Chapter 39

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"I'm going to miss you Gogy." Quackity mumbled, as George was ready to go and move in with Dream.

Its been four days since he told the alpha he's moving over with his mate, allowing him to have some time to pack his things in boxes.

Ever since he was mated to the blonde, George has been given a lot of things from him, as to now he needs a few boxes consisting most with the gifts he's received from Dream.

"I'm going to miss you too..." The brunette said, hugging his friend as his mate was waiting for him by his car. Today was saturday, meaning George had no classes and was the perfect time for him to move out.

"Come visit here anytime you want alright?" Quackity said, smiling as they break their hug before glancing at Dream and leaning in to whisper something to the brunette. "Oh and if he ever argues with you, just run straight back here."

George chuckled, as he tells his friend that he'd always know where to go when he needed it. Telling Quackity to take care as he walks up to his mate holding the car door open for him.

"See you later Quackity." George waved at him, as he hops inside of Dream's car before the alpha closes it, glancing towards Quackity as he mumbles, "Thank you, and I owe you..."

"No problem Mr. Dream..." Quackity stated, as he waves at them before the car started to move, slowly fading away through the distance.

Clay happily droves them home, as George turned on the speakers now playing his and Dream's mixed playlist. He starts to hum as they continue on driving on the busy streets, The alpha joining in as he sings a few lines in some of the songs.

George began to laugh when the blonde accidentally made his pitch too high, resulting on a weird melody as he went out of the tune. "What was that?" He chuckled out, glancing at Dream who's wheezing almost sounded like a tea kettle.

"Sorry- sorry..." The Alpha chuckled, containing in his laughter as his eyes glanced at the stop lights where it turned red.

"See? This is one of the reasons why I'd just stay in your place, I don't get why there's so many stoo lights in every five minutes." The omega grumbles.

"That's because it's the way it's built. So we citizens have to deal with it." Dream said, as they waited for the light to turn green.

"It's just a waste of time for some people." George commented, just as he felt something weird in his stomach. Ignoring it as he said to himself it's just the lasagna they ate yesterday.

"Oh George..." Dream sighs, slightly rolling his eyes as the omega's complaint.

Soon they arrived at his apartment, as George unlocked his door, already memorized the key code as he enters with a little box in hand as Dream carried out the rest with the help of the roll carts. 

"Home sweet home..." Clay smiled, as he closes his door and pushed the cart on the side, George inspecting the living room as if it's his first time inside all over again, but this time were it felt right, were he felt home.

He glances up to his mate, smiling brightly as he nods in response. Walking pass the spacious comfy sofa as he walks up to the stairs to Dream's room.

Going inside as he placed down the box on the floor, before making himself comfortable on the alpha's bed. Suddenly feeling sleepy as he heard a little creak from the door, Clay coming in with some boxes at hand.

Clay couldn't help but smile, seeing his mate laying there fast asleep as he began to unpack George's things. Leaving the once behind that he'd think the omega would want to unpack as he starts hanging up some of George's clothes on his wardrobe.

He realized how the brunette had such little stuff as he realized most of the boxes contains his clothes and accessories he gave to George, making the alpha feel sad as how his mate suffered all those years when he was still in his parent's house.

But now he is safer and happier than ever thanks to his friends, and thanks to him who's been at his best as giving the brunette everything he could have wished for. Although the brunette never wanted something or asked for something expensive, he'd still always try to pursue his mate into buying more things for himself.

He remembered that time they went shopping back when George recently announced his passing on the entrance exam to the university, resulting to which Dream had to surprise George into taking him to buy a few things as he knows the omega would just decline his offer.

"You tricked me! You said we'd go do McDonalds." The omega frowned.

"I know, I know I'm sorry, I'd take you there during lunch but first lets buy you some things you'd need for university okay?" The alpha cooed him.

"Like I said, I do not need to buy anything. And besides I don't really think I'd need something for university." George argued.

"Hmm, let's see... Laptop, notebooks, pencil, paper, stuff like that?" Dream responded, as he made such a joker smile to the brunette.

"A laptop?! That's expensive, just buy me the notebooks and pen." He scoffed, turning around to head to a school supplies store inside the mall.

"Baby, I'm your mate... And I make the money so my partner could spend all of them."

Dream chuckled to himself, remembering that line he said as he told himself he did have a point. Just as he saw the omega hurriedly running outside the room, making him worried as he stopped what he was doing inside the wardrobe and followed him.

George suddenly felt that weird feeling in his stomach again, waking up to a sudden horrible wave of nausea as he quickly made his was to the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door as he vomits.

"George? Are you okay?" Dream asked, coming inside the bathroom to see George crouching near the toilet bowl.

He begins to move closer to the brunette, rubbing the omega's back as he worried something must be wrong with his mate.


I wonder what...

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