Chapter 37

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"Zyra!" George yelled, walking out from his last class to see his friend already waiting for him in the halls.

"Finally, you're first day and it's taking you so long." The girl jokingly complained, closing her textbook as she places it on her bag.

George walks up to her rolling his eyes, "It's not my fault most of my schedules are in the afternoon."

"Yeah I guess you're right. But waiting for you for like an hour and a half? Geesh..." She complained, the two of them started to walk outside of campus. "Are you taking the bus today or is your mate going to pick you up?"

"He messaged me earlier, he said he'd pick me up." George mumbled.

"Aww you two are such a cute couple..." Zyra teased, the brunette rolled rolled his eyes again.

"Ain't Quackity picking you up?" He smirked, teasing her back.

"Don't mention it, I'm still getting used to this type of relationship..." She slightly blushed.

"Well, life is full of surprises..." George smiled. He was happy that the trio couple found a solution.

They knew there was a chance one or even two of them would eventually find their soul mate, and ever since the three talked things out, they decided to talk for her about it.

Zyra surprisingly said yes after Sapnap, Quackity and Karl asked her out. They taught her what it means to have more than one partner, and she and Sapnap can also become closer together.

At first she thought it was best for her to just stay away, but Karl and Quackity insisted for her to be a part of the three, making them four. Though she haven't talked about it yet to her parents, but she did planned on having the three to her house this weekend.

Having three males with you would probably start a riot on some people, but she didn't care. She just wanted someone to love and cherish her, and surprisingly, she got three of them.

"It's full of surprises indeed..." She smiled, looking down as she thought of the time the three of them asked her out the last couple of weeks.

"Hey as long as you're happy and they're happy, everything will be fine." George told her, as they stepped out of their department building.

The two of them continued walking to the main building infront of the other department buildings where the parking lot is for them to find their ride.

"Zyra!" Karl called out as he stepped out of his car. He walked towards the girl, smiling as his hands roamed towards her cheeks.

"Karl? I thought Quackity-"

"He had something to do with his brother. It's about their family business, so I came here to pick you up." The omega said as he leans forward, kissing Zyra's forehead, making the raven haired girl blush.

"I understand, alright bye George!" Zyra exclaimed, as Karl waved at the brunette before the two of them walked towards Karl's car.

He watched as the two left the parking lot, driving off outside of campus as he glances around looking for his mate. "He probably is in a traffic..." George mumbled, as he sighs and walked to a nearest bench.

He takes out his book that he borrowed from the library, knowing that he may as well read while waiting.

"You waiting for someone?" A familiar voice mentioned, the brunette glancing up to see the same alpha from the library.

"Yeah, my mate is picking me up." George smiled, as Wilbur asked if he could sit which the brunette gestured him yes.

"I see, I'm waiting for my driver to pick me up as well." He announced, looking at the bunch of cars parked in the parking lot, mostly from students and some from the faculty staffs.

"You have you're own private driver?" George asked, not knowing.

"Yes, it seems like you don't know me too well George." Wilbur said, wondering if he'd ever heard of the Soot family.

"I don't do well in showbiz, are you a celebrity?" The omega smirked, which Wilbur let out a chuckle.

"Not quite."

Just then a loud beep from a black SUV came into view, where a few seconds later came out George's mate.

"Dream!" The brunette exclaimed, running towards his mate as he wraps his arms on the blonde's shoulders, his alpha doing the same as he wraps his hands on George's waist, smiling before he glanced towards Wilbur.

Shocked and a surprised expression came from both the two alphas as their eyes came a contact. Instinctively, Dream hugged the brunette tighter.

Wilbur stood up from his seat, glancing towards George before his eyes land on Clay's, smirking as he figured something out from his family's enemy. Something precious that Dream wouldn't want to loose more than anything in his life.

Wilbur Soot, the son of Michael Soot who's the next in line to his father's company. The one that Dream hoped he wouldn't encounter in this school and the reason why he was against it was now having a conversation with his own mate.

It made Dream's blood boil as he tried not to growl while hugging his omega. "Dream? Are you okay?" George asked, concerned that his mate is gripping him a bit harder than usual.

Clay realized what he was doing as he lets go of the brunette, his expression changed instantly from anger and hate to s smile as he gestures for George to step inside the car.

"Oh wait," The brunette said, as he turned around as waved goodbye as Wilbur. The other alpha doing the same as he acted like he didn't know Dream.

Once George was inside, Dream glanced towards Wilbur, growling as he warned the other alpha not to try anything before he hops inside his car.

The two drove away, leaving Wilbur to look at their as they left the campus. The alpha sighs, grinning as he may have found something out that will take that alpha down for sure, and his company.

He knows that Dream would never let someone get involved in his fight between them, as he was going to use it to his advantage. "Dream, Dream, Dream..." He said, just in time for his driver to pick him up as he steps into his car and gestures his driver to drive straight to his father's company, excited to tell his father the news.

"George, who was that person?" Dream asked while the two of them were seated in the car, pretending he didn't know Wilbur.

"He's Wilbur, I met him earlier in the school library when I was glancing around some novel books. He's in the art department." George explained to his mate.

Dream already knows about this, but he just wanted to be sure that the omega doesn't know anything about the Soot family, as he wanted George to be safe and not know what's going on with their rivalry.

"That's good to know, do you know who he is outside of campus?" The alpha asked.

"No? Why are you two asking me that." George chuckled, thinking it was weird that the two alphas were saying the same thing.

"No reason, don't worry about it." Dream sighs, as his thoughts encircled on how he's able to protect George during his time in the university.

"Okay?" George replied, confused yet not bothered too much as he just wanted to rest.

"So have you decided yet?" Dream asked, changing the topic.

"On moving? I don't know..." He said uncertain as he still thinks that he'd miss his friend.

"Don't worry, I won't annoy you too much with moving in with me." The alpha teased, as George rolled his eyes, chuckling as he knows it was a lie.

"You're never gonna stop are you?" He scoffed at his alpha, earning a smirk.

"Hehe, nope." Dream teased.



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