Chapter 34

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"George?" Sapnap asked, washing his hands on the sink. "How do I fix this, feeling..."

"What feeling?" The brunette wondered, taking a look at the worried alpha right next to him. 

The two of them left the dinning table from the rest of their mate and partners,heading into the men's bathroom as an excuse to talk.

Ever since they got into the restaurant, Sapnap had been distant from the rest while they try to celebrate George's approval into the university.

While Dream tried to keep George's friend entertained with small talks, Sapnap would somehow doze off or even just laugh along subconsciously.

"This feeling of wanting someone..." The alpha murmured, just enough for George to hear as he felt sudden prick on his chest.

The omega gasped, realizing this must be about his soul mate. "Are you-?"

"Yes..." Sapnap admitted, "I love Quackity and Karl, but I can't stop thinking about, Zyra. It's making me want her, like she's some sort of a magnet that keeps pulling my thoughts..."

"Oh Sapnap..." George felt bad about his friend, patting the Alpha's shoulder. "To be honest even I struggled a bit when I tried to ignore Dream... But I guess my situation doesn't really count, seeing that Dream and I never really had someone to love with..."

"Then how am I going to fix this? I-I don't know what I'm even doing." Sapnap stuttered.

"First, you're going to have to face the two... You can't fix this alone Sap, you'll need them, and they need you. Talk to your partners, please?"

"I don't know... I can't have them keep worrying-"

"That's exactly what you're doing!" Quackity yelled, interrupting the two as he walks inside the bathroom. "You wanted to be alone, to keep us away from your problem when clearly this is our problem!"

"Quackity, Calm down-" George spoke, but was pushed behind by the other alpha as Quackity gripped the collar of Sapnap's shirt.

"You mother fucking shit- who made me worried and frustrated and jealous thinking about what ifs or how you might leave us."

"Sapnap, Quackity cut it out!" Karl rushed inside, going in between the two alphas.

"What's going on?" Dream comes along, glancing at George who's hand gripping on his other arm, worried about the three.

"At least I wasn't letting you carry this pain and frustration that I'm facing-!"

"Excuse me sir, but the other guest can hear you outside." A staff walked in, asking Dream to calm the others down or they'll have to kick them out of the restaurant.

"George, cover your nose." Dream instructed, as he grabs the omega unto his chest, telling the other staff to go as well and not to let anyone in without them leaving first.

"Enough you two, stop this please!" Karl cried out, pulling Quackity's hand from gripping Sapnap's shirt.

"We all feel the pain Sapnap because we're partners! Even if we aren't soul mates we are still one!" The alpha yelled.

"Enough!" Dream growled, letting out his dominant Alpha pheromones that can make everyone fear him including other alphas.

Karl started to shiver and cough from the intense smell, unable to breathe as he was suffocating from the dominants' scent. Sapnap and Quackity stopped their argument, having the need to cover up their noses as they felt the sudden shiver ran down their legs as if to tell them to surrender.

This is another trait that dominant alphas have over the rest, they can control others as well as make them fear themselves, and that's what makes them special yet rare to find.

"Dream enough, you're suffocating them-!" George muffled under his mates' hold, before the alpha stopped himself from creating more pheromones.

Instinctively the other two alphas growled, feeling threatened as they both cuddled their omega who's still in shock at the sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry, I just had to or else you wouldn't stop." Dream sighs, knowing he's done something illegal but was the only solution he's got to stop their fight.

The five of them existed the restaurant, Dream went to the parking lot as he got his car and drove to the main entrance of the building, picking George and the other three up as his omega seated next to him in the front passenger seat, the three occupying the back seats.

The trip was almost as silent, before George started playing some light music as they drive, his gaze sometimes looking at the front mirror just to check on the three.

Karl seemed to cool off now, his head leaned against Sapnap's while Quackity rubs circles on his hand.

It seems that the bridge between the two Alphas is their omega, Quackity being the stubborn yet adventurous type, and Sapnap being the cautious and more skilled type while Karl was the calming and going with the flow type. Three types person with different traits all huddled in one relationship.

The thought of that made George chuckle slightly, earning a few curious glances inside the car as Dream might have guessed what he was thinking, smiling at the brunette before he glanced at the three by the front mirror.

Soon they all came to a stop on Quackity's place. As the three made their decision to stay there for the night, even making George shoo over to Dream's house as they bid their good nights and got inside.

"Wow, Quackity just kicked you out." Clay chuckled, seeing as how George was kind of annoyed that they changed their minds so suddenly.

"Well, at least they'll be able to talk things through tonight..." George sighs, his eyes roamed towards his mate as the alpha kept his eyes on the road.

Dream hummed, knowing it was for the better that those three would talk and fix their little argument. "So what should we do when we get to my place?" He asked, thinking of something he'd probably want to do but not sure if George would.

"I don't know, what about you Dreamy?" The brunette teased.



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