Chapter 5

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"Spin the bottle dumbass!" Quackity yelled, the four of them were now playing chug or dare. Sapnap went ahead to spin the bottle of the messy table, landing it on Karl who's been chugging this whole time instead of daring.

"Aw not again he's gonna empty out the whole bottle at this point!" Quackity groaned, the young alpha was a bit disappointed.

"Well I ain't taking orders from you idiots." Karl glared, throwing in another shot.

"God damn Karl isn't that too much?" George chuckled, so far he only got two dares from Sapnap and Karl. One was to prank call a store from Karl and the other was to go outside and yelled suck your bitches from Sapnap.

He was trying as much as possible not to get drunk, knowing he wouldn't survive if his mother finds out about it.

"I'm spinning!" Karl yelled, spinning the bottle stupidly as it fell of the floor. "Oops." The pointy party landed on George once more. "That counts!" Karl yelled excitedly, Quackity was smirked knowing it was his time to dare the brunette.

"George I dare you to drink this five hundred litter bottle of beer!" He yelled, as George's eyes went wide.

"What!? You can't make me do that!" He complained, but Quackity only gave him a shrug.

"Come on George this is a party and we're all legal!" Sapnap said, and earning a nod from Karl.

"Like I said that was enough drink for me." He sighs, knowing his friends wouldn't let him slip passed this. He takes the bottle from Quackity's hands as he gulps every last drop of beer. The burning sensation flooded near his chest as he gasps.

"Ayy atta boy!" Quackity cheered, throwing a glass of wine.

"Alright spin the bottle George!" Sapnap said impatient for another term.

George's head felt weird, as the liquid started to take affect on him. He spun the bottle and this time landed on Sapnap.

"Sapnap I dare you to show your affection of someone in this room for two minutes!" George dared, not giving the three a warning.

Quackity gave George a glare while Karl was a bit surprised over the sudden dare. Sapnap looked between the two as he boldly moves towards Quackity, feeling a bit nervous knowing fully that the Alpha was still in his senses.

Quackity smirked knowing where this is going, he cupped one of his hands on Sapnap their lips gradually pressed together. The kiss was slow yet intimidating as the two alpha's fight for dominance.

A good minute later Sapnap breaks their hungry kiss as he immediately walks up to Karl, the drunken omega already knew this was coming. The alpha sat beside him, cupping his face as he devours the omega.

George just stood there as he sees the scene of his friends kissing each other. His thoughts rested as he's now certain about the trio's relationship.

After another good minute, Sapnap breaks the kiss and smiles at the satisfied omega. Quackity sat next to the two, Karl in the middle as George admired the trio.

"So you three huh?" He said, earning a nod from Sapnap and Quackity.

"Yeah George, although we aren't official due to still being in high school but we plan on coming out as a polyamory relationship when we graduate." Karl explained.

"Now I get it when I look at you guys and see those sparks." He said wondering if he'll ever get a chance to  find someone.

"Aww Georgie I know you'll meet someone someday, who knows maybe their in this building too." Sapnap teases.

George rolled his eyes as he walks over to the door, "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." He huffs, walking out as to hear Karl say something about being careful. Sure maybe he was a bit drunk at this point, walking unsteadily as he finds his way there.

His mind roamed of to his mother's reaction once she kinds out he left the house. He mentally laughed at himself as he knows what was coming when he returns. George accidentally tripped over, his unbalance body suddenly hitting over a tall figure.

The mysterious man frowned behind his mask, seeing the omega in his drunken state. George nudges himself off the man's hold as he sneered at him, "Get your dirty hand off me moron." 

Amused by the omega's behavior, he backs away a bit smirking as he remembers the unstable brunette from earlier whose introduced as one of Sapnap's friends. He chuckles as the sight, seeing George without a mask allured Dream into thinking how attracted the omega looked. "Moron? you should know your place to whom your speaking to little omega." 

Intimidated by Dream's words, George cockily grabs ahold of the alpha's shirt. "Listen here you prick, I ain't weak just because I'm omega and your a beast!" 

Dream couldn't help but a smirk grew on his face as he watches the omega's spunk, taking a mental note how he acts when he's drunk. He grabs ahold of the omega's hands, pinning him to a wall as he leans closer, noticing George's hidden collar underneath his tux as he grinned knowing that George wasn't taken by any other Alpha. 

"L-let go of me you creep!" George muffled, as his mouth was covered by one of the Alpha's hand while still keeping him in that position. 

"Relax little omega, clearly you're drunk that you couldn't even figure out who your talking to." He whispers seductively into the brunette's ears. 

"S-shut up you're probably not worth remembering." George responded, the alpha feeling a bit hurt as what he said.

The atmosphere suddenly changed around them, Dream's face turning into a more serious tone as he looks at the brunette behind the mask. "Not worth remembering huh?" He sneers gripping George's hand tightly, "Then I shall let you remember me,  my little omega."   

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