Chapter 28

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(Dream POV)

The meeting just now ended with a little bit of time to spare before lunch break. I was on my way back to my office when my secretary informed me about another meeting with a business partner this afternoon.

"Postpone it till tomorrow morning because I need to go pick up George." I said calmly, not even bother looking at my secretary as I sent a message to my driver to wait for me.

"But sir this is very important-" He begged, interrupting him by clearing my throat as I do not want to say it twice. He finally gave up and nod with my acknowledgement to leave as I entered back into my office.

The room had a very nice view towards the city and the beautiful mountain terrains as the main Dream building was located near the hill side of the city.

I watched as the tallest building in the university can be seen just a tiny bit on my floor of this building. Not that it's that tall, maybe only a tenth floor building for the school as for Dream Corporation had sixty two floors.

I wondered how George is doing, knowing that he's been preparing for this for a few weeks, going into the public library near his friend's house as he still lives with Quackity and studies about programming and such.

I do believe that he can pass, this university was offered quite a good rating rather than from other university's. George is more than capable enough to to pass, and I know he'll do it.

The only reason I didn't want him to be in that university is because of how most of the students in their campus consist of alphas and betas.

I did asked George for the last time about considering my offer to get him into an all omega school, but as stubborn as he is, well...

I sigh, worrying about something that I'm sure the brunette would be fine to handle it by himself. A few minutes had gone by as my secretary came knocking on the door, telling me that the driver is ready to pick George up.

It was  still too early to go, so I decided I'd make a detour as I walked outside my office and headed downstairs, telling my driver to take me to a jewelry store once I got inside the car.

We arrived there with still an hour and twenty minutes to spare, not minding my grumbling stomach because of how stubborn I am as well as to wait for George so we could eat together for lunch.

I got inside the jewelry shop where they sold a bunch of amazing designs and expensive ones. Looking through every glass cabinet to see if something interest my eyes.

George will definitely scold me for waisting yet again my money for this, as he never really like the idea of getting into too much jewelry fashion.

"Good afternoon sir how may I be at help today?" One of the employees walked up to me as she tries to let out some of her scent.

I immediately let a low growl, as a sign of warning not to mess with me when I felt like I wanted to puke in disgust to her pheromones. Apologizing to me once she must have figured it out that I have a partner already.

Her manager took over to which he immediately recognizes me, greeting me with respect as I asked him to teach their employees property etiquette next time if they wouldn't want to get their shop into bankruptcy.

"I'm very sorry for what happened Mr. Dream, but please how could I be in service for you today?" The manager asked as I finally had an idea on what to buy.

"By any chance you have a matching set of rings?"

"Yes we do, is it for a wedding ring or a couple ring perhaps?" He asked, gesturing me to follow him to where the rings are.

"A couple ring please..." I said, in thoughts that I feel like I'm back to being a teenager again.

The manager went ahead to open up the glass cabinets to where he carefully takes a bunch of couple rings he suggested would be perfect for me and my partner.

Not really bothered to ask me who as they all know I've never showed anything about my true identity to the public, though I let them see my face and my professional persona as Dream.

I glanced at a few, inspecting them closer as I felt like something seems missing out of all of the rings the manager gives me.

"By any chance there's a colourful gem maybe?"

The manager seemed to think for a bit before he goes back to where the rings are and selected out a few silver  and golden rings with colored gems on it. "Here are some that has a colorful touch to it sir."

I eyed at the rings, catching one particularly that is George's favorite color. A silver sing with three tiny blue sapphires in them, resembling like the inner part of a crown and the other one with a spikey ends that had a tiny green gem in the middle. If the two of them combined it forms into a true crown which made me want to buy it.

"I'll take this one." I said, notifying the manager that I've found what I'm looking for. I told him the right sizes before he goes to grab the rings. Taking my card out as I purchased them for twenty thousand dollars.

I then contacted my driver as I got out of the shop, getting inside the car with thirty minutes to spare as we headed to the university.

The campus was very crowded with students catching up for their admissions and some are just the ones that are enrolling for their next semester.

George got out the main entrance a few minutes after I've arrived, stopping from coming out of the SUV as what I saw next beside him was a female talking to him all openly and friendly.

For some reason it made me jealous and want to come out and drag him in here, but I stopped myself and instead asked my driver to signal the horn.

The brunette must have heard as he said something to the girl and was a bit disappointed to see my car. Hurriedly taking a piece of paper as the girl offered her a little paper.

George came over to the SUV a few seconds later, waving at the girl before he hopped inside the backseat, greeting my driver before he realized I was there right beside him, not looking happy at what I just witnessed.


Spicy ~

Ps: George Dreaming Lore POG
(it was too funny)

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