Chapter 29

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"D-dream!?" George stuttered, confused yet happy at the same time to see his alpha picking him up as he closed the door of the SUV. "I thought you had an afternoon meeting?" He asked, moving closer to kiss the blonde's cheek as Dream gestures the driver to go.

"Who was that?" Clay asked, his eyes pointing to were the girl was, watching their car drive out of campus.

"A new friend, her name was Zyra." George smiled, excited to tell Clay about his new friend as the blonde didn't seem too interested.

"Okay..." Dream replied, his focus elsewhere as the awkward silence takes them over.

"Are you okay?" The brunette asked as he couldn't handle the silence any longer. He used to be fine not talking to Dream before, but now it's different as they were in a relationship.

"Yeah, just had something in mind." Clay responded blankly.

"Is it about Zyra? Cause I can assure you she was just a friend Dream..." George explained, but the alpha just glanced at him before rolling his eyes in an unprofessional manner. The brunette must have get it now since he suddenly bursted out laughing, surprising the driver when he suddenly sat on Clay's lap.

"What are you doing George?" Dream frowns, knowing that this was inappropriate especially in the car with his driver.

The omega didn't respond, instead leaning in closer as he placed his hands on his alpha's shoulders and kisses the blonde's lips, waiting for him to gain access.

Dream felt the brunette licked his lips as he wanted the alpha to respond, but he didn't. Clay was playing hard to get and it frustrated George. "Dream why won't you kiss me?" He pouted, the alpha feeling amused to this new behavior.

"Look Zyra is just a friend, she's an omega and we're both just sticking up for one another during the exams. She isn't even in the same department as me, the examination of the university was mixed." He mumbles, "I'm sorry I know you are jealous but I promise as long as I have your scent no one's gonna try to steal me away. And look, this paper she gave me is just her number. I just wanted to have friends, ya know..."

George looked down on Dream's chest, as the alpha lets out a sigh, knowing he probably acted to much as he finally embraced the omega, clutching him forward to which George looked up instantly and their lips connected.

"I'm sorry George..." Clay said, as he apologize for looking a bit immature at the situation.

"It's alright Dream, you know you're my only alpha." He chuckled, their foreheads sticking together as they embraced.

"And you're my only omega..." Clay mumbles, kissing the brunette once more before he lets go of him, George getting back to where we sat as the two fo them awkwardly chuckled at each other, realizing the fact that their driver was trying his best not to let his focus off of the road.

They sooner arrived at the fast food restaurant George would always go to, ordering their usual meal as Clay joked about buying the brunette a kids meal.

The two decided to dine in as they sat on the nearest open table, next to the windows. "So was the exams hard or?" Dream asked.

"Some are, but I think I'm fine with the others." George said, taking a sip of his sprite.

"See? I told you that you'll be fine." The alpha smiled, his green eyes focused on the brunette as he talks about some parts of the test that were hard for him.

Their order number soon popped out on screen as ready to be serve as George excitedly got up and took the receipt first from the table to get their food.

Dream shakes his head as it's always been a competition to George on who gets the food first. He sighs in defeat at he waited for his omega to come back, taking out his business phone to see a few emails from his secretary regarding their greatest rival.

"Michael Soot, what in the name of god are you doing now?" He whispered to himself, checking the article that saids the Soot Industry has signed yet another contract for the latest business currency.

Dream Corporation's enemy has been very bold lately, scheming out in the public's eye as to irritate Dream that just wanted to keep the business aside and far from public eye. All he knows is that Michael Soot will definitely be planning on digging his own grave soon.

"Back!" George exclaimed, taking his eyes off his phone as the omega started placing down their orders on the table. "I'm super hungry..."

Dream chuckled, knowing his stomach was grumbling as well. The brunette sat the opposite towards him, taking out his usually burger as he dips his fries on the ice cream.

Dream watched before George gave him a weird look, knowing that the alpha must be wondering again why he always dips his fries on the cream.

"I know, I know it taste good." The blonde commented, taking a bite of his burger.

"Did you perhaps ditch your secretary again?" George asked, as he munches on a fries.

"Pretty much." Clay replied.

"I really might need to give him a present some other time, cause he's probably pissed at me by this point." George joked, though he did meant the giving him a present part.

"He's fine, I pay him twice than the regular employees."

"And how much do they earn per month?" George mumbles, sipping on his drink.

"About, uh... One hundred to one hundred fifty dollars an hour. So eight hundred dollars a day?"

"Holy cow that much?!" George exclaimed.

"I mean come on George, if they do a good job at keeping the company from getting bankrupted then why not? Plus the thirteenth pay is twice as that."

George didn't ask any further, if he would calculated it right then each employee would have over twenty thousand a month, and his secretary would have forty thousand. Blowing George's mind as he wonders how good these employees must be keeping up.

They finished their meal later on, driving George back to Quackity's place as they sat back to where they seated in the car.

Dream took this opportunity to grab his present, gesturing the brunette to hand over his left hand as he slips the ring on George's finger.

"You got me a ring?" George said, looking at the silver ring in his left finger.

"Its a matching set..." Clay whispered, taking the other ring out for him as he hands it over to George.

The brunette took it, grabbing Dream's right hand as he puts the ring on the alpha's finger. Blushing at the thought of doing this in their wedding, if they would have one. "It's beautiful..."

"I know you'll love it..." The blonde smiled, taking George's hand in his, squeezing it gently as their rings matched perfectly.

"I love you Clay..." George said, leaning his head on the alpha's shoulders.

"I love you too..."


Sweet ~…

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