Chapter 36

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(George POV)

Today's finally my first day in college, being a 1st year meant lots of keeping up to do as I entered the university campus.

It's been a while since I've been here, walking around while sightseeing the campus grounds. I wasn't able to do this back at the entrance exams due to the fact that I was all nervous and panicky back in the day.

I haven't seen Zyra yet, though we don't really have the same schedule seeing that I have the two hours of my morning vacant before I have a two hour class on a subject. She did showed me her schedule before the semester started to which her morning schedule were full.

The school university's blending class is a bit confusing, as every room might consist other students from other department courses that would still be in a class of another department. Some would be from the second years or fourth year students, those that would sit in with the rest.

Though there are some benefits into this as it enables students to interact with each other and from their seniors as well as it's an easier system for the school.

The main disadvantage would be when someone starts to let their pheromones on the loose, or someone forget to take their heat suppressants. I've seen some incidents before back in my high-school, and it was not a sight to see especially if an alpha senses you.

I sigh, thinking about it now makes me worried due to the fact most omegas would rather stop continuing going to college and just live a normal life or start finding a job. Alphas and Betas have more chances on graduating as well due to the fact that they have more sense of control over their body.

I'm glad Clay was able to mark me then, because now I wouldn't be so worried if ever an alpha tries to approach me as I am not claimed.

I went ahead and found another building behind the main building of the university, glancing at the sign to see that it was the campus library surrounded by a bunch of trees and a gorgeous fountain on front of the entrance. I could already see some students talking to each other, having a blanket underneath a tree as they all sat and do whatever it is they're doing.

The university really is one of the biggest university on the city, as well as it's very popular and students would be able pay less in here. I did talk to Clay about having a dorm in the university to which he greatly denied and said I'd be better if I just live with him. True his apartment is closer than Quackity's residence, and the traffic just commuting from Quackity's house to herr would ruin my schedule.

I haven't really decided yet, knowing that if I live with Dream then that would mean I'd have to leave my friends behind, and Quackity has never told me that I was a burden to him while I'm still living there, but I got to admit I do sometimes get on his nerves.

I decided to just go inside the library, being greated by the librarian in the front desk who immediately informed me about the common rules and giving me the library card all students have.

"Thank you." I slightly mumbled as I excuse myself and went through the halls filled with tons of books, each section of the shelves have diffrrent genres, it was surprising that the library included some novel books, though it's probably a useful item for the people learning in the art departments.

I ran a finger through the bunch of books, picking out something to read while I still have an hour of my day before my first subject. I picked out what seems to be a werewolf story, looking at the cover as it sparked some interest.

I gladly took a hold of the book, scribbling through a random pagr as to see if it was interesting.

"It's one of the best werewolf books out there, the author did an amazing job with the concept." A guy mumbled, glancing towards the taller figure as he was also flipping a page on another book, his glasses on while he meticulously shares his thoughs with the book I'm holding.

"Pardon?" I asked, as I suddenly couldn't take my eyes off him. He was wearing a darkish brown trench coat, with a yellow shirt inside and black pants.

"The names Wilbur, Wilbur Soot. I'm in the art department, music is my major." The man introduced himself, taking his eyes away from his book.

"Oh, I'm George, George Davidson. I'm in the computer department." I replied, as the man named Wilbur Soot smiled towards me.

"Nice to meet you George, are you perhaps vacant?" He asked, leaning his shoulder on the shelf.

"Yeah I was looking around..." I said.

"First year I see? I'm in my third year." He mumbled, as he gestures his hand toward me, giving it a shake. "You're mated I see?" He asked, as I glanced on my side.

"Oh yeah, I found my soulmate." I smiled, proud of Clay's mark on me. I can already tell from Wilbur's features that he's another alpha.

"Well, I'm sure you're both lucky." He said as I gave him a nod in response.

The two of us ended up talking the rest of my free time about the book I got, surprised that he could remember all about it even though he already read it two years ago on his first year in college.

He told me how he's been obsessed in reading novels and had almost finished the entire novel collection here in the university, which is quite impressive to an e-book reader like me.

Wilbur and I had something in common, one with being a freak when it comes to reading something, though I prefer it digitally while he likes it more in books.

I shared to him some books online that I read, with him telling me that some of them he'd already read as well, telling me that he's had an entire collection of books in his house.

It was fun to have another friend around, though he's a senior to me but he was pretty open and has a slightly dark humour.

"Oh shoot, I need to go..." I gasps, checking the time on my phone as I already have a fee minutes to spare.

"Better run along then Gogs, or you'll be late on your first day." He chuckled, frowning at him by the new nickname.

"Okay Wil. I'll be going then." I scoffed, giving him a shortened nickname too as he whispered laughed.

"See ya around George..." He smiled waving as me while I started to exit the building.



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