Chapter 24

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The brunette looked at himself in the mirror, now fully dressed with the blonde's clothes as it looked very loose on him. He felt tiny with the clothing, but comfortable at the same time. Getting rid of those used clothes he had that smelled like alcohol from the party, with the more calming scented clothes of the alpha's.

He starred at himself for a good minute, wondering if this was the perfect time to say how he truly feels, if he wanted to do this now or later.

"What am I even doing..." He sigh, thinking that Dream would probably just think he's drunk, even though he only drank the lightest possible drinks.

He slowly walks outside the bathroom, closing the door as he makes his way down the stairs to see the blonde sitting on the couch, his eyes closed as he leaned himself on the sofa. His left arm on top of his eyes as to shield the dim light from the ceiling.

Dream must have noticed as the weight of the sofa changed, peeking towards his right to see the brunette sitting beside him. He pretend to be asleep, wondering what the omega would do while he closes his eyes once more.

"Clay..." George whispered, his smaller hand touched the Alpha's right arm, moving slowly until he reaches the blonde's hand.

"Are you asleep?" He murmured. Taking Dream's hand as he places it on his thighs, giving it rubs from both of his thumb as to massage his hand.

He does that for a little bit, until he heard the light growling from the Alpha's chest. "I knew it, you are awake!" George sneered, hitting Clay's hand away as he gives him the annoyed look.

"I was until you did such a good job caressing my palm, it's relaxing..." Dream smiled, glancing at the pair of eyes that quickly softened towards him.

"I used to do that with my mother before she... Found out my second traits." The brunette sighs, taking his eyes off of Dream.

"I'm sorry about your mother George..." Clay apologized, thinking maybe it was his fault that he dragged the brunette into his room that night.

"It wasn't your fault Clay, she didn't care... I was the one who left when I saw her doing it with another man." The brunette stated, remembering that time where he almost felt like he wanted to kick that man out.

"I understand, though I still wanted to apologize to you for the wrongs that I did." The blonde stated, his right hands slowly rising towards the omega's cheeks. Cupping George's face as he gestures for the brunette to look towards him.

His eyes met the alpha's, a sudden tear slipping on his lids as Clay softly wipes it with his thumb. "Its alright George, you can cry..." He stated, as more tears left the brunette's eyes.

Dream immediately got closer as he wraps his arms over George's waist, scooping him up as he lets the brunette bury himself on his chest. His hands caressing the omega's back as he listens to the light sobs.

George didn't mind as he felt comfort under the Alpha's strong hold. The sparks that their bodies feels for each other ignited, as he slowly calms himself to this warm embrace. He slowly made his move, separating his head off the blonde's chest as he closes his eyes, leaning forward to kiss the alpha.

Clay realized what he was doing, as he does the same. Closing his eyes as their lips made impact towards another. He couldn't tell whether George was drunk or not, but suddenly changed his mind as the brunette stopped their sudden contact, eyeing the blonde as his eyes sparkled through the night

"I love you Clay..." George whispered, his smile as pure as the flowing water. "And I'm not drunk that's for sure." He chuckles, his hands caressing the alpha's cheeks.

Dream laughed at the latter sentence, smiling brightly as he felt like he was in a dream. He finally got George to love him, which was what he always wanted since the first time they met. "I love you too George."

Their lips closed together once more, feeling the sparks within their bodies turning into a burning sensation.

George's grip on the Alpha's cheeks loosened, as his hands moved down to Clay's shoulders. Gasping as he felt the blonde's grip on his ass tighten as he lifts George slightly so his knees could be comfortable as he was now facing the blonde.

The alpha's pheromones surrounds them as Clay begins to trace his hands around the hem of George's shirt, before sliding underneath it, slowly travelling up the brunette's chest which causes George to shiver in excitement.

His grip tightened on Dream's shoulder as the alpha's face began to travel down his neck, kissing and sucking the base to where his mark would soon be as he rubs his thumbs on George's nipples, teasing the omega before he gradually slides the shirt upwards.

George lets out a pleasurable moan, trying to steady himself while sitting on top of Dream as the alpha makes a prideful smirk. His face continued to roam downwards as his hands wrapped around the brunette's waist, supporting his weight just as his mouth latches unto George's chest. He began to tease the omega, licking and sucking his nipples, causing George to let out a loud moan.

The two of them gradually stopped, as George felt suddenly tired. His body now rested on top of Dream as the Alpha lays down on the sofa. Feeling each other's fastened heartbeats, as it gradually slowed down.

Soon Clay hears the quiet snores the brunette is making, as George fell asleep on his chest. He smiled to himself as he lightly carries the omega upstairs, careful not to wake him up as he opens the door to his room.

He lays the brunette in his bed as George immediately curls into his usual sleeping position. Placing the blanket on top of the smaller frame, as he looks at the peaceful face of the omega. Satisfied as he was about to leave and sleep on the guest bedroom when a sudden hand stops him.

"Stay, please?" George asked, suddenly awake by the lost of contact from the alpha's body.

"George, you need to sleep..." Dream whispers, sitting in the side of the bed as his hands caress the brunette's face.

"Sleep here then, please?" The omega begged once more. Clay sighs, defeated as he takes the other side of the bed. Pulling the sheets upwards as he lays on his side, now facing George.

The omega starred into his green eyes, his right hand softly roamed unto the alpha's cheek as he caressed his thumb on Dream's head, slowly closing his eyes as he drifts off to his sleep.

Clay watches as the omega slowly drifted back to his slumber. He slowly shifts his hand over the brunette's waist, pulling him closer as he leans forward, kissing his forehead before he closes his eyes.


Tease~ moments...

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