🌹 Quite the Temper (KyouHabaSemiShira) 🌹

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"Boo!" Yahaba's face held a wide grin as he crept up behind Shirabu and tapped him on the shoulder. He laughed when the normally stoic Shirabu nearly jumped out of his skin.

Shirabu turned around swiftly. "You asshole—," he whisper-yelled before wrapping his arms around Yahaba in what could be considered a stiff hug. The large gray duffel bag that Shirabu had swung over his shoulder hit Yahaba gently in the side as Yahaba returned the hug.

"Hi, Shirabu," Yahaba grinned into the other's shoulder. This was their first time seeing each other in person since their relationship had started.

Despite their rivalry in their 3rd year of High School, they didn't really know each they officially met online in college and became close friends along with Semi and Kyoutani. The two who were missing from the train station to help prepare Yahaba's house for Shirabu's arrival. Those two had arrived a few days earlier so they had more time to annoy Yahaba and more time to get used to each other.

The hug ended too soon for either of them but the train station was getting crowded and Yahaba wanted them to get home before it too got dark and they both got lost. They walked quickly, eager to see the other two as Yahaba dragged Shirabu by the hand.

They reached the house fairly quickly if they ignored the short stop they took to pick up some candies from a nearby convenience store. Yahaba took Shirabu's bag from him and brought him to the door once the house's gravel driveway was in view. They smiled at the sound of fast footsteps and a barking dog when Shirabu knocked.

The door swung open quickly and Semi was waiting there with a wide smile on his face while Kyoutani wrestled Yahaba's dog, Cindy to keep her inside.

"Shirabuuu!" Semi said contently, hugging Shirabu and rocking back and forth as he did, nearly knocking Shirabu over in the process. His gray hair was a mess and he wore a casual sweater and jeans that contrasted starkly with Yahaba and Shirabu's more refined styles.

Yahaba just smiled and took Shirabu's bag inside so he could help Kyoutani with the dog. Semi eventually let go of Shirabu and Cindy was eventually bribed into the backyard with treats so Shirabu entered the house for the first time, pulling his shoes off and tossing them in a corner.

Shirabu looked at Kyoutani whose black t-shirt and gray shorts was covered in golden retriever fur. Kyoutani seemed anxious under Shirabu's stare.

"..Hi," he mumbled awkwardly extending his hand for a handshake.

Shirabu snickered at the sight. "Hi," he hugged Kyoutani tight but quickly before going further into the house.


On the dining room table was a couple boxes of pizza, the candies they had picked up, and a bouquet of roses. A banner hung on one wall that said "Welcome Home, Shirabu!" except the R in Shirabu had a T scribbled on top in sharpie. Shirabu smiled at the sight. A cake sat on the kitchen counter, red velvet.

Semi and Yahaba sat on a nearby couch, wrestling for the tv remote as they waited for the other two to join them.

"Yo, I get the remote since I'm the guest," Shirabu declared, forcing himself into the spot on the couch between the two.

Yahaba just rolled his eyes but Semi argued. "Hey! I'm a guest too!"

"Fine, then call me the Guest of honor," Shirabu teased, switching the channel to a sport's documentary that he knew none of them would mind anyways.

They watched for a few minutes before Yahaba spoke.

"I'm so glad you're here," he mumbled, leaning into Shirabu once they had gotten used to the tv's background noise. "I've been waiting for this for so long,"

"Me too," Kyoutani said, walking in front of the couch and taking a seat on the floor in front of them all.

"Well on the bright side, I only have a few months left before I get my degree and can move in," Shirabu sighed.

"A few months is so long though!" Yahaba whined, wrapping one arm around Shirabu.

"Don't be a baby," Semi rolled his eyes and flicked Yahaba gently on the forehead.

Kyoutani stifled a laugh at that.

"What are you laughing at, Mad dog~Chan?" Yahaba laughed.

Kyoutani glared at him. "Go to hell,"

They all broke into laughter at the face he made, their voices ringing through the evening as they chatted the night away.


Literally my favorite boys

762 words

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