Chapter 14

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(George POV)

"Dream, where exactly are we going?" I asked as we have traveled for over an hour across the country sides.

"The beach..." He answered, taking my eyes off the scenery as I watched his smiling face still focused on the road.

"The beach? You do realize I did not bring any extra clothes?"

"I have extra clothes, don't worry about it." He said, glancing at me before he turns his head back on the streets.

"Where?" I asked, confused as he points out behind the truck where I saw a green carry bag that I've never seen before. "I swear to god I didn't-"

"See it?" He chuckled, "It was there the whole time Georgy."

I couldn't help but scoffed at the nickname, "Look the point is why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because I got it under control my love." He teases.

"Will you stop with the nicknames?" I groaned, hiding my blushed face as I focused my eyes on the road.

"I-..." He sighs, "Alright I'll stop." He said, ending the conversation as the ride went back to silence.

A few minutes later I started to feel bored. Not really knowing what to do as I try to save some battery on my phone for later.

Quietly searching around the car as I noticed a bluetooth speaker placed down beside the bag. "Was this here the whole time too?"

"Yeah, I love playing music while on rides, but I don't really know if you'd enjoy it so I-"

"You're kidding me? Who doesn't love to play music on rides!" I exclaimed, interrupting his sentence as I tried to reach for the speaker, struggling with the length of my tiny hands.

"Take your seatbelts off so you could bend over." He suggested, mocking of how short I was as I frowned at his face, doing what he told me to do and reaching out for the speaker.

Finally grabbing it as I turned back to my seat, noticing how he blushed while his eyes flickered towards the road. "What's with your face?" I asked.

"N-nothing..." Dream coughed, handing me his phone while I stared at him confusedly.

"Uh, what am I gonna do with this?" I stated, taking the phone as I opened it up noticing he didn't put any password on it. "You don't have a password on your phone?"

"That's just the phone I use to play games and browse on the internet." He said.

"How many phones do you have exactly?" I asked, swiping through the apps as I saw spotify in the last few pages.

"Just two, one for business which I didn't bring, and the other is for myself." He explained, just as I paired it with the speaker.

"So you have two numbers?" I asked.

"Yes, but only call me when its very urgent on the business number." He stated.

"Who said I'd get your number?" I scoffed, tapping his playlist as I noticed he had premium on spotify for a year. "Rich man indeed." murmuring to myself.

"Then can I have yours?" He asked, tapping on one of the songs he had at the very top of his list which was entitled 'Heat Waves'.

"Nope." I said, listening as the music started playing.

"Last night, all I think about is you.
Don't stop, baby, you can walk through.
Don't want, baby, think about you.
You know that I'm never gonna lose." Dream hummed out as I listened to the sound of his surprisingly melodic voice.

I didn't know he had some hidden talent, glancing towards his face as I listen to how he sings with the song.

"Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been faking me out
Can't make you happier now..."

"You like this song?" I wondered, stopping what he was humming as he nods his head.

"It's relaxing... Kind of the opposite to your chaotic brain." He jokes, holding out his laughter as I purposely hit him on the shoulders. "Ow, see? Very aggressive..."

"But you like it." I argued, as he laughs his ass out.

"So you admit that I like you..." He chuckled, "We're here by the way." He announced as I take in the view of the white sandy beaches and a lot people swimming near the shores.

"Wow..." I gasps, the view was breath taking. Forgetting about what Dream mentioned as he parks the car to the nearest open space on the parking lot. "So you took us to a public beach?" I asked.

"Surprised?" He exclaimed, taking his hands of the steering wheel after turning off the engine. "Do you not like it?"

"I love it, I haven't been into a beach since middle school." I replied.

"You haven't?" He asked, taking the bag out.

"Yeah, its a long story." I sigh, not wanting to talk about it as he opens up his side of the door, walking up to my side as he opens it for me.

I thank him for it as he closes the door up, locking the car before we both headed of to the sandy sides of the beach.

Suddenly feeling like a kid again as I grabbed Dream's hand, telling him to walk faster while he said to me how we should search for a place to set up his things.

We ended up taking the place in the middle of the beach sands where we could see our stuff while were in water, a couple meter next to us were a bunch of people in groups that are also just chilling under the heat of the sun while some of their companions are in water.

I helped Dream by spreading out the sheets as he took out the umbrella and plunges it into the sand before sitting into the clean sheets.

"Okay I'm done let's go!" I yelled, excitedly taking the hoodie off, before he grabs my arm in an attempt to pull me into the sheets.

"Sit, you need some sun block before you dip in the ocean." He commanded, taking out a bottle of sun block as he taps in the sheets for me to sit.

"Aww, Dreamy scared of the sun?" I cooed, now it's my turn to give him a pet talk.

"Dreamy?" He asked, laughing as he pulled my arm strong enough for me to land on his thighs. "There, now don't move."


Cliffhanger...  :)

By the way guys, I'm down for another Q&A with you so ask me anything and I'll answer, just not too personal questions

Stubborn Omega (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now