Chapter 25

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George stirred awake as he noticed the sounding alarm of someone's phone, mumbling curses as he was never the morning type of person.

His eyes fluttered open as he finds Clay still asleep beside him, his muscular hands on George's waist as they were both in a cuddle position. The brunette felt his cheeks burn slightly as he remembers how he's finally confessed to the blonde, glancing at Dream's sleepy face before he looks over the bedside table to see the alpha's phone.

He slowly reaches for it, swiping the screen to end the annoying sound of alarm just in time for Clay to stirred awake.

Dream glanced at an unexpected view in the morning, where be sees George's stomach over his face as the brunette placed the phone back down. He chuckled lightly, earning the attention of the omega as George got back to his part of the bed.

"Sorry your phone was a bit annoying." He mumbles, apologizing to the blonde as his hands moved over to Dream's forehead, caressing it.

"Good morning then..." The blonde smiled, feeling the sparks from George's touch as he rolls over to his side, now facing George's legs as he hugs the omega, one of his hands wrapping around Georges waist.

"Get off of me I want to lay down." The brunette complained as Dream just tighten his hold unto him.

"No... We need to get up." He mumbles, taking his hands off of George as he sat up from the bed.

George scoffed, not listening to Clay as he lays back down on the bed, now facing the opposite of Dream. "I'm never a morning person." He sneered, earning a chuckle from the alpha.

"Then how come you always get to school?" Clay asked.

"I never said I was early." He confessed, true though, he was never early. Usually he'd be there a couple minutes late.

"Come on George, you'd not want to miss breakfast in a fancy apartment." Dream cooed, as he grabs George from behind, burying his face on the omega's shoulders as he tries to tickle George's nape with his mouth.

"Okay okay stop it!" George laughed, ticklish from behind his neck as he tries to break off the alpha's hold.

Dream took the opportunity to tease the brunette, suddenly sucking the omega's neck to where his mark should be, as George let's out a flustered moan.

"You like that Georgy?" He whispered over the omega's ears.

George nods in response, shivering at the lustful sound of Clay's voice as he allows Dream to continue licking and sucking his supposed marking spot over his neck.

Clay made sure to control himself as he doesn't want to force the omega to be marked by him, instead making this temporary purple marks as well as mixing their scents together to let others know that George is his.

His hands started to roam below George's waist, feeling the stiffened member as the omega lets out his own scent. Everytime an omega gets turned on, they'd release this certain scent that alpha's seem to react more, especially their mates which would also happen during their heat. 

Alphas on the other hand can produce multiple types of hormones, one with lust, a calming scent for his mate and a threatening scent for others that tries to hurt them or their mate.

"Clay..." George moaned, feeling the alpha's hand on top of his hardened dick as he rubs it on top of George's shorts.

"Yes baby?" Dream cooed, as he whispered unto the brunette's ears, teasing the omega more.

"Please..."George mumbles, frustration and excitement in his senses as he could feel the alpha's hand grabbing the hems of his shorts, pulling it down slightly as to reveal the omega's member.

He started gently rubbing the omega's dick, stocking it up and down as he continued to tease George's neck.

"You're so hot George..." Dream whispered, as the omega let's out a pleasurable moan, moving his face sideways to see Dream's.

George immediately latches his lips unto his alpha's face as he muffled out noises that makes Dream go faster as George suddenly releases his load all over the place.

The alpha was the first to break their kiss, surprised to see how fast he was able to make George cum, as his pride as an alpha went up.

He lets go of the brunette, sitting up as he looks over to George's panting face. The omega chuckled as he sat up right next to Dream.

"I should probably change the covers while you go change into another pair of clothes." The alpha stated, glancing at the mess he's created before he felt the omega lean on his shoulders.

"I want you to change me..." George mumbles, yawning as he felt a bit tired.

Clay chuckled in response, glancing at the pair of eyes that was watching him as he leans in closer, closing the gap between them as he gives the omega a smooch. "Alright I'll do all of that for you." He mumbles, closing his eyes as their noses meet one another.

The two of them soon got downstairs after he'd change the covers and changed George a pair of new clothes, this time wearing his hoodie and a loose pants.

"Ay finally you are awake-" Someone from the kitchen exclaimed as Clay walked inside holding George on his arms like a princess.

"Oh my gods Clay Xander you!" His aunty yelled, as George started to blush when he thought they did all of that while someone was downstairs cooking food.

"Aunty relax, this is George the one I talked about." Dream announced.

"Hello uh- aunty good morning..." George mumbles, sliding himself off of the alphas hold as he straighten himself.

"My my what a young man! Clay here didn't force you to come here did he?" Her aunty rushed towards George.

"What?! Aunty!" Clay complained, jokingly rolled his eyes at his aunt's comment.

"Oh no- I was invited to come here..." George stuttered, smiling awkwardly as Clay's aunt checked him out.

"You smell just like him now... Could it be you?" The alpha's aunt asked.

"We aren't officially mates aunty, we just started dating." Dream stated, taking over his aunty's cooking as she was making some pancakes.

"I see, that's wonderful news! Oh come, come sit here..." His aunt said, dragging George towards the table as she gestures for the brunette to sit on the empty chair.

George thank her before Clay comes over with two plates filled with pancakes and bacon. He placed one in front of the brunette as he goes fo the opposite side taking his eat.

"The two of you look perfect together..." Dream's aunt cooed before she wrapped things up in the kitchen.

The omega blushed at the comment as Clay hums in return, gesturing the omega to eat as the two of them happily ate their meals.



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