Chapter 15

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George ended up sitting in front of Dream as he squeezes out some cream on the omega's back, rubbing it gently as he could hear murmured complaints from the brunette.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the way how childish George's behavior was, quietly thinking to himself of how cute it must have been when George was still a little boy.

"Finished." He said, motioning George to apply the rest on his arms and feet.

"Geesh you act like a dad." George ranted, taking the bottle while he puts the cream on the rest of his body.

"You'll thank me later." Dream replied, slowly taking off his own shirt which was enough to grab other people's attention.

George tried not to mind knowing that he's already seen all of Dream. He did admit he wasn't too drunk that day, so of course he remembers what happened.

He couldn't help but scoffed as he heard a few whispers from passing females and the three male omegas that were just about five meters away from them.

"Look at that guy, he looks hot" One of them says, motioning the other two to ogle at Dream's body.

"Damn, I wonder is he's mated-" The other one whispered, obviously can still be heard by George who's face looks even more annoyed.

"You know it's very annoying when some people don't mind their business." He mumbles, snapping his face towards the direction of the three omegas as he surprised the blonde on this new behavior.

"I think that's his omega right there..." The third one says.

"Yeah never mind he's taken." The other two replied.

"Jealous?" Dream smirked, seeing the brunette stick his tongue out before George started running towards the water, thinking maybe the brunette ignored him as he heard George yelled.

"Jealous my ass!" He grumbled, noticing a few shocked glances towards him as he dips his feet in the water, allowing his body to get used to the cool temperature.

Dream couldn't help but laugh as the omega's response. "Oh George..." He chuckles, taking his phone out as he zooms in on the brunette now happily submerging himself underwater.

The blonde couldn't help but take a picture as George's head poke out of from below, seeing how adorable his omega is before he notices two Alpha males coming towards George.

Meanwhile the brunette was just minding his own business, dipping himself underwater as he tries to reach out on a piece of white shell.

Happily raising it on the sky as he cheered to his accomplishment, glancing back up to their spot to see Dream focused on his phone, "What the hell is he up to..." He mumbles, before he glanced at the other direction to see two alpha males standing near him.

"Hey there uh- we see you swimming alone out here. Would you like to join us?" One spoke, trying to be polite as George noticed them purposely letting out their pheromones.

"Yeah, you look like you could use a few friends." The other one butted in, before George started to feel like he wanted to puke. Their scents we're making him dizzy as he tries to reject their offer.

"Umm, s-sorry but I-" He stuttered.

"Oh come on now, we ain't going to bite." The other one says seductively, obviously he was lying as he tried to grab George's hand, but was stopped as Dream pulled the brunette's waist towards him.

"Excuse me but do you need something from my mate?" He growled, letting his own pheromones out as to warn the two alphas. George immediately felt safe as he senses Dream, placing both of his hands on the alpha's shoulders as he deliberately clings unto him.

"Ooh uh- sorry we didn't mean to interrupt." The other spoke, quickly walking away from the two as Dream glared at them.

"Dream, can we go back?" George asked, the alpha nods in understanding as he carries the omega back to their spot.

He places George gently on the sheets, quietly rummaging through the bag as he takes out his spare shirt, handing it to the brunette. "Take this, it'll make you feel better..." He suggested.

He knows that his scent affects George in a positive way, being aware that they're in a public place. It is forbidden to release a ton of your pheromones due to the fact that it could start a ruckus on the whole entire crowd.

George takes it without any hesitation, putting it on as he notices how small he looks in them. "You have a big shirt..." He mumbles, trying to start a conversation.

Dream must have noticed it as he made a pun of how amazing his body was built from the gods, making the omega rolled his eyes while he laughs at his joke. He felt satisfied knowing he was able to distract George from the earlier events.

"Shall we take a dip together?" Dream asked, knowing it would be best if he was near him.

"No, I'm good right now..." George sighs as he suddenly moved closer to Dream, allowing himself to lean on his shoulders as  the blonde immediately supports his back. "I'll just stay like this for a while." He whispered, slowly closing his eyes as he engulfed the scent on Dream's clothes, feeling safe and warm right beside him.

"Oh, okay..." The Alpha mumbles, taking in this new feeling of having his soulmate beside him. He wonders what George was thinking when he called him his mate.

Would he even consider being his mate? Will he ever open up to him? Or could it be that he just thinks of their relationship as friends? Dream tries to think of the possibilities, as he suddenly realized George softly snoring next to him.

He gently drags the omega's head towards his legs, allowing the brunette to rest as he watches the waves of the ocean flow towards shore.

He sighs, hoping this would last as George would soon go back to his usual self. "Sleep well my beloved..."


I can't stop with the update-

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