Chapter 40

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(Dream POV)

I was getting worried as everytime George would wake up early morning, feeling sick and would start to run his way to the bathroom. I didn't really know what to do since he's stubborn enough to not want to go to the doctors, thinking it was just a bad stomachache and he just had to drink medicine for it.

"Secretary Bill, what does it mean to feel like you needed to go to the bathroom every morning just to puke?" I asked my secretary, as he suddenly stopped announcing the rest of my schedule for this afternoon, glancing towards me with his usual blank face.

"That could mean plenty Sir., but why is it you've asked?" He replied, fixing his glasses with his index finger.

"Well, George has been feeling like this since the day he moved. I wonder if it's just home sick?"

"I see, when was the last time he had sex with you?" He blankly asked.

"Why are we even in that topic?" I slightly frowned.

"Or when was the last time he got his heat?" He asked again, this time another question.

"He didn't get any since I had my rut..." I tried to think, "It has been almost two months till now. But maybe he's just taking suppressants?"

"Did you asked him if he took any birth control pill after your rut? Or did he take his suppressants for his heat cycle?"

"I did not..." I answered.

"Then maybe you should ask him, and I'd advise you take him for a check-up just incase." That was all he stated, as he closed up his tab and told me to be at the meeting room in thirty minutes, leaving my office as I leaned into my chair.

It was around twelve twenty six, and knowing George's schedule means he must be taking his lunch with his friend at school. I decided to message him, asking if he was doing alright as I waited for a couple minutes for him to respond.

I got into working on some of the papers lying around in my desk before my alarm went off, a sign that it was time for me to go to the meeting room. I felt a bit anxious as George didn't reply to my message, though maybe he's just busy or didn't bother to check his phone.

I got into the meeting room just in time as I saw a lot of familiar faces in the business community of this city. A few people from the top businessman all gathered in one place, including some of the few enemies and competitors in the market.

"Ohh, look who it is, Big man Dream." Mr. Innit stated, as he opens up his arms as to announce that I have entered.

Everyone immediately set their eyes on me,  as they all were confused yet curious to why I invited them all here, even the person my father competed with the most.

"Well, look who finally showed up. Mr. Dream, so good to have you here." Michael grinned, he was sitting on my chair at the very front, facing me eye to eye as everyone in the room felt the dense stares the two of us had.

I cleared out my throat, walking towards the table as I stood there glancing at the other's in sight before I spoke, "Welcome everyone to this special gathering... I'm very pleased most of you came in such a notice."

"The pleasure is ours Mr. Dream, you are such a hard working child on your father's legacy." Sapnap's father stated, as he was one of the oldest business partner my father has ever had.

"Thank you, now I know everyone of you today is wondering why I invited the most top of the list or people in this city..." I said, hearing some whispers and murmurs as I continued.

The plan was to gather them all here for a private conversation as I propose to them a big project of mine that will gather all of these people into a one giant community, leading with my company as they will be the biggest partners of it and will have equal the shares of this new company.

It was a very risky move as proposing to them of something this big would require not only a talk on a meeting but as well as their trust that this new community company would bloom into its new generational glory.

"And so, I would give you each a manual copy of the new community project that will include all the things you need to know in this project. My team has already gathered all possible outcomes to this, and now all that is left is your willingness and signature to sign the contract that is on the very back of the script where then you'd be now a shareholder of this new company."

"Pardon me Mr. Dream, but could you clarify exactly how much shares do each of us get?" Mr. Innit asked, as he opens up a page on the manual.

"That would depend on how many of you would join. My company the Dream Corporation will be lending out a huge sum of money for this project, but I will not advised any of you to even pay some of that money back as I would want in this new company to build trust and fairness to my shareholders. Each of you would be receiving the same amount of shares depending on how many of you would join. For instance, if there would be ten out of the twenty six of us in this room right now, then the shares would be divided into ten from a full percentage, that would mean all ten of us would get ten percent of the shares in the company." I explained.

Mr. Philza nod a few times. "I like where this is going." He said, as he glanced around for the others that were in here.

"This would also benefit all of you as I do not need a single cash from you to run this company. All I need is the trust you'd give to each other and to me to run this business smoothly."  I said, and with that everyone in the room left after a few more little talks here and there from people.

Each one of them leaving the room little by little until there was no one else there than me and Michael Soot himself who's been sitting there the entire conversation.

"So, a better community huh?" He sneered, glaring towards me. "Oh Mr. Dream, you know that will never happen." He said, slowly walking towards me.

"And why would that be?" I asked, as he was now standing next to me shoulder to shoulder.

"You know that when it comes to businesses, being on top will always be priority. We will always compete till whose best." He said, as he continued to walk towards the door.

Turning myself around as I glanced towards him, earning a bit of unease as he stared at me with those hateful vibes. "Oh and, be careful about your little omega there will you? I wouldn't want him to get hurt." He smirked, as he closes the door before panic and fear took over me.

"There is no way his son told him right? No... He would definitely tell him. He's the son of that bastard, of course that damn college boy would say something!" I yelled inside the room, just as Secretary Bill walked in and confused at why I'm growling and angry.

"Uh- sir what happened?" He asked cautiously before I slammed my hands on the long oval shaped table.

"That stupid old man is plotting something, he knows about George." I mumbled, trying to calm myself and preventing from spreading pheromones.

"Speaking of George, he just called me five minutes ago because you were in the room and said he needed you to go to this hospital." He stated, as my eyes widen when I heard that one place I'd fear my mate wouldn't need to be on.

"What?!" I yelled, immediately running off the room after seeing the picture of the hospital sign, going down through the elevators as I dashed towards my car and drove off. "Please don't let anything happen to him please..."



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