Chapter 20

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(Dream POV)

George was a bit annoyed that we didn't go to his favorite McDonalds for today's dinner celebration. It was clear to me how the brunette can sometimes act like a little kid whenever he wants to, which I find it quite adorable to his spunky personality.

I led him to a five star restaurant in the middle of the city where most people wouldn't be able to afford a seat. I wanted it to be special since today is a special day for him, knowing George for a month and a few weeks now that he never liked the idea of spending so much money.

"Dream I told you we didn't have to eat in such restaurants!" He whispered yelled as his angry looking eyes pierced my own.

The two of us were inside a private room where the waiters will just be serving us a full course meal for the night. I did say its his special day right?

"Relax George, I said it again and again that today is special." I stated as I could tell that he was still a bit annoyed at the situation.

We were both seated against each other as the sun sets towards the west creating the orange purpled skies surrounding the city as the stars started to shown brighter, creating a very beautiful sight to see.

"Golden hour..." George murmurs, as he was also watching the view upon us. I couldn't help but sigh in awe, glancing at the omega in front of me as he smiled towards the horizon.

"They use to say that whenever it's golden hour, you'd get to feel or see someone you once loved." He said, referring to the old stories and folktales of people.

"If it were true, who would you want to see George?" I asked bluntly, waiting for him to speak as his eyes drifted towards mine.

"I haven't really seen my grandparents from both sides," he paused, taking a deep breath as he continued to tell, "and you already know about my parents..."

I saw a bit of sadness in George's eyes as he mentioned about his parents, making me feel a little guilty for mentioning such stuff. I was about to say something else when a sudden knock on the door broke my attention, answering it before a few servers came in and placed down our appetizers.

George's face suddenly changed in an instant as he saw the meal being placed on the table, it was his usual favorite burger patty, but instead mini sized bites.

"Oh my gosh they're soo cute! Dream look at it- its really cute- oh wait I got to take a photo of this and send it to Karl." George exclaimed, taking out his phone to take a few photos with the food.

I chuckled watching him while he sends the photo to his friend. "Told you you'd like it here."

The brunette playfully stick his tongue out as he delicately grabbed the burger off the plate, taking a bite as he must have felt how delicious it was due to the sudden low moan he lets out while engulfing the food.

He must have realized himself as his face suddenly turned red. Quickly looking away from my gaze as he gets one napkin on the table and wipes out a juice of the patty that ran through his jaw.

"Sorry, that must have surprised you." He said, trying to apologize for the cute thing he has done.

"No need to apologize George, you can eat whatever it is you prefer. Just enjoy eating the meal while I enjoy watching you be satisfied." I said, smirking as I tease the brunette, holding one of the mini burgers into my mouth, taking a bite out of it.

"S-shut up you creep..." He stuttered, trying to hide his blush as he furiously grabs another burger bites and stuffed it into his mouth.

Trying to conceal my laugh as another knock on the door can be heard. This time it was the main fish which consisted of pasta and chicken, just like how George would wanted it.

His eyes then turned sparkly as the waiters served our meal, bidding them thanks as they left the room. Again, George took another photo and sent it to his friend, telling me in the process about how he's planning on taking up computer science as he thinks that he has better skills in information technology back in his highschool years.

"You can certainly do that if that is what you want to do." I told him, as I deliberately cut a piece of chicken meat and ate it.

"I'll give it my all and hopefully pass the admissions exam next month. I've already chosen the school I'd like to attend." He stated, as I listen to him about the other details he wanted to say.

"Are you sure you want to attend that university? I could send you to a better college." I suggested, knowing that if George goes to a university then there's a possible chance their subjects will sometimes merge with other department and even other levels.

"I'm sure of it Dream, you did say I'd live my life right?" He said, reminding me of my own words back at the time I'd offered to help.

I sigh in defeat, knowing George that he'd do anything to fight against my will. "Alright then it's up to you."

"Yes!" He exclaimed, holding his hands up high in victory as he hummed in delight.

The two of us finished out the main course, just in time for the desserts to come through which was Vanilla ice cream with chocolate fudge and a few other side dishes such as chips, fries, banana splits and marshmallow. All of the omega's favorite dips on an ice cream.

"No way! You actually made them to do this?" He asked, "Hold on a minute, now that I think about it you intentionally let them serve the food I'd usually buy and eat!"

"Yep, this is all the food that you basically like turned into a full course meal in a five star restaurant." I chuckled, seeing the brunettes shocked expression before be started laughing.

"Dream, what would the chefs think of this, like isn't this kind of humiliating to the person in charge of this place?" He asked, concerned about the staffs.

"George, this restaurant is owned by me." I said, relieving about how I brought him into one of my smaller businesses.

"Y-you own this place?!" He exclaimed, as I requested one of the servers to let the chef be in here in less than ten minutes.

Soon the chef who's in charge of our meal came with the server and he began greeting me with utmost respect. "Good Evening Mr. Dream, I hope the meal I served today pleases your taste."

"It was splendid indeed chef Liogi, my guest of honor couldn't be more satisfied." I stated, referring to George who looks the the chef and nods in response.

"I see, so this must be a special date since you have requested such unusual food to our menus sir. Well then I won't be in the way any further and thank you Mr.-"

"It's Davidson..." George spoke.

"Mr. Davidson... Pleasure to be at your service." Chef Liogi said before he left the room with the waiter.

"So you really own this place." The omega cleared, giving him a nod as I explained to him some of the few businesses I owned.

Today was wonderful as me and George finished eating and left the restaurant, taking him back to his friend's place as we drove over the night skies and the city lights.

George turned on the speaker as usual as he began humming one of the songs in my playlist, while I focused on driving.

We soon reached the end of our destination as I stopped the car in front of his friend's house, telling him to take care as always as I watch him got out of the car, taking his stuff with him as he placed it down on the floor.

It took me by surprise as George walked towards the driver's seat, opening up the door slightly as he leans in closer to kiss my cheeks, momentarily staring his beautiful eyes with mine before he smiled, bidding me a farewell and drive safely on the road as he started walking into his friends house, closing the gate behind him.


Ey, cheesy~
I had a great time writing this right now

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