Chapter 42

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"Wilbur my boy—don't you think it's time we do something with that Dream bitch?" Michael grumbled, as he rips the manual Dream gave earlier to each business representative.

"You might want to hear this news first father..." The young alpha announced, as he was standing a few meters away from his father's desk.

"And that would be?" Michael asked, frowning towards his son as he impatiently awaits for him to speak.

"Dream's mate went into the nurse office earlier, and it appears the nurse told me he is.... Expecting a child." Wilbur has spoken, though his expression wasn't at all happy on his news.

His father's eyes beamed at the good news, smirking as excitement rushed into his senses, eager to take this opportunity. "Wonderful! That's even better—as not only will his mate be in danger, but as well as the future of Dream Corp."

"Father, not to argue with you but I think involving an unborn baby into this would be quite damaging to that Alpha." Wilbur commented, as his father stood up from his seat as he walked towards his son.

"And that's what makes it even more thrilling..." He replied, "Imagine my boy, he would give up not only the newest project he's created, and as well as the their entire company just to save two of his most precious family." Michael grinned as he comes face to face with Wilbur. "You must do your part before the other businessman signs those contracts and side with that piece of shit. We must take over before he begins creating more allies."

Wilbur nods, understanding his father's wishes as he agreed to their plan. "I will do my part father, I assure you that I won't let you down this time..." He oath, bowing infront of Michael as courtesy before he exists his father's office, to be greeted with a couple of men in black suit.

"Ready everything before tomorrow, we will make our move then..." He commands, as the men began to descend their tasks, leaving Wilbur to go back to his room.


(George POV)

"Oh my gosh George congrats!" Zyra squealed, as she heard the news again. Confirming it yesterday at the hospital was quite a relief as I was able to know what was causing my nausea and morning sickness.

I went in the faculty on my department earlier this morning  to give out the results of my maternity test before they gave me some special treatment as it was policy for the school to make a few exceptions to the pregnant students in their school.

Apparently it's normal for them to find out their students being pregnant especially when their mated. Hence why they created this special policy for the pregnant. Because of this, I was able to lessen up my schedule even more. And some of my subjects turned into a do it your own kind of thing, where they just give you notes on lessons and I could just bring it home to read it.

"I'm gonna be an aunt, I'm soo excited George!" She said, chuckling as her reaction as she looked more excited than I am.

"I'm still nervous to be a mother Zy, what if I mess something up? My baby would think I'm stupid..." I sigh, as she looked at me questionably before laughing.

"Gogs, your baby will love you! You're going to be the best mother, and I'm here for you if you need help... Karl,  Quackity and Sapnap will too—" She said.

"I know, and I'm very happy to have you guys."

"You can count on me bestie!" She giggles, as the bell rang again for the afternoon's schedule. "Time to go! Take care George." She said, getting out of her seat as she walked towards the door of the cafeteria, waving at me before she left.

I let out a sigh before taking the plastic wraps and milk juice box as I got up from where I sat and threw it in the bin. Knowing that today will be my last day on my normal classes as my schedule has changed, I get to come in the university less and less until I give birth.

I existed the cafeteria, making my way upstairs for my first subject this afternoon. The first couple of weeks inside the university had been a great. There wasn't really any casualties, and I made a few friends in and out of the classroom. There's also Zyra my best friend and my library buddy Wilbur who I know I could trust and be myself with.

I got into the room three minutes before it'll start as I got into my usual seat and waited for the professor like the rest in class. My hand landed on my belly once I've seated, feeling my little stomach ache inside as Clay always calls it that stupid name.

"You're father is bad at nicknames my little berry." I quietly whispered, smiling towards my little baby bump just as the professor got inside to teach our subject.

My whole afternoon was just me going from one room to another every hour for another subject, until the final one finally ended as I got my things from the desk and saying goodbye to my seat mate before exiting the room.

I went ahead and messaged Dream as I sat on one of the benches outside the building, checking the time to see that it was still thirty minutes till five. I notified him that I got my new schedules and I'm done with my classes for today, he must be busy still as he didn't really reply, deciding that I should just continue to read the book Wilbur gave me a few days ago as I wait for Zyra, since Dave, Dream's driver would usually pick me up at five.

"Hey there George." A familiar voice speaks, as I looked up and saw Wilbur in front of me.

"Oh, hey Wil. You done with your class?" I asked, as he usually would be out the same  time as Zyra which is twenty minutes later than mine.

"My professor got out early as she was sick. Would you like to have some tea out? I heard there's a new cafe around the area." He suggests, as I felt wondered how milk tea would sound nice.

"Sure, I got some things to ask you about this book anyways." I said, happily accepting his offer as we both headed outside the campus.

He leads me to an alleyway, where he said there'll be a short cut to the new cafe as I followed, asking him a few questions on why the book is complicated. "I just don't get why they're being nice to each other then the second one messed up they both started betraying one another..."

Wilbur suddenly stopped on his tracks, as he lets out a sigh before turning around to face me. "You know why they betrayed each other George?" He asked, stepping up closer as I felt the sudden burst of dark aura around us.

"W-wil? What's h-appening—" I gasps, realizing that it was the alpha that's letting out this dominant pheromones. That's when I realized, Wilbur isn't an ordinary alpha, he was one of the dominant ones that rarely exist around the globe.

Wilbur stepped closely infront of me as I'm enable to move due to the fear he's causing me. Stuck in the middle of his deadly threats as he unleashes more of his scent. "They betrayed each other, all because... Of greed." He smirked, as my eyes widen as the sight.

I tried to move a leg backwards, ending up into a fall as I luckily didn't slipped on my belly that might cause something bad to happen to my baby. "Wilbur— please stop!" I choked as his pheromone was making me suffer and was hard to breathe, feeling my eyes go drowsy as I try to stop myself from falling asleep.

Wilbur just stood there, watching me as my body couldn't hold in much longer. I laid unto the ground clutching my stomach, as my instincts kicked in for me to protect my child.

"Sleep well George." Was all he said, as I lost consciousness and drifted into a dark slumber.


:/   hehe.. 

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