Chapter 32

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"Ah.. C-clay." George moaned out as Dream continued to fuck the omega, this time their positions changed as George's hands still cuffed on the headboard, twisting the brunette as he kept on thrusting unto him from behind.

A day has already passed, as Dream never let the omega go, making George pass out from exhaustion and sleeping while his hands are tied. Clay wasn't himself, therefore he doesn't know what he was doing, as he does it again the ninth time.

George was extremely exhausted, he wanted to get rid of the cuffs so he could drink something, but Clay wouldn't allow it. Though he knows he'd survive for a couple of days without food or water, but if feels tiring when his alpha was dominating him every time he wakes up until he lays unconscious.

The brunette tried to talk to sense into him, begging for Clay to stop or to let him be free  from the cuffs, which stated the obvious that Dream never listened.

To George, it was as if he was living in a lustful nightmare as he kept getting attacked like a helpless prey by his own alpha, dominating him every minute he gets.

Dream purposely sucked on the omega's back, making George squirm as he screams in pleasure while he cummed. "Mine..." Dream whispered, nibbling on the omega's ear before his other hand reaches the brunette's swollen dick. Rubbing his hands on it as to get George hard again.

"D-dream, no more." The brunette begged, tears starting to come down his face as he was extremely tired, feeling his alpha's growl as Clay unleashed his scent once more, making George obey as his omega instincts tells him to submit to his alpha.

His member immediately shifted, getting hard once more as his body instinctively wanted to be rammed again. The omega's swollen red hole twitching over Clay's hard dick that was still inside of him.

Clay began to move again thrusting unto the brunette, this time slower but hard as he thrust all of his dick inside.

"Fuck... Clay-" George moaned out every single time the Alpha would press unto him hard, frustrating the omega even more as he couldn't stop his tears from flowing down his face.

Dream couldn't hold it anymore as he switches their position back to missionary, now eyeing on the brunette's face as he pressed himself inside once more.

"I love you George..." The alpha groaned, nuzzling his head on the omega's shoulders  as he marks the brunette without thinking.

"I-gah!" The brunette cried out, feeling Clay's fangs digged into his flesh as he felt their bond grew stronger, their scent mixing one another as the Alpha officially claimed him as his.

"C-clay..." He whimpered, knowing that Dream was out of control when he did that.

Clay wasn't even finished, when his dick suddenly extended inside George, making the omega scream in pain as he locks himself with the brunette.

Knotting was very common when two mates wanted to make sure that they would get their partner pregnant and fast. As well as completing their bond once being marked.

"N-no stop..." George cried, "This feels bad... Clay please.. It hurts so much."


Dream was beginning to gain consciousness when he suddenly felt a smaller figure beside him.

George was there curling himself up as he was in an uncomfortable position, still sleeping while his hands were locked unto the headboard.

"How long was I..." He whispered to himself, frustrated as he started to panic and quickly grabbed the keys to the hand cuff that was on his drawer, unlocking George's hands as he could see the bruised mark forming on both the brunette's arm, feeling guilty as he immediately changed the omega's position into a more comfortable one.

Dream made sure to cover George with a blanket, checking for any injuries before he found out about the mark he engraved on the omega's neck.

Horror came into his senses, "N-no this wasn't meant to happen... I never meant to-" He panicked, immediately hugging the brunette as guilt invaded all his senses.

He clutches unto the sleeping George as if it was for his dear life, blaming himself for not being careful enough on what happened, just as the omega grumbled flickering his eyes open to find Clay looking at him with a tear in his eyes.

"Clay? What's wrong, why are you crying?" George mumbled.

"I- I'm sorry Georgy, I really am... I did not mean for this to happen-"

"Hey, hey clay.. Shh, don't panic." He whispered, bringing his tired hand on the Alpha's cheek, soothing him as he rubs his thumb gently.

The Alpha studied George's face before he nuzzles unto the omega's chest, still feeling frustrated and guilty on the mark as he wanted it to be special.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mark you... I wanted to wait till you're comfortable. I'm so sorry George..."

The brunette sighs, his assumption was correct that Dream would blame himself for what's happened. "Listen to me Clay, I said it's fine and it doesn't matter..."

"But, I was so stupid... I remembered I was in the office that day, and I didn't feel too well so I headed home." He explained, "Then I felt hot, very hot... And then called my secretary that I had a fever."

"Wait so you told your secretary you had a fever?" George asked.

"I've never had a rut before George, not until I met you..." The alpha responded, as George's assumption were correct again.

"Your secretary called me saying it was an emergency too so I thought it was a fever as well..." The omega sighs.

"I'm sorry George, I didn't instruct him clearly..." Dream apologized as he explained to George that it was a misunderstanding on the situation and he'd never would have his secretary call him if he knew he was in a rut.

"It's okay Clay, for the last time stop saying sorry..." George mumbles, now feeling a bit annoyed at the alpha's bickering.


It's late and I'm going to sleep... K bye

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