Chapter 16

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(Dream POV)

Today is sunday, I was all alone in my apartment right after aunty cleaned the rooms and left me with food for the day. Although I do keep on telling her that I can cook but for some reason she doesn't seem to believe me.

Yesterday didn't really feel like I did a good job on the date. I felt like I should have taken him on my private beach so no stupid alphas get to interrupt his peace. Although I should have expected it since it was a public beach.

What made me feel very content was how George slept for a good two hours beside me, where we later on packed our things and silently drove him home. He must have been tired since he was asleep the whole ride.

I tuned in for some light music when on the road, I think he likes my taste. He didn't complained about it, so there's another plus.

He woke up after noticing that we're near Quackity's place. Still didn't like the idea of him sleeping in someone elses house. I felt like I wanted to buy him an apartment just so he could own his own place and not live with his Alpha friend. Though I know it'll make George mad.

He said he was going on a movies with his friends today, probably Sapnap is also there, he is in a polygamy relationship with George's other two friends. I can already tell Sapnap's the alpha of the three, and Quackity is probably a bottom. Then there's George's closes companion Karl, an omega between two alphas.

I sigh, getting rid of what I was thinking as I made myself a morning coffee. Unlocking my phone as I greeted George a good morning with his number. Yes, I got his number when he purposely, secretly placed it in my contacts. It was a clever, sly move from the omega but hey, I got it didn't i?

Though I couldn't figure out when he placed it in here. He did grabbed my phone just before he got out of the car yesterday, asking me what title the song was currently playing as he looks into it. "Very smart..." I chuckled.

I could never be happier as I put up a fist in the air just as when George got out of the car, thanking me for the ride. I felt like I teenager winning over a girl's phone number, but this time my mate's. Well soon to be, since this must mean I get a chance right? Otherwise why would he put his number on.

I stood there for a good minute as the coffee maker stopped making the coffee, taking the cup out just as I heard a low ding from my phone. I leaned unto the kitchen peninsula, unlocking my phone while I read George's reply.

"Morning! What's up Dreamy? ;)

I chuckled, reading the same nickname he gave me yesterday. Which was a payback for calling him Georgy all the time.

"Still with that nickname huh?
Should I start calling you Georgy again too? :)

"So we're playing games now are we? :P

"You were the one who played with fire my beloved..."  <3

"Dream on, Dreamy..."  :P

I couldn't help but laugh at his own pun, it was quite accurate to the way people calls me by the name Dream. Looks like George is opening up to me slowly.

"Alright then Georgy...  :P
So when are you going to the movies?"

"Soon, Karl said it's going to be a horror film."

"Oh I see, if you need a chest to hide your face I'd be glad to come and join you." ;)

"I'm pretty sure I don't need one but thanks for the offer... :P

"Alright alright, I'll let you be then...  Enjoy :)


With that, I finished the last of my coffee and headed upstairs. Sunday is just like any other day to me, as I opened up my laptop to see a few emails from my secretary and a schedule he's sent out for my schedule this week. Normally I'd take a day off on Sunday's, though I'd rather not miss a chance with George.

I read among the emails he sent me, opening one that seems to be a competition graph of the stock market, and as always, my company ranked one.

The Soot family has been my father's rival since he was still the CEO of Dream company, ranking second to us as they now try to take down my spot.

But of course even if they try their hardest, they'll never be able to take me down. I never had a flaw in the business, and I never played dirty with my hands.

They would always try to find their ways towards me, thinking of every clever possibility to drag my company down.Not clever enough though, for I have more allies than them as I'm always truth to my word.

I sent out an email to my secretary on a few things in the business, typing away as I focus on the job.

I couldn't forget about sending George a bunch of clothes his size. As well as a few of my hoodies, knowing he'll probably need it somehow. I messaged my secretary to do that first as I wait for him by noon to finish shopping and pick up the things I'd give to the brunette on my apartment.

The day soon became brighter, knowing it was lunch time as I closed my laptop,  getting a message from my secretary that he was at my front door.

I Quickly made my way towards my drawers as I took out a few pieces of my hoodies, sending a couple of my favorite ones to the brunette.

Packing them up in a bag as I noticed my secretary already downstairs waiting for me patiently in the living room.


I slept for a good 3 hours- I'm good :D

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