Chapter 18

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"Damn that movie was terrible, and here I thought at least one of the would survive. Also what's taking them so long." Karl complained as him and George waited outside the building for the other two.

"They said they're going to the bathroom." George replied, watching as a few cars left and parked in the parking lot in front of the building.

"Yeah but-"

"Hey ladies sorry for the wait!" Sapnap interrupted, waving at them as they came out of the building.

"Ladies?" The brunette scoffed as Karl rolled his eyes.

"How long did you two hold it in?" Karl grumbled, making Quackity flinched at the question.

"Hold what in?" Sapnap asked.

"Your piss, you've been there for more than fifteen minutes!" Karl argued.

"Oh uh- pretty long actually." Sapnap chuckled, as George couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"What's so funny George?" Quackity retorted, feeling a bit annoyed at the situation.

"Nothing... We should all go though since I still have a couple of homeworks to do." The brunette stated, looking at his phone to see the time as it said one in the afternoon.

"And that is why we watched the movie early because I also happen to have a project." Karl huffed. The four of them started walking towards their car ride.

"I did everything yesterday so I'm good." Sapnap smirked, making the three jealous at how he's finished.

"Well then since your free why don't you help me out?" Karl asked, giving Sapnap the pouty face which made Sapnap sigh in defeat.

"You know I can't resist that face right?" He cooed, pinching Karl's face lightly.

They eventually reached Quackity's house, dropping George off as the trio decided to stay in Karl's place for tonight. George stood by the gate, waving at them as they rode off.

Just as he was about to go inside, another car stopped right infront of the gate noticing the familiar SUV as a man got out with a bunch of bags at hand.

"Good afternoon, are you perhaps George Davidson?" He asked.

"Uh yes?"

"I'm Mr. Dream's secretary, he requested me to send this to you today." He announced as George glanced at the things the secretary was holding, before taking it off from his hands.

"Thank you, but what are these?" He asked.

"A gift..." Is all the secretary said before he walks back towards the SUV. "I should be going now, have a great day Mr. Davidson."

"Oh okay..." George watched as the car drove off before getting inside.

One of the maids Quackity has was cleaning the living room. The two greeted each other as George got upstairs to his room, placing the bags down his bed as he plops himself in it, tired of today's activity.

A sudden ding from his phone made him sit as he grabs his phone on his pocket, seeing a notification from Dream's number.

"Hey George, did you get my gifts?" :)

"Yeah I got it."

"Did you open it yet?"


In Coming Call - Dream

"You just had to call huh?" George rolled his eyes, answering the alpha as he turns it into speaker mode.

"You sure did answered quickly." Dream chuckled from the other line.

"Because you called?" George frowned, opening one of the bags to see clothes his own size.

"Aww I miss you too..." Dream cooed, hearing George open up the gift.

"You bought me clothes?" The omega exclaimed, surprised at what he's holding.

"There's more... Open the black one." He suggested, as George grabbed the black one to see a bunch of oversized hoodies.

"Your clothes..." George murmured as he brings one up to his nose, engulfing the Alpha's scent as it somehow makes him feel relaxed.

"I know you'll need it..." Dream smiled on the other line, knowing George must have done something with it as he was silent for a few minutes.

George blushed as he suddenly realized he's been hugging Dream's hoodie for a couple of minutes before he grabs another bag, interrupting his own daze as he opens up a small box revealing a silver watch.

"Shut up..." He said, a shocked expression in his face.

"I wasn't saying anything." Dream chuckled, confused as George took out the watch and holds it between his face, inspecting the item as it would probably cost more than his remaining pocket money.

"Y-you didn't have to give me a watch Dream." He stuttered.

"But I did..." The alpha stated, knowing it would look good on George's wrist.

"I can't just have this, you already got me clothes." George complained.

"Take it, let's just say the clothes I bought was because it's necessary. Besides, it irritates me to think you wear other else's clothes."

"You sure act like I'm yours when clearly I didn't say anything."

"And I didn't say your mine, I just thought it would be best if you have your own clothing to wear." He denied.

"Yeah right, said the guy who's very pushy since the beginning." George scoffed.

"I'm sorry..." Dream whispered.

"Say that again?" He asked, surprised as how Dream managed to say the word.

"I'm sorry George... For pushing you too much. I'm sorry for being arrogant... I'm sorry for everything." He muttered, "I was being a complete jerk, and I guess excitement just took over me all these times. I'm just very happy  to meet you, my true mate. And I know we started in the wrong foot, but I hope you'd give me a chance. A chance so I could make things right..."

The brunette was silent, as he listens to Dream begging for forgiveness, begging to have a chance. He thought to himself what he wanted to do, if he'd accept the Alpha's apology, if he'd give him the chance. What would happen then?

George sighs, deep down he knows. "What's your real name Dream..."

Dream didn't except the sudden question as he stuttered to mention his name, "Its Clay, Clay Xander..."

"Alright then, nice to meet you Clay Xander, my name is George Davidson..." He introduced himself, "And I'm happy to meet you as well."


I'll skip a day tomorrow just to let ya know :)

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