Chapter 27

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A few weeks later...

"I'm really nervous Clay..." George mumbles through his phone, talking to the blonde as he was in one of the waiting rooms for university admissions.

George was getting impatient by the minute, trying his best to calm himself as he was in the fifth batch of people to take the exams. He studied for over a week before he submitted his application, which was surprisingly a fast process because he got a call two days ago to come to the examination, which is today.

"You'll do just fine George..." Dream reassures him, as he was typing on his desk while as work.

"I'm up next after the fourth batch, which is in about ten minutes!" The brunette whispered yelled, not to disturb some of the people who are studying in this room.

"You can do it, just believe in yourself." The alpha said, a knock on his door as his secretary entered. "Look baby I have to go, my meeting will be starting. Good luck Georgy and don't space out alright? Remember to focus... I love you."

"I love you too Clay..." D
eorge sighs, ending the phone call as he glanced at the other students around. Noticing a particular girl a few chairs away from him at the very corner of the room.

She stared at the brunette for a few seconds before looking down, breaking their glances as George wondered if she was looking at him the entire time.

A sudden announcement from the speakers got all of the students attention as batch five were all requested to go to the examination room.

George took a deep breath as he got up off his seat, now on his way to the examination room. He felt like someone was behind him, stopping as the smaller figure bumped unto his back, it was the girl from earlier.

"Sorry, are you okay?" George asked, glancing at her that was rubbing her forehead.

"Yeah, I- uh sorry about that." She mumbled, peaking up at George as he was slightly taller than her.

George noticed her sweet scent, which indicated the brunette that she is an omega. "Are you going to the same room as I am?" He asked, earning a nod from her.

"Right..." She mumbles, clearly she wasn't the type to talk much.

"Uh, are you?" George wanted to ask if she's alright as the girl interrupted her first.

"I- I'm sorry I haven't been in a university before," she stuttered. "My name is Zyra, I was homeschooled."

George gave her an 'oh' in understanding as he introduced himself to her. "My name is George, are you perhaps taking computer science course?" He asked.

"Oh no, I'm taking information technology. The university seemed to have mixed all admission students that took computer related courses for this entrance exam." She states, glancing at some of the people in front of them.

"Well it's nice to meet you Zyra, and good luck." George smiled at the black haired girl.

"You too George." She responded, smiling back, "Do you maybe want to be friends with me?" She asked.

"Of course! I don't really know anyone in here either." George replied as he was excited to have a new friend.

Zyra felt happy as George and her entered the examination room. "Care to have lunch after this George?" She asked, hoping for the brunette to say yes.

"I'll have to tell my alpha about it first, cause he told me his driver would pick me up so-"

"Oh so you are mated?" She asked surprised.

"Well not, yet... We are still dating." George chuckled.

"Awe that's so sweet! I've always hoped I'd find my alpha someday..." She mumbles, placing her hands unto her chest.

"Have someone in mind?" George asked as they looked for a place to seat in the large classroom.

"There's this guy on the internet I've found..." She explains, as the two of them sat at an empty seat the middle of the room.

Before Zyra could explain further, the professor who manages the exams got inside, reminding them about the rules and what they are supposed to do while answering the test.

It consisted of seven subjects, thirty questions each with the time limit of three hours. It was already eleven in the morning so their test would be done by two.

The professor handed out the papers to each students, George mumbling to Zyra a good luck before they got their own papers.

The exam started as soon as the professor hits the mini bell on his desk, and the students started to answer the tests.

George got in easy with some of the subjects involving computers and coding. A little bit on mathematics and his worst was history. He never really liked the idea of it.

A few more hours later and the exams are finally over. Each of them got ahead to pass their test papers before leaving the room.

George waited as it was Zyra's turn to pass her papers, going up to the professor as she gave it unto his hands and told the girl to exit off. They were called in an alphabetical order meaning Zyra would be the one of the last due to the fact her name started with a 'Z'.

"That was exhausting! I sucked at math too..." She grumbled, feeling as if she'd not pass the admissions exam.

"You're not the only one struggling, I never study in history and it was included!" George exclaimed, the two of them started walking outside the university campus.

"Seriously? History is easy! And we'll need it especially you." She chuckled, as george scoffed in response.

The two of them reached the main entrance as George took out his phone and tried to dial Clay's number before a beep on a familiar SUV can be heard in the pick up area. The brunette sigh, saying sorry to his new friend as Dream's driver was already here to pick him up.

"Don't worry George we can eat next time." She smiled, taking a piece of paper on her purple sling bag as she writes in a bunch of numbers. "Here's my phone number,  so you can contact me." She gestures, as George took the paper, thanking her for understanding as he runs his way to the SUV, getting inside before waving at Zyra goodbye.


A new friend eh..? 

Also out of topic but I changed my name :D
Check out my new twitter account too its called:


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