Chapter 10

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"And that ends today's discussion. Thank you for listening class and dismissed." The teacher say as the school bell rang for the final time this friday.

"Finally." George mumbles to himself as he picks his stuff up and slowly heads outside the school.

Dream said he'd see him last time but its been a week since then and he never really showed up, giving the omega the time to wonder if he'll ever will. "Not that I care." He mumbles, clearly denying himself.

George was still staying at Quackity's place, there have been a few visits from Sapnap and Karl as well and the four of them even hanged on some of those days.

George was alright at the moment of his situation, his mother hasn't even cared a single bit. Not once has she tried to find George, which deep down made the brunette thought maybe it'll somehow change that woman's heart, but never has he seen her ever since.

He went straight to the bus stop after class, waiting as the bus arrives for the next round trip to the city. He sat on an empty seat as he took out his phone, seeing a few messages of Karl and one from Quackity reminding him he'll be out for another party tonight.

Karl and George got closer somehow as they keep on texting each other during their free time. Maybe it's because of how the two of them are both omegas.

George chuckles seeing a photo Karl sent during his laboratory class with Sapnap having foamy substance all over him. Karl always love to share his experiences with friends.

The brunette closes his phone, seeing the next bus as it stops in front of him, taking his bag as a few people boarded in the bus, slowly making his way to an empty seat. The ride was slow and steady, giving him some time to read a few chapters of his favorite book.

He sighs, seeing the bus stopping on another terminal as he watches a few passengers gotten in and out. George continued reading unto his book, not minding the person who sat next to him as he flips another page.

The man beside him seems to be curious about what he was reading, as he tries to peek unto the brunette's book.

George seems to notice this as he glances over the familiar figure, seeing Dream on his normal looking clothes and not in a suit. The brunette couldn't help but looked up and down at the Alpha.

"You know it's rude to stare." Dream chuckles as he watches his expression changing so suddenly.

"And it's rude to look into someone's book." George snapped, rolling his eyes.

"Miss me George?" Dream asked, smirking at the omega's direction.

"Like hell I would." He sneered, glancing at the other direction. "Where have you been anyways?"

He chuckled, "I had a business meeting out of the country, so I had to go for a couple of days. Why you ask?" Dream explained, his eyebrow raised at the brunette.

"N-none of your business, and how the hell did you know I was in here?" George said now staring at him.

"Coincidence maybe?" Dream chuckled.

"Coincidence my ass, you have a spy on me don't you?" He stated.

"Not at all, I was just around the place." Dream said, clearly lying at the omega.

"Don't you have your own car oh 'Mr. Multi-millionaire'?  Why don't you use it instead of waisting money for a fee." George retorted, as the bus took off once more.

"I can get that money back in seconds my dear, besides I wanted to check on my little omega." He said, teasing George as he sees him lightly a blush.

"I'm not your property Dream." The brunette stated.

"Hmm, maybe I should drag you to my house and remind you of that night." Dream said, referring to what happened to them a few weeks ago.

"S-shut up. Like I said, what happened was nothing more than a one night stand. I'm not interested in building up to more than that." George said as he tries to back away hitting his head slightly on the window as Dream leaned closer.

"And I don't care about what you said, you're mine now and that's that." He said, as he gives out his pearly white smiles.

"Talk about possessive." George grumbles under his breath as he huffs.

"And you are annoyingly stubborn." Dream commented as he nods to himself.

The two of them quietly sat there as the ride continued, not wanting to continue the argument any further. Dream decides to just scroll through his phone as George continued to read his own book.

Although the brunette couldn't quite concentrate as he seems to be in though about the Alpha beside him. His mind seems to drift off about how Dream doesn't seem to look like six years older, the blonde sure got some strong genes and a well built body with muscles.

George shook his head as he lightly slapped himself for his thoughts, earning a sudden glance from the alpha beside him as Dream closes his phone, placing it into his pocket.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" Dream asked.

"Not really, Although me and my friends did plan to go out for a movie this sunday." George replied, trying to figure out what he would do tomorrow.

"So is it okay if I pick you up at Quackity's place and take you on a date?" Dream said, half smiling as he figured he wanted to impress George.

"No thanks, I prefer to sit in bed and do my business." He breathed out, not even interested at the alpha's question.

"It wasn't a question though." Dream said, as he hears the bus stopping to another terminal.

"What?" George frowned as he watches the alpha stand on his seat.

Dream only smirked as he waited for the other passengers to get off the bus before his turn, "I'll see you tomorrow noon, oh and dress casually. I'll pick you up myself."

"You're kidding right?" George asked, watching as Dream slowly makes his way out of the bus stop.

"Bye Georgie."


Couldn't leave this un updated so

Update time!


(And if you haven't seen the announcement  well basically there's still no electricity and the chapters will still be in delay so I apologize and thank you for the patience!)

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