echoed the entire bath. Licking his lips to see the omega's hole moisten and tender. Twitching on him as if it's telling him that it was ready.

He drops the towel off his waist, position his cock on George's hole as the brunette watches in anticipation, wanting Dream to fuck him as he was driven into his lust.

The alpha then pushes it in, extending the brunette as George let's out a frustrated moan, feeling the Alpha move at a slow pace. Not what the omega was expecting as he intentionally slams himself each each time Clay tries to push himself in and out of the brunette.

"What's the problem Georgy?" The alpha whispers, catching up with his breath every now and then.

"F-faster... Please..." He begs, wanting for Dream to dominate him as he wanted to be dominated by his mate.

"Fuck George..." He said, slamming himself harder unto the brunette as he fasten up his pace. Clay gripped firmly on George's stomach, the other hand on the omega's ass while he fucks the brunette senseless.

The more he thrusts the more closer they both get into their limit as George was the one to say he's going to cum.

His dick dripping out his own semen unto the tub of water while Clay continued a few more until he came out as well.


Emotionally drained-...

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