Chapter 17

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(George POV)

Someone texted me when I was in the middle of changing my clothes as I prepare for today's event with the boys. Messaging a good morning as I casually put on my shirt.

I grabbed my phone out of its charging cable sitting on my bed, it was an unknown number, but I knew who it was, he's the only person I've given my number out recently.

I texted him back a couple of times, it was still around eight in the morning as Quackity started banging on my door, telling me he's going to open it up.

Dream messaged me to enjoy my day while I replied to him a thanks. Ignoring the babbling Alpha as he comes inside my room asking a question which I deliberately replied with a nod.

"George you're not focused at all! Who the hell are you texting?" He spats, frowning towards me as I officially closed my phone.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure good sir?" I joked, earning a scoffed as he explains to me what he did last friday night.

He told me how messed up it was when he accidentally slapped his hand over to another alpha and gotten his drink on its suit. They almost end up on a fight before Sapnap interrupted and broke the two off.

"Classic HQ..." I chuckled, rolling my eyes playfully as I walked up to the door, opening it half way.

"Look the point is, I accidentally created a ruckus and now Sapnap's going to punish me for it..." He pointed out, nodding my head a few times before I looked towards him.

"I see, so what's the issue?" I asked, as he comes closer, leaning his face next to my ears.

"He makes me want to wear a-" He whispered, making my eyes wide open in surprise of what he said.

"He wants you to wear a butt plug today in public?!" I whispered yelled, "Hold on a second so you're a bottom?" I asked as he gave me a frown.

"So what if I'm a bottom George?"

"Because well- you're an Alpha so I thought you two like switch places with Karl during those times or something-"

"Doesn't mean I can't be an alpha bottom." He sneered, rolling his eyes. He was right though, there are some other Alpha's that wants to be dominated by another Alpha, wether it's a female or a male.

"Sapnap does everything for me and Karl. And if you want details well there's other times where I get to-" He tries to explain.

"Okay Quackity I don't want any details with the three of your's kinks and stuff." I butted in, ending the conversation as I walk out of the door, going downstairs to take a glass of water and pills.

"Was that a heat suppressant?" He asked, turning around as I saw Karl walk through the kitchen.

"Yeah I feel like I'm going in heat." I lied, it was more like a birth control pill than a heat suppressant. Cause I didn't forget how Dream didn't wear any protection that night.

"Oh, should we cancel for today then?" He said in a worried tone.

"Hell no, I'll be fine Karl no worries." I reassured him.

He nods his head just as Sapnap and Quackity walked into the room. And I could already tell he had it in with his uncomfortable face as he tried his best to walk normally.

"Hey omegas, ready to go?" Sapnap questions smiling at the two of us like nothing's going on with those two as I gave HQ an amused smirk.

"We're ready!" Karl exclaimed, not knowing what his two Alpha's are doing as he innocently grab both their hands while walking outside the house.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched karl drag the two towards the gate where Sapnap's car was parked, seeing Quackity trying to keep up because of how fast the omega was walking.

"What's so funny George?" Sapnap called out, glancing behind  while I walked behind them.

"Oh it's nothing, by the way are you alright Quackity? You seem to be limping a little there-"

"I'm fine George just shut the fuck up and mind your own business." He sneered.

"Woah, that seems a bit too harsh my dear."  Karl gestures, taking his hands off the two as Sapnap unlocked the door to his car, getting into the driver seat.

"It's alright Karl, Quackity is just being a piss baby." I teased just as me and Karl got into the back seat, Quackity sitting on the front passenger side.

Quackity scoffed at the comment before Sapnap turns the engine and started driving off to the movies.

We ended up stuck in a bit of traffic as the usual city roads were filled with cars and people on the side walk. Karl and I we're talking busy talking about omega stuff, while Sapnap and Quackity remained quite the entire time.

Soon we've reached the place where it had a few people coming in and out of the theatre, glancing at a few sign boards as Sapnap took a stop to an empty parking space.

Immediately, Karl  said he and Quackity would to go buy the tickets while me and Sapnap buy some food. Walking our separate ways as we headed out to grab a few popcorns, chips and drinks.

"Did Quackity tell you?" He asked, suddenly whispering into my ear as it gave me goose bumps.

"About what?" I tried acting dumb, lifting my shoulders while I took a side glance at him.

The two of us stood in line with a few people. "Oh come on George, you can't fool me." He smirked, accepting my defeat as I nod my head.

"Does Karl know?" I suddenly asked.

"Nope, and don't tell him." He said, giving me a wink as it was our turn to order.

We headed straight to where the two were standing as they gave out the tickets to the person in front, allowing us to enter as he reminded us not to leave out the trash inside the cinema room.


I wonder how Quackity's feeling down there...  :)

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