Chapter 21

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"George you're home!" Quackity yelled as he saw George walked into the living room.

"Quackity? I thought you went to entertain your brother?" I asked, confused to why he was home earlier than me.

"Oh my brother doesn't seem to have enough time so he went back to work first after someone interrupted and called him for business." He said, obviously sulking on the couch as he watches some random show at the television.

George let out an 'oh' and a apology for now reason, walking up to the beanie boy as he placed down his things on the coffee table.

Quackity sensed what he was trying to do as he moved closer and lean on the brunette's shoulders, feeling the need for comfort on his friend. "Gosh you smell so much like him." He complained, moving his position so his back was now rested on George's shoulder.

"I didn't notice..." George said, "I must have gotten use to Dream's scent."

"Well duh, you go out with him every Saturday's to buy McDonalds, plus he's your soulmate." Quackity gave him a scoffed.

An idea suddenly hits the alpha's head as he was quick to take out his phone and dialed in a number. Picking up at the last moment, "Hello my dear what-"

"Sapnap I need you to be free tomorrow night we're going on a party!" He exclaimed, George hummed as he heard the name of his friend.

"What?" Sapnap said in confusion.

"Oh right George is here by the way, say hi George." Quackity muttered, putting the phone on speaker as George said his greetings to the other Alpha.

"Why exactly are we going to a party?" He asked.

"Because we're celebrating dumbass. So free up some time tomorrow night, we're going to have some fun." The beanie boy announced as he turned off the call and didn't even care to wait for Sapnap's reply.

He then called Karl to which he did the same, announcing that the four of them shall be going on a party at one of the casino bars Quackity has been going before.

"Woah, why am I involved in this?" The brunette complained, knowing his alcohol tolerance was worst than the other three.

"To have fun!" Quackity yelled in reply, standing up as he made a deep exhale before glancing at the focused brunette. "Alright, I'm off to my room! Night Gogy." The alpha cooed jokingly as he existed the living room.

George lets out a sigh, decided that he might as well go to his room as he took his stuff that was on the table and walked his way upstairs.

Meanwhile, Dream just got back to his apartment. Opening the door as to be greeted with a fresh scent of honey and ginger tea. His thoughts began to process 'why now' as he walked into the kitchen aisle to see his own mother standing there with a teacup at hand.

"My dear boy, so you've finally come home." She speaks, placing down her tea as she starred at her son's eyes.

"Mother, I thought you were busy." He speaks.

"Is this how you greet me now Clay?" She stated, not once taking her eyes away from her son.

Dream soon apologize for his behavior as he was surprised to see his mother suddenly visiting him this late hour. He leads his mother to the living room, graciously taking the cup for her as the two of them be seated on the sofa.

"So what brings you here this late hour mother?" He asked, feeling the distant vibe between them.

"I was called by your secretary about a month ago when you canceled the invitation from the Marcial family. Their daughter would have loved to meet you, such a fine young woman with an Alpha in her bloodline." She stated, taking a sip of her tea.

"I'm sorry mother but I have found no interest of her." The blonde replied.

"I assume that someone has taken to your liking then?" She abruptly asked.

"Yes, he is special..." Dream replied, avoiding his mother's gaze. Knowing that once he mentioned the gender, his mother wouldn't approve.

"He? So he's an omega?" His mother frowned, placing down her cup. "You do know our family has been pairing alphas for generations? You can't possibly pair with an omega, son."

"Its not like that mother, you don't understand."

"Oh I clearly understand the situation. So what did he did to you for yourself to fall over such a low life?" His mother bickered.

"He is my true mate!" Dream growled through his chest, knowing this conversation would only lead to an argument.

"True mate or not son, you are a dominant alpha and our generation have been nothing but full of alpha born children, imagine how your father would feel if he had seen you with such a low ranking-"

"Enough, I don't want to hear any of this nonsense!" He shouted.

"Don't talk to me like that Clay." His mother sighs, "Your father's grandfather has been marrying alphas ever since, that is why our family is blessed with a dominant one like you."

"So what if I'm dominant? Just because my genes are rare doesn't mean I'd have to marry an Alpha!"

"It is to keep the strong DNA of our family going!" She sneered. "Fine, do what you want. You've always been like this, not listening to your own mother." Mrs. Xander stood up, taking her leave as she closed the door forcefully on her back.

"Not like you ever cared for me..." Dream whispered, as he let's out a deep sigh. Leaning himself on the couch, thinking about how his mother only cared for the reputation of the family, of his father's legacy.

He loosens up his tie, tossing the coat he has been holding on the side as he takes out his phone, tapping on George's number as he sent out a message telling the brunette he was home.

Dream have always thought of what if felt like to have real parents, those that would care and love you unconditionally. His mother was always strict to him when he was younger, and his father was too busy to keep in touch. He learned to grow up at an early age, looking back to where he was before where he could see how monotonous his life was.


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