💐(AoFuta) The Boy Who Spoke With Flowers💐

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The meanings behind each flower will be in the comments. This is inspired by another Fic:


I'm too stupid to write out the story details ❤️



The spring air was wet with dew as Takanobu Aone stepped into the garden. The of colors reflected onto the bed of dew.

Aone was a quiet man. His large build often made people scared of him but the people who knew him could all testify that he was a sweetheart.

He kneeled to the ground, clippers in hand as he gathered chrysanthemums. They fell to the ground in a pile of soft yellow.


Kenji Futakuchi walked to school in silence, the morning air filling his lungs. He loved the walk to school each morning as it required him to walk by Aone's house.

They had been friends since the first day of school, Futakuchi almost immediately hit it off with him as he was able to understand Aone's silence.

Futakuchi didn't try to force Aone to speak. He didn't treat Aone any differently than he would anyone else.


As Futakuchi reached Aone's house, he noticed him kneeling in his garden. It would be a strange sight to anyone else, this gentle giant carefully picking flowers. He had an elegance to him as he did so that Futakuchi loved although he would never admit it to anyone.

"Aone!" Futakuchi called out to him, as he ran a hand through his soft brown hair.

Aone looked up, waving slightly to Futakuchi.

"Whatcha doin?" Futakuchi asked, staring curiously at the pile of yellow flowers.

Aone gestured to his house as if to say I'm bringing them inside.

Futakuchi nodded, as he kneeled to sit next to Aone, "Need any help?" They had a while before school anyways.

Aone nodded, obviously grateful for the help.


After they were done moving the chrysanthemums inside, Futakuchi picked up his things to leave before he was stopped by Aone.

In his hands was a blue hydrangea. He handed it to his friend.

A light pink dusted both boys faces as Futakuchi accepted the gift. "Thank you," his voice was quiet. Aone just nodded.


They walked to school in silence. It wasn't a weird silence. It was the silence of falling asleep in someone you trust's arms. It was a safe silence.


When they arrived at school, Futakuchi hid the flower. He didn't want anyone to tease him for having such a delicate thing. He also didn't want anyone to destroy it.

Aone noticed, thinking to himself of how Futakuchi was ashamed of him.

He walked away quietly, Futakuchi not even noticing as he was lost in conversation with a girl.


After school, Futakuchi still ignored Aone, filling Aone with a deep sadness.

You see, the reason he ignored him was because he loved him, but he didn't understand it. He hated this feeling of warmth in his chest when they talked. He hated the knots in his stomach when they weren't together. He tried to move on. He wanted to move on. After all, he didn't want to destroy their friendship, but no one else filled his every thought.



The white haired boy looked up from the marigolds he was cutting to see Futakuchi standing beside him, panting loudly as if he had run here.

"I-I'm so sorry!" His voice was softer than usual. "I'm so sorry I ignored you,"

Aone just nodded sadly, looking back to the flowers.

"Aone, please,"

A red rose fell to the ground, falling into a pile of Marigolds.

"I ignored you because I don't want to admit these feelings in my heart!" His voice quavered. "Please," the last word came out barely a whisper.

Aone turned to face him again. His face was the color of the sweet pea flowers that were in a pot to his right.

"Ok," the deep rumble of Aone's voice brought Futakuchi to tears as he fell to his knees, wrapping the larger boy in a hug.

Leaves fell from the trees above them, laying in their hair like crowns as the silence overtook them once more.

"Aone?" They pulled apart from each other.

"I love you so much," Futakuchi's voice was loud as he tackled Aone into the piles of yellow flowers. The rose lay perfectly next to them.

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