Chapter 11

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(Dream POV)

"Bye Georgie." I said, leaving the omega frowning as I stepped out the bus.

It was true that I had been very busy lately with a few new investments my company have been preparing, as well as the business trip I had to go through in order to finish a sort of deal from one of the company stakeholders.

As a dominant alpha my natural instincts would have been telling me to go home and see George, but luckily I was able to stop myself. The omega has been circling my mind lately, and everytime I had a free time I would always message for a report from one of my bodyguards that's been watching him from afar.

True this might seem like I've been spying and crossing boundaries, but I just couldn't help but feel a bit worried when I'm far from him, call me whatever you want but what's mine is mine. If I could I would have dragged him earlier back to my place, assuming the worst though and not to scare him off, so I rather not and take this slowly instead.

I went on and got to a stop in front of one of my apartment buildings where I'm currently staying as I haven't really thought of buying a house property yet. Walking past the receptionist who greeted me as I stepped unto the elevator towards the floor  of where my unit is.

I didn't really like the idea of living on the most top floor of the building so I made sure to have my own suite in the middle floor before they finished the entire building as it was to my liking.

Getting inside after unlocking the password, I was greeted by my great aunt who is also my care taker and nanny when I was still a child.

"Good afternoon Clay, welcome home. How's your trip this past days?" She greeted, taking off my coat as I passed it unto her so she could take care of it.

"It was fine aunty, I also met him today." I said, she isn't really family related but my past wasn't really the best and that is one of the reasons why I feel closer to her than my own mother.

"Ah my dear boy you're finally meeting the love of your life." She beamed, taking off her apron as she existed the kitchen.

I chuckled in response, "You could say that, although I'm not quite sure we met at the right place."

"Hmm, I'm guessing you had the taste before the date?" She said, shaking her head as a bit of disappointment.

"Aunty, it was complicated." I sigh, sitting down on the couch.

"How so? You could have just ask him out first when you saw him." She responded.

"We met at one of my friend's birthday party. He was drunk later on so I-" I explained.

"So you made a mistake and dragged him in, my dear Clay how could you?" She sighs.

"Well technically I did kind of lost a little control over his pheromones. I couldn't help myself aunty he was definitely the one, you know when you used to tell me there's a chance you'll meet your mated pair just by looking and the reaction to their pheromones?" I said, remembering how she used to always tell me how him and uncle have met.

"Yes I did, so did you felt the spark?" She asked, half smiling.

"Definitely. I felt it when we looked at each other's eyes, and the way we touched for the first time, I wonder if he felt it too?" I said, mumbling the latter part.

"Well if that's how you felt it then just do what you think is best for both of you. But more importantly, remember not to be too pushy or your omega might run off." She advised, just as she headed towards the door. "I'll be off then, remember to eat your dinner inside the fridge. And I whipped up some snacks for you if you ever need them tonight."

"Yes aunty and thank you, you didn't have to cook for me though." I said, appreciating what she did.

"Nonsense, I will always be here to cook for you Clay. Now take care I'll be off." She said as she opened the door and left the apartment.

I let out a deep sigh, knowing that aunty way right. I had to take this seriously and think what will make George open up to me, or there's a chance he's going to just disappear one day.

Being the dumb inexperienced man I am at dating and romance, I went ahead and took my phone, searching for things that I need in order to win someone's heart, call me desperate but I don't care.

All my life I always believed in what aunty said to me about mates, although most of the population just be together for love or toher sort of connections, I've always believed that one say I'll find my mated pair.

Still, I wonder if George ever felt the spark or maybe he's just his usual stubborn self. I did see his profile from when I investigated him, he wasn't really the type of person to be sociable to everyone. He always do his best and always believed he can do anything himself.

His family background was something that really hit me though, his father left him and his mother when he found out about George's special traits. His mother drowned by sorrow and turned into an alcoholic addict. For an eighteen years old to handle such task, I'm very impressed by how far his survived such a messed up household.

I continued scrolling through various websites and reading a few articles before eventually heating up aunty's cooking and eating it while turning on the television watching today's news.

Finally having a plan set up for tomorrow's date, now all I need to do is to relax and wait just until the sun rises for tomorrow.


Another Update For This Story Cause why not?  :)

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