Chapter 33

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Two days have gone by since the incident of Clay's rut, and George was now in his room back at Quackity's place, opening up an email that was sent by the university.

"Are you ready to open it Zy?" He asked, nervous of what he might seen as his friend Zyra was in call with him.

"Yes... Let's do it!" She exclaimed, the two of them pressed the mail and popped out a white screen with a few words of announcement in them, reading it carefully word for word as they reached the middle of the paragraph.

"In behalf of the school's faculty staffs and superiors we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted..." Zyra mumbled, as she paused and suddenly squealed with joy at what she just read.

"...accepted George Davidson into the university as a student of Computer Science." The brunette happily read the rest of his paragraph before yelling happily as he also got accepted in the school.

"Yes George we got in, this amazing!" She excitedly said, "This means we can start the semester next month!"

"I know right?! Holy cow, Zyra!  I got to end the call I'll need to call my mate and tell him the good news." The brunette said, as Zyra also needed to call her parents, ending the phone call.

George just realized he called Dream his mate, making him blush behind the screen as he tap on the alpha's number. Taking a few seconds before Clay picked up the call.

"Hey Dream." He greeted.

"Hey love, I'm in the middle of a meeting, what's up?" Dream asked, pausing his meeting with twelve people just waiting for him there.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-" George apologized, thinking he shouldn't keep the other employees waiting.

"No, no it's okay... So tell me?" Dream asked eagerly.

"I got into the university!" The omega squealed in excitement.

"Really? That's amazing, we should celebrate." Dream smiled, talking a bit too loud for the other employees to stare at him, surprised to see their CEO could actually smile like that. "I'll pick you up later okay? And bring your friends with you."

"Thank you Dream, and okay I'll tell them!" George responded, smiling as he ended the call with Dream.

"Mm, bye..." Dream sighs, proud at his mate that made it through the exams. He glanced to see the people around him looking curiously, some trying to clear their throat as they glanced at another direction.

"Sorry, it was my mate, please continue..." He slightly coughs, hearing everyone's tiny gasps and seeing their surprised expressions.

Dream was never the type of person to involve his private life with the company, hence a lot of people including his employees would think he's a cold CEO on the outside. The meeting then continued at the presenter  got back on the front .

Meanwhile George stepped out of his room, hurriedly knocking on Quackity's as he wondered if the alpha was still asleep even though it's almost past noon.

Quackity's always like this, his sleeping schedule messed up as always as he would usually spend his nights on a casino or partying with his friends. It makes the brunette think how come Sapnap and Karl never talked some sense into him.

"Oh Quackity we are going on a party tonight." George joked in a more high british tone, as he heard the doorknob twitching.

"What party?" The alpha grumbled, peaking through the crack of the door as he was woken up by the brunette.

"I'm celebrating my acceptance in the university with Dream, he said to invite everyone."

"Does this mean I'll invite everyone I'd want as well?" Quackity smirked, as George told him it was just a dinner meal for tonight with friends.

"Lame, I thought you were going to have a bigger party." Quackity scoffed, closing his door as he headed downstairs to grab some glass of water.

"Come on Quackity, I'll tell Karl and Sapnap too, also Zyra if she's available." George said, following him downstairs.

"Okay, okay I'll go geesh... But just so you know, you got to make sure and explain to your alpha that we mean no harm cause potentially since you've been marked, Dream might feel a little uncomfortable with two other alphas around."

"Don't worry I'm sure Dream has control over himself, so long as it isn't his rut." George reassures, his hand clutching to where Clay's mark is.

"So how'd it feel?" Quackity asked before drinking a glass of water as they were now inside the kitchen.

"The marking?" George asked.

"Yeah, how'd it feel?"

"It feels, alright... It was very sudden though and now I feel very connected to him even more than before. I feel like my instincts is just to follow wherever my alpha is." The brunette explained, hearing Quackity hummed as he makes his way back upstairs.

"Alright, I'll be in my room just call me again when we go." The alpha gestured, sprinting up the stairs as George watches him disappear.

George has been feeling like something is wrong with the trio, as ever since Sapnap and Zyra met they have been a little distant to one another, mostly Sapnap who keeps himself busy on helping his father on their business.

Karl was worried as well when he called George yesterday, explaining that the his two alphas seemed like they're not in good terms.

George went ahead and got back to his next step which is to message or call Karl, Sapnap and Zyra as he was pretty excited for them to be able to join him and Dream for tonight's dinner.

Karl happily agrees while Sapnap said that he'd go and Zyra telling George that they would also be celebrating with her parents and big sister.


Burned out- might take a day off ..

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