Chapter 8

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"So what if your name is Dream? And why are you in my bus ride?!" He whispered yelled as the alpha followed him inside the bus sitting on an empty seat right next to George at the very back.

"Because I wanted to talk, besides my driver is following the bus."Dream points out of the window, seeing a black SUV behind the bus as it drives unto the busy streets of the city.

George rolled his eyes, not caring as he took out his phone in search for Quackity's number.

"What are you doing?" The alpha asked, trying to peek at George's phone.

"Has no one taught you not to interfere in someone's business?" He huffs, glaring at the blonde.

"Has no one taught you how to pay attention when someone's in a conversation with you?" He retorted back.

"First of all, we aren't talking. Second, you're just following me for no reason. And third-" George complained, but was stopped as Dream butted in.

"I'm here because I want to have a deal with you." He said, interrupting the brunette as he whispered back unto his ears very closely. Making George shook his head as he moves the alpha's face away from him with his fingers.

Drean chuckled at the omega's movements, "I know all about you George. You're home, you're situation, everything."

"And what does my life got to do with yours Dream?" He asked, perking his eyebrow up.

"Simple, you were the one who got involved into my life. I gave you what you wanted that night, and so you will do the same to me as a favor." He smirked.

"That's it? You want me to pay you back for using you?" George asked.

"Precisely." He nods. Expecting the brunette to answer back, only to see him tap the call button of someone's number in his contacts.

"Hello Quackity?" George asked through the phone, not caring about the alpha's angry stare towards him.

"George? What's up man?" Quackity said through the phone.

"Yeah I need a place, could you help me?"  George asked. "Alright, thanks I'll see you then." Ending the phone call as he sighs, feeling a bit of relief as his friend agreed for him to find a place.

He glances back at the annoyed blonde beside him, his eyebrows closed as he stares at the brunette. His frown replaced by a smirk as he felt like he understood what George and his friend were talking.

"So are you crashing into your friends house?" He asked, as George just stared into another direction nodding at him as he didn't want to discuss things further.

"What happened to the other omega?" Dream suddenly asked, as George looked at him perking his eyebrow up.

"What? Who?" He asked, not seeming to get the blonde's joke.

Dream laughed, wheezing a bit as the brunette stares at him confused. "I meant the talkative side of you George." He explained.

George gave the blonde an 'oh' as he seemed to stare towards the blonde's smile. He couldn't help but wonder how great it would be to see that smile everyday. Realizing what he just thought as he turns away quickly from staring at Dream, hiding his blush unto the back of his bag.

"Tell me about yourself George." Dream asked, glancing over the next bus stop as a few more people came inside.

"What happened to that alpha who said he knew everything?" George retorted.

Dream rolling his eyes playfully, "Sassy much?"

"I could say the same to you, Mr. Arrogant sir." George replied, as he purposely pushed the blonde unto his seat, standing up as his knees brushed passed Dream.

"Where are you going?" Dream asked, following the brunette who got out of the bus.

George tried to ignore him, as he hurriedly walks away, failing to do so as a strong hands grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Stop ignoring me George, come I'll take you to your friend's house." Dream offered as he drags the omega towards his parked SUV.

"I think I'm capable of walking, thank you very much." The brunette sassed.

"I'm not leaving my omega alone in the streets." Dream stated, as he opens the door of the SUV.

"I'm not yours Dream." George retorted.

Earning a half smile from the blonde and he pulled George closer, placing his strong arms under the smaller as he carries him princess style inside the car.

"What the hell are you doing!?" George protested but Dream's arms gripped him even stronger.

He places George inside, closing the door as he motions his driver to head to HQ's residence.

"How do you even know my friend's address?" George asked.

"Because his father is one of my partnerships in the business." Dream bluntly replied, glancing at the pissed omega.

"Right." He mumbles, remembering the first time they met and Quackity flipped when he saw this guy. It suddenly hit him that he was that guy wearing a green mask at the party.

The ride over was soon fallen a silent, the two not really talking as they glance at each other's window side, taking in the view of the lovely village as their ride arrived around Quackity's area.

George couldn't help but gasp at the sight of HQ's residence. He thought to himself how did Quackity even got into a messy public school when he had all this money and place. Not to mention how he transferred just because of his lack in attendance at school.

The car finally stopped at the main gate, Dream stepping out of his side as he goes to the other and opens the door for George.

The driver went and talked to the person guarding the gate as they contacted someone inside.

Moments later, Quackity showed up waving at George as he comes near the two. "George you're here!  And,  oh my you're Mr. Dream!"

"Good afternoon Quakity, how's your father doing?" He asked, giving the other alpha a smile.

"Uh Quackity-" George stuttered.

"Oh he's totally good, very good actually my father really liked the idea of a partnership with one of the most bachelor man in the world." Quackity praised, ignoring George's confused and annoyed face.

"Well now, I should be going. George said he needed your help." Dream said as he looks over to George, "I'll be seeing you later my omega." He whispers, before getting over his SUV as it drives away.

"Holy cow man!  You slept with him!?" Quackity exclaimed as he squeezes George's shoulders.

"Ow man! And hey, I was drunk! It was one night and that's it." George said, as Quakity led him inside the house.

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