Chapter 23

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"D-dream..." George stuttered, taking a deep breath, feeling his heart throbbing inside his chest.

"Yes George?" The Alpha asked, his eyes on the road as he takes George home.

"I-... I- love you!" He yelled, feeling his heart racing as his face flushed entirely red.

Dream almost lost his grip on the steering wheel, suprised at what the omega just stated. But where did this bold courage to speak up to him came from? Dream thought.

"You're drunk George..." The alpha sighs, focusing his eyes on the road.

George was pretty silent, trying to calm himself at his own reaction. Thinking back to when Sapnap suggested him to do this infront of Dream.

"Look my word of advice? Is to yell at him that you love him! And then your heart starts beating even faster then there's your sign." Sapnap uttered, drinking another shot of his alcohol.

"That's the dumbest thing you could do to someone." He scoffed, frowning at Sapnap.

The Alpha gestured himself, surrendering to George as he lift up his shoulders. "Hey that is up to you, If you do it then who knows!"

George shakes his head, feeling the need to slap himself for doing such a thing that made Dream almost lost control of the car.

After a bit of dancing and drinking at the bar Quackity, Sapnap and Karl decided they'd book a room for the night, making the brunette had no other choice but to call Dream so suddenly that the Alpha had to rush to that place to come on get George.

Thankfully he was done with his work and Clay was able to pick him up in front of the casino bar, where they now are taking a turn instead of going to Quackity's house, since Dream thought it would be best if George had someone accompanying him since he thought the omega was drunk.

"You alright?" The Alpha asked, quickly glancing at the brunette whose face still hung low from embarrassment.

"Y-yeah..." George sighs, slowly facing the window as his eyes meet the city lights. Noticing the sudden change of route to where they're supposed to go. "Are we going somewhere else?"

"We're almost there." Dream responded, taking a few more turns as they drove underground to an apartment type building.

"Where is this?" George asked just as the car was parked on one of the free space.

"Where I stay..." The Alpha said, getting out of the car as he goes to the passenger seat, opening it for the brunette.

"You live here?" He asked, taking Dream's hand subconsciously as they walked into the elevator.

"Yes, this is another one of my buildings..." Dream muttered, as they waited for the elevator to reach his floor.

The walk to his door was silent, George didn't really say anything to how their holding their hands together as for some reason it felt right. The more he's showing his feelings for the blonde, the faster his heart beats within his chest.

They stopped infront of a door that was different from the other rooms, with this one having a lighter color than the rest signifying it was his.

Clay opens it with a finger print scanner, as the omega watches in amusement of how locks these days don't require any keys. Although he's interested in computer science, this was still his first time seeing something like it up close.

"It has back up battery underneath just incase a power outage happens." Clay stated, looking at George's curious face.

"So it can still last for a long time?" He asked, glancing towards the alpha's face.

"Yeah..." Dream responded, opening up the door as the two of them walked inside.

"It's bigger in the inside?" George exclaimed, his eyes roamed towards the spacious living room, taking his hands off of Clay as he rushes to sit on the big sofa. "Holy cow this is soft." He murmurs, tapping his hands on the foam as he lays down on it.

He glances towards the stairs, trailing his eyes on the second floor of the unit to see four more doors just behind the railings.

"That's my bedroom and office, the other two is the bathroom and a spare room." He stated, taking of his coat as he hangs it by the racks.

George hummed as the blonde went in the kitchen to get a glass of water, coming back a few seconds later as he offers the brunette a drink.

"Wait there for a minute." Dream said, going upstairs as George nods in response, placing the water down on the coffee table.  He slowly walked up to the huge glass window infront, where he could see the night skies and city lights, sighing as his mind drifted to his thoughts once more.

Dream got into his room, scanning his wardrobe for something that the omega can wear, taking out the fittest shorts he has with a loose tshirt.

He makes his way downstairs, glancing at George who's now standing near the window, face brightened by the moonlight. He couldn't help but smile, subconsciously thinking of walking up to the brunette, his hands wrapped into the omega's waist.

But he didn't, instead calling George's attention as he gradually walked down the stairs, saying that he should change with the clothes he's had on his hands.

"You didn't have to... But thank you." George smiled, his eyes now meets the alphas green ones as he gratefully takes the clothes, excusing himself to the bathroom.

Dream hums in response as he went ahead and took a seat on the couch. Taking out his business phone to check on a new email that got sent by his secretary.

His mind drifted on what the brunette said back at the car as he placed his phone down. Where the omega suddenly blurted out the word he knew George wouldn't say that easily. He wondered why the sudden phase, and if it was the alcohol hitting on the brunette's head.

George walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, glancing downstairs to see Clay leaning on the sofa, his left hand on top of his eyes while he rested.


Cliffhanger... :P

I'm getting pretty busy my school is starting lol but will still update everyday as much as I can :D

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