Chapter 12

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George couldn't help but sit in the middle of the sofa as he munches on some crisps, watching the latest show of a cartoon series called 'The Muffin Man' starring a half demon half angel like character with his trusty diamond friend with a halo on top.

The show was most likely about their adventures together and how they puzzled through every challenges each episodes provide. George have been watching this series ever since he heard of it back in his middle school years, almost five years since the first episode was launched and he's been hooked up to it since.

Quackity was in his bedroom sleeping after all the partying he did last night, and today is saturday to which George would expect the alpha to pick him up by noon, not that he's excited about it or anything.

"Oh no Skeppy the tower is locked what should we do now?!" The character named BadBoyHalo in the television says, as they were trap in a huge tower maze.

"Bad! Use your wings to fly us out of here!" Skeppy yelled, suggesting as he points out a window at the very top part of the tower.

"But that is too high, we might never make it!" BadBoyHalo blurted as he was beginning to loose hope, feeling the tower starting to crumble beneath them.

"Trust yourself Bad, you can do this!" Skeppy said, nodding as he encourages the boy to spread its wings and fly up.

The two manages to get out of the tower, ending the episode with the saying, "No matter what situation it may be, never forget to trust yourself." quoted by BadBoyHalo.

George couldn't help but smile as the episode ended, breaking into a commercial. He takes this opportunity to grab his phone on the table, checking the time to see that it was almost time before twelve hits the clock.

He finds it weird how he himself would check on the hour from time to time as if he'd ever want to go on a date with Dream. Sighting as he searches for Karl's phone number, he wanted someone to talk to before that alpha shows up in front of this house.

He was quick to dial as the phone started ringing, and it didn't take long for the other omega to answer the call.

"Ey George what's up?" Karl greeted.

"Karl I need a help on something." He asked.

"Shoot." Karl gestured.

"Okay so yesterday, well actually remember when I told you about how Dream said that he would come and see me again?" He chatted.

"Yeah? Wait did the two of you met yesterday and coincidentally ride on the bus?" Karl said.

"Well yeah- wait how did you know?" George asked, focused.

"Oh honey It's that easy to guess considering all you do is wake up, school, go home, sleep." Karl groaned checking his nails out as George was on the other line still.

"Okay fine, but then he asked me on a date and-"

"Which is today and you're in need for advise as to why you feel like you don't want to but deep down your begging to be with him huh?" Karl said, guessing again.

"How are you-" Now George was there left even more confused and amazed at how his friend manages to butt in on every sentence he tries to make.

"Simple, maybe because you're into him and your too stubborn to admit it." Karl said in a bored tone, as he holds his phone between his ears and shoulder while he starts to clean his nails.

"But Karl I'm serious this feeling, it's weird like I know I've never met him but it feels like I have and that I should be with him, it's like whenever I feel his touch there's this sparkly feeling-"

"You're mated pair!" Karl gasps, yelling through the phone.

"My what?" George asked, as he couldn't believe what Karl just said.

"You felt the sparks right? And whenever you think of him you get drowned by it. You also show signs down there everytime you think of something-"

"Okay Karl we don't have to get too detailed now." George retorted, hearing a chuckle over the line.

"Sorry, but for real though. If you felt those signs then he must be your mated pair, otherwise you wouldn't feel naturally attracted to him. And I don't mean like normal natural way I mean like the more instinct way of attraction."

"So he's my real mate, Like a soul mate? But how is that possible, these days people would just marry whoever they choose and wouldn't follow traditions of finding their mated pair."

"Well obviously not everyone will be blessed to see their mated pair, but for your case though, its different. Well I'm not saying you should follow your instincts George but you know, I'm just trying to tell you that you're a very lucky person to meet them. Not that you'd accept them or anything, but feel free to reject Dream if you don't want him." Karl stated.

"Yeah alright, thanks for the advise and for answering my questions Karl." I said, sighing as I just realized what it means.

"No problem, and just take your time George, it's up to you whether you try things out with him or not. Anyways I got to finish my nails, see ya!" He said, as he turned off the call leaving George to think for a bit as he tries to figure out a way to reject the alpha as formal as possible.

He ended up starring at the tv screen while his thoughts drifted about the thing called mated pairs or as some others say it as soulmates where he thinks it was ridiculous and a false story to which it was really rare to find your instinctual pair.

He sighs as he got up of the sofa, hearing the doorbell rang from outside as he could already tell who it was. He takes a moment before stepping unto the door, opening it to see the handsome looking alpha in his casual attire with a bunch of blue orchids at hand.


Enjoy the update ~

My publishing hours is cracked - lol


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