Chapter 44

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The call ended as Dream almost threw his phone unto the opened door, finding his secretary standing with a worried expression. He only had a few hours left before the time runs out, feeling the need to break something as he shoved his phone on the his pocket to prevent from doing so.

"Sir. you need to calm yourself first as it will affect your way of judgement, think about  how to save your family first without involving the company before making your final decision." Secretary Bill said, walking towards his boss as he tapped on an e-mail sent to him. "I've recieved this location a minute before your call ended, it had an unknown username as the sender sent out an invitation to meet him in this facility..."

Dream's mind was pacing back and fort, as he knew that all of this is messed up. Them taking over the company would not only bring his grandfather's hard work into nothing, but would also affect the future he's hoped for George and their unborn child. He glances at the secretary's tab, checking out the address and a picture of an old storage building was sent. The scene was near the docks as to indicate the meetup would happen on a port.

"They wanted the entire company and the new project..." The alpha gritted his teeth, clutching on a blank paper that was laying around his desk. "Print me the resignation and transferal forms, I must to anything to save them."

"Is this what you really want to do sir?" Secretary Bill asked,  as Clay growled towards him not repeating it twice before his secretary nods and left the room.

He immediately dials in a number, an old friend of his that would definitely help him with this situation, eagerly waiting as the man picked up from the other line. "Clay? It's been a while how are you?"

"Punz, I need your help..." The blonde sighs, as he took in a deep breath before explaining everything to his dear old friend.


George has been locked up in Wilbur's room for hours, pacing around as he tried to find any possible way of escaping. But it lead him to false hope as that alpha made sure his entire space was locked and escape proof. Frustrated and worried of what might happen next, he tries to calm himself by rubbing gently on his belly, at least knowing he wasn't alone as his baby was inside him. 

He went ahead to pick up his broken phone on the floor, seeing the crappy old thing that still even has a mini SD card as extended storage. He always love to use this old phone, even though Clay already insisted and even got him one by surprised.

The thought of that made him tear a little, as he remembers his mate's loving comfort. He misses Dream that badly, and all he wanted was to get out of this place as soon as possible. Clutching unto his stomach once more as he mumbles sweet little whispers to his child, making himself feel better for talking with his young one.


"The documents are ready sir, your signature is the only thing that's missing." The secretary announced, as he passes down a binded file unto his boss. Immediately grabbing his pen as he flips the final page of the stacking papers, writing in his signature before he makes his was downstairs, leaving his secretary behind with words of farewell.

His driver was already waiting for him outside the building, their dark SUV parked in front as he opens up the door and sat inside, telling Dave the directions as they headed to the scene.

A sudden call made the alpha took his phone out, noticing it was from his friend Punz as he answers the other line. "Punz what's the intel?" He asked.

"No one seems to be in here yet, my good friend Purpled who works as a spy has checked the area." He responded, as Punz was sitting on his own car waiting for Purpled to get back.

The two of them had been detectives working with the FBI for a while now. Being a good friend of Dream that had all the intellect of a genius. Punz is a really good fighter, and is great with the more complexed tasks while Purpled was better at spying like an assassin. Together, they have been one of the tops in the government securities men.

"Alright, keep me updated, I'm on my way there." Dream stated, as they both ended their call. Checking on the time to see that they only had an hour and a half left, facing unto the road as he thinks to himself for what's about to come.


George was sitting on the bed, gently stroking on his stomach as he wiped out the tears on his eyes. Just as the alpha walked into the room, sending out his horrible pheromones into the air as to announce his presence.

Immediately, the brunette tried to cover up his nose. As he glanced on the other end of the bed to see Wilbur coming in closer. "It's time..." He stated, as he deliberately strengthens his scent all over, enough to make the omega feel weak as he dragged George towards the door.

"L-let go!" He whined, as he tries to take Wilbur's hand off his arm.

The alpha made a full stop, accidentally letting the brunette bump on his shoulders as he starred dead straight on George's eyes, like he was about to just kill the brunette on the spot. "Shut up, do as I say or you will never see your alpha again!" He growled menacingly, as George immediately listens to his command, slightly whimpering as he began to dragged him once more out of the mansion.

It didn't take long for them to get in one of the cars that was parked outside, George feeling his hands shaking as he watches four more men getting into another car while he stays with Wilbur at the backseat, with two other men at front as they started the car and drove off to the meeting place.


A couple more chapters left before the ending of the story ^^

I'm very excited to announce my new upcoming book as well, so stay tuned for that!

Also just to address you guys, I don't appreciate the hate you put into some of my characters in the story, whether you like it or not just please keep it to yourself, and don't hate on authors that adds in other characters to their story.  :)

And I appreciate the readers that have been reading my books with understanding of the plots and flow of the story lines... truly your support has kept me inspired to write. ^^

Anyways that's all there is for me to say... See you soon ;)


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