Chapter 13

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"Flowers for Mr. George Davidson?" Dream announced as the brunette opened the front door.

"What are you a delivery man now?" He joked, rolling his eyes as he places his hand on his hip, the other by the doorknob.

Dream couldn't help chuckle at his sassy attitude, waiting for George to take the flowers as he tries to hand it towards him. "You know it's rude when you don't accept someone's gift."

"Uh-huh, and what if I don't want your gift?" He said.

"Then you can throw it later, I could just buy you more." Dream replied.

"Rich attitude I see." He retorted.

"Oh come on now Georgy, we're not starting another argument right?" He spoked.

"Nope not at all, so will you please leave now?" He sarcastically asked.

"You know I don't like to play games my omega." Dream stated, taking the brunette's hand as he unintentionally gasps towards Dream's touch.

"R-right..." He replied, feeling the sparks as Dream touched his hands. "Could you wait a second I need to ask Quackity-"

"Sure my beloved, I'll wait for you here." He smiled instantly as George closed the door, making his way towards the sleeping alpha in his room.

George knocked a few times but was only greeted by snores of the unconscious Quackity. He tried to yell through the door, banging it until a couple minutes had passed and the alpha inside was still asleep.

"Remind me how this asshole sleeps like a log next time..." He said to himself as he goes back downstairs, picking his phone on the way as he steps outside the house to see Dream still waiting.

"Okay, I'm ready..." He said, closing the door.

"Are you going to be wearing that?" Dream pointed out at how George was clothed.

"Duh, ran away from that stupid place remember? and I didn't brought a lot clothes with me. It's a good thing Quackity lend me these out." He replied, gesturing on the hoodie he's wearing.

"Hmm, but I don't like it..." Dream grumbled as they strolled their way over to the main gates where his car was parked outside.

"If your talking about the looks of this hoodie then you have a bad taste." George commented, as he checks out the colorful rainbow galaxy looking hoodie.

"No I meant how its his, and his scent is on you." Dream protested, just as they walked out of the gates.

George gave out a chuckle, telling the alpha that he's got nothing to worry about since he cleaned and laundry all of Quackity's clothes. "His pheromones kind of bothers me not gonna lie."

"Well that's because you have me and my pheromones will only work on you." Dream teased, as he lets the brunette in to the front seat while he makes his way over the driver's seat, closing the door as he starts the engine of the car.

"Not really, Quackity's scent is just filled with another Alpha's scent and an omega." He mumbles referring to Sapnap and Karl.

"In denial as always Georgy..." Dream whispered playfully, his eyes glued to the road as he travels them towards their destination.

George couldn't help but scoffed towards Dream's accusation as he notices the classic design of the car their riding. "So a dodge car huh?" He asked.

"Glad you notice, and yes its one of the classics from 1970." Dream stated.

"What happened to the fancy rich Alpha I've met before?" He teased, earning a chuckle from Dream.

"Oh honey, I'm sure this is worth more than your future college fees." He sneered, earning an eye roll from the brunette.

"It's not like I'm going in one." He murmured, which clearly Dream heard him as the Alpha felt guilty for mentioning something like that.

"If you want I could vouch for you." He offered so suddenly which surprised the brunette.

"You'll pay for the fees?" He asked, "And what's in it for you?" George frowned,  uncertain to what's in the Alpha's head.

"Nothing, I just want to help you..." He stated, "Or if you don't want to you could always be my house wife-" He teases.

"I'll take the first offer thanks." He answered sarcastically.

"Well, I tried." Dream sighs in defeat.

"But seriously though you would?" He asked once more.

"Positive, you'll be graduating in a month and a half right? Any ideas where you'd go for college?" Dream asked.

"Hmm, I don't know yet and yeah I'll be graduating. I do need a job though cause I still haven't paid some anonymous fees for the school." He replied, scratching his head.

"You don't need a job when you have me." Dream bragged. "I'll pay for it."

"Then why would I go to college if you'd just say that I have you?" He scoffed.

"Cause I want you to experience it." He mentioned, stopping on a cross road as the lights turned red.

"Right,  and you're twenty-four correct?" He said.

"Yeah, but the point is... You're still young George, and I want you to live your life." Dream exclaimed.

George felt a little sting on his heart when he heard what Dream said, reminding him of what his mother used to tell him before they found out he was an omega.

"Would be easier if you're an alpha or a beta." He whispered as Dream took his hand off the lever and patted the brunette's head.

"It doesn't matter if your an omega George, just have fun when it happens, okay?" He smiled, taking his hands off as he shifted the gears, driving as the lights turned green.

George felt his face in heat, butterflies in his stomach at the sweet words Dream has told him.

"Maybe he isn't that bad..." He whispers to himself, now facing the windows as silence engulfed the rest of their ride.


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