Chapter 26

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(George POV)

We were sitting at the dining table with Dream's aunt, eating our breakfast while she asks questions about myself. She is a very curious lady, and pretty chill with all of this.

Despite me still wondering if she heard us back up there, where I'm still secretly embarrassed about, she is very cheery and supportive.

"What's your favorite food George? So that maybe one day when you come back here I could cook something you'll like!" She asked.

"Anything is fine aunty, I'm not that picky." I smiled, glancing at her as I cut another piece of pancake.

"Oh he likes McDonald's alright, we'd always goes there every saturday..." Dream teased, butting in on the conversation as her aunt gasps at the sudden confession.

"Oh my, so that's why Clay now always goes out on saturdays!" She cheered, looking at the two as Dream chuckled.

"Hey it's not all the time!" I complained, glaring at him.

"Oh really Georgy?" Dream cooed, as her aunt adored at the two of us.

"Both of you really have a chemistry." She mumbled happily.

A sudden ring from Clay's phone broke the conversation, as he pauses eating his breakfast and got out of his seat. "I need to pick this up, I'll be right back." He gestured to me and his aunt before he left the kitchen.

As soon as Clay left the room, his aunt looked at me and said something, "Aw George, you have no idea how happy I am to see Clay finally eating again on this table."

She confessed, pausing my meal as I asked her, "What do you mean aunty?"

"Well you see, Clay never had someone to eat with, and whenever I offer to have a meal with him, he would just decline and instead turn his focus on his job..."

"Really?" I stuttered, glancing at my plate that's already almost empty.

"Clay's parents weren't the greatest when it comes to racing him. Though it really isn't my position to talk about this further, but all I hope is that you'd be able to help him." She paused, taking one of my hand as he caresses it with her thumb. "I know you also had a hard past, though Clay didn't really mentioned much to me about you, but he did told me how you left home and the situation with your mother."

I sigh, feeling a bit of sadness as the topic about my past came into view. "My mother didn't really cared..." I whispered, just enough for her to hear as she gave me a reassuring face.

"Everything will be alright from now on... Clay will be here for you, and all I wish is for you to be here for Clay as well." She smiled, as I lifted my face to see her brown eyes staring towards me.

I smiled, giving her a nod as I understood what she meant. Clay and I are much rather alike. Being raised in a family that lacks love and peace.

What's more important to them is our second gender, being an omega and a dominant alpha, putting us both in a pressure. I was disregarded by my parents because I turned out to be an omega, while Dream was taught to be someone he's not just for the sake of family lineages.

"I'm back- sorry it was my secretary," Clay approaches us back in the kitchen, a bit surprised to see his aunt's hands on mine at the table. "What's up?" He asked, confused as me and his aunt both chuckled.

"It's nothing my dear boy," His aunt responded as she lets go of my hand. "Oh and I should get going now, I've already prepared some snacks if you ever need it." She stated, getting up as she makes her exit to where Dream is standing.

"Oh and Clay, please take care of George." She commanded, just as she exited the kitchen and walked out of the apartment.

"Will do ma'am..." The Alpha mumbles, as his eyes glanced back to me were I'm already done with my food.

"So what did you two talked about while I'm gone?" He asked, curious to what me and his aunt were talking about.

"No butting in on businesses with the grown-ups Clay." I joked, earning a sudden wheeze from the blonde.

"I'm six years older than you boy." He jokes back as I made a fake gasps, feeling that I was jokingly hurt by how Dream called me a boy.

"Whatever old man..." I mumbled the latter part as Clay chuckled, walking over to me as I attempted to escape, getting up from my seat.

"Come here..." The Alpha laughed, quickly grabbing my waist with his strong pair of hands as he was able to catch me before I made a run to clean the dishes.

"Dream- stops it and why don't you just finish your food!" I yelled, as his face nuzzled into my hidden neck from under his over sized hoodie.

"I'm already full baby, let me just cuddle you..." The blonde swayed us a bit, as if we're dancing while my back rested on his.

We remained like this for a good minute, feeling a little bit of light growling beneath his chest indicating that he was happy.

Soon after we've finished cleaning the dishes and wiping the table, Clay went to his office to do some paper work while he lets me do whatever I want.

Feeling the need to just relax for today as he'd take me back to Quackity's place later on, I decided to just go back to his room.

The soft and huge king sized bed is very comfy that once I laid back down I felt like not wanting to get back up anymore.

I took my phone out as I sent a few messages on Karl, as well as asking him how they're doing which the other omega didn't really respond.

Though not until I've already felt so relaxed that my eyes would just suddenly close, feeling my unconsciousness back as I engulfed the scent of Clay on his bed.



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