Chapter 7

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Shit. Shit. Shit. George thought to himself as he suddenly ends the call over Quackity. He didn't know that alpha had his connections on Sapnap or any other, he didn't even know the trio was still in that hotel.

He thinks to himself, groaning as he knows he was in deep trouble. He flinched as he heard the front door slammed, knowing it was his mother that probably just went inside.

He exhales, trying to calm himself as he unlocks his door, walking downstairs to meet his mother in the sofa with new bottles of alcohol at the table.

His mother Immediately looks at him, a scrowl in her face as she takes a can of beer in her hands. "Ah my stupid useless son has returned."

George cursed under his breath, his mother figured it out that he went outside. "So George, found anything good while you sneaked out last night?" She asked, gulping down some beer.

"N-no mother, I just went out with a friend." He mumbles, trying his best not to anger the woman.

"To bad, and here I thought you wouldn't come back. But of course, you need this place to crash into, otherwise you'd end up homeless." She laughed, turning her attention to the television.

George frowned, not saying another word as he stormed back towards his room. Locking it as he leans down, sliding himself by the door. Quiet sobs broke out from him, thanking the gods his mother didn't throw anything towards him. But her hurtful words still struck towards his heart.

A few more months, and he's able to get the heck out of that place. Just a few more and he's able to live on his own. He could have done it now, but he knows he can't, not until he finished high school.

He rests in his bed once more, looking at his phone seeing a few missed calls from Quackity and some voicemails. He decided not to listen to them, knowing it was probably that alpha he had one night with was looking for him.

"What could he even want from me." He grumbled, telling himself it was just one night and nothing else. He shuts down his phone, covering himself with his blanket as he drifted off to sleep.

Soon later he wakes up with muffled noises downstairs, curious to what his mother was up to as he opens up his room and quietly walks downstairs.

Shocked expresses his entire face as he sees his mother with a random stranger, the two of them kissing at the sofa. His mother was clinging unto the man, moaning as the guys grips his mother's chest.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He yelled, as the two stopped and looked towards him.

"Is this your son?" He man asked, looking at George with a smirk on his face.

"Don't mind him, he's just a useless brat." His mother commented, rolling his eyes over the brunette.

"I-I can't believe you'd do this." George stumbled, running back towards his room as his mother scoffed, not caring about his own son.

George got his bag and placed his important documents inside. He takes a small amount of clothes with him, stuffing it all in his bag as he takes his charger, phone and wallet.

He changes into some pants and shirt before putting on his black hoodie, exiting his room as he walk towards his mother's room, stealing a bit of cash under his mothers drawer. He speeds his way to the door, not caring about the disturbing scene behind him as he places on his shoes, leaving the house he once called home.

He wouldn't dare look back, he's had enough of his mother's disgusting personaliy. He just wanted to go somewhere, away from that horrible place.

It was still saturday, meaning school wouldn't start until monday. He turns on his phone once more, seeing messages from Quackity and a few more voice mails as he waits by the bus station. Snorting at himself as he opens the unread messages.

"Dude where are you? He's really curious about you, you know?" He reads Quackity's messages. "George he knows where you live, I told him the address so good luck." He frowns, raising his eyebrows at the next message.

"Good luck?" He asked himself, "Why would I even bother it was just one night." George decided to ignore the rest of the texts, typing away a short 'ok' and sending it to his friend as he sighs. He patiently waits for the bus, not really knowing where he'd go as he thought of nothing but anger towards his mother.

A man sat beside him, glancing at the brunette as he curses about his whole situation. "So you're leaving?" He asked.

George flinched at the familiar voice, straightening himself as he looks at the handsome fellow beside him. The man wasn't wearing his mask, his facial features shown as he smirks at the brunette.

He didn't really remembered much about his facial features, but now that he's seen him clear as day, George was surprised by how handsome he looks. "It's you- from yesterday."

"Mhm, I'm surprised you still remembered George." The man spoke, noticing the brunette's surprised stare. "Something on my face again?" He asked.

George didn't say a word as he looks the other direction, trying to ignore the alpha that was sitting beside him.

"Aww, its no fun when you ignore someone you had sex with Georgy." He teases.

"Would you shut the fuck up? I'm in a crisis here." The brunette spat, not really in the mood to talk about last night.

"Why so moody, and here I thought we had fun." The Alpha leans his chin on his hand, his elbows on top of his knee, still looking at the brunette.

George sighs, grumbling curses as he glances at the stopping bus, ready to step inside. "Look I don't know why you're here, but it was just one night alpha."

"It's Dream, Georgy." The alpha spoke, standing next to the brunette.

"What?" George asked.

Dream gave him a slight smile, "I said, my name is Dream, georgy."

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