🥀(IwaOi) Childhood friends 🥀

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"Sometimes I missed the way things used to be. It was a lot simpler when we were younger," his face was turned away from me, brown hair falling in front of his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Huh?" He stared at me in disbelief "Have you really not noticed the difference?"

I furrowed my brows, internally screaming at the wave of discomfort that rushed over me.

How could I have possibly not noticed?!


Once we had entered middle school, our closeness had been looked down upon.

"Oi, Iwaizumi?" One of my old friends had grabbed my shoulder and pulled me aside. "Be honest with me. Are you and Oikawa...gay?"

I flicked him on the forehead. "Huh?!"

"Why the hell would you think that?!" I crossed my arms defensively.

"I mean you're always together and you even call each other by your first names,"

"That doesn't me that me and
Too-Oikawa, are dating!" I scoffed.

"W-whatever man. I was just asking,"


I had stopped calling him Tooru that day. I noticed the way he got quiet when I would call him Oikawa but I believe he soon understood why I did what I had to do.

"Iwaizumi!" His voice was cheerful as he ran up to where I waited on the sidewalk. The way his hand brushed mine didn't seem as innocent as it once did and I pulled my hand away.

"What..what was that for?" He frowned, his eyes meeting mine as they glossed over with tears.

"We can't do this, Oikawa," I sighed "People are going to get the wrong idea,"

"Then let them get the wrong idea," a small tear ran down his cheek. "Who cares about them?!"

"You're being selfish. Oikawa-,"

"Don't call me that!"

He pushed me in his anger, causing me to fall to the floor. I stared at him, admiring the way my friend had become so handsome over the years. I wished for nothing more than for us to be able to continue our friendship in ignorance but I knew better. I could not listen to the selfish voice in my brain that told me to hold him close.

"Oikawa, I'm sorry," I took a deep breath "This needs to change,"

He opened his mouth to speak but all that came was a choked sob. His eyes darted to the path behind him.

He muttered a quiet "Hajime," through sobs before turning and running.


"God, I was such a coward," bitter laughter erupted from his lips. "Wasn't very gentlemanly of me to leave you sitting there on the sidewalk,"

"I should have ran after you, tried to catch up,"

"I think..I needed to push you away,"


"Stupid trashykawa," I flicked his head as he grumbled about our lost game.

"Iwa~ so mean," Oikawa had said as he  rubbed his forehead.

"Oh shut up, Shittykawa,"

"Now that's just vulgar,"

I let a small smile stretch across my face.

He grew quiet and I turned to see what was wrong only to see him staring at me, the same way he used to.

I shoved him. "Stop getting all star struck!"

I tried to ignore the way your face flushed.


"I had no idea you were such a romantic, Hajime," You winked, your hand intertwining with mine.

"Oh shut up,"

"I'm good," a content smile stretched across your face.

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