🥀(IwaOi) Undesirable🥀

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This is mostly inspired by all the jokes saying Oikawa is flat. I'm all for joking but not when it's just straight up hurtful. Body shaming someone isn't funny, regardless of if they're a fictional character or not.
I can understand joking about Oikawa if it's one or 2 comments joking about it but when it's a couple hundred, I think the joke loses any humor it might of once had.
Sorry for ranting but I feel like that was important to say.

All body types are beautiful.



Toru Oikawa sat on his bed, scrolling through his phone. It was mindless at this point. He had just lost to Shiratorizawa in the Inter-high and wanted to distract himself.

He was used to people gossiping about him. After all, the more people like you, the more others will despise you.

Normally he could handle the internet gossip, but an article caught his eye.

"Toru Oikawa, Undesirable"

Oikawa tensed, his hand freezing as he debated whether or not to open the article. Eventually he gave in.

He skimmed through the article, not wanting to allow himself the time to get caught up in the details. The article was pretty stupid, mostly just comments on how Oikawa's body. He scoffed at how straightforward the author was, before a line caught his eye:

He's not the type of guy anyone would ever love.

He threw his phone. "Bitch," his voice shook as he cursed the author of the article. It was probably someone desperate for views. Someone who didn't think he would see it and that made him even more mad.

He sat up in his bed, cursing as tears pooled at the corners of his eyes. His face was twisted in a bitter expression.




He stood up slowly, walking over to pick up his phone. Suddenly, it started buzzing.

bzzt bzzt

He looked down at the screen to see who was calling him.


He snatched his phone up from the floor, pressing decline. He didn't want anyone to hear him crying, especially not Hajime Iwaizumi.


Iwaizumi paced around his room. He had called Oikawa to ask him if he wanted to hang out, only for his call to be declined.

Oikawa never declined calls unless something came up and he couldn't. After all, he almost always had his phone on him.

Iwaizumi's mind started to race, filling with impossible thoughts.

What if Shittykawa died? Nah. He's too stupid to die.

What if he's hurt. No. He's too proud to decline. He would just pretend it wasn't that bad.

His mind kept running when he came to a decision. He was going over to Oikawa's house, to see what was wrong.

He threw on a hoodie and jeans and grabbed his phone, as well as his house keys before slipping on his shoes and running out.

Oikawa's house was only a couple blocks away so he ran. When he reached the door, he knocked loudly.


Oikawa had calmed down from crying now and was planning on calling Iwaizumi back when he heard a knock on his door.

Standing up from a chair, he walked over, hoping that he could excuse his puffy eyes as allergies.

"Iwa~Chan?" Oikawa was surprised to see him here. Iwaizumi never came over without some sort of warning, although it was usually a threat.

"...Are you okay?" Iwaizumi was staring at Oikawa's eyes and it was obvious that he knew Oikawa had been crying.

Oikawa laughed, one hand nervously going to the back of his neck. "Why wouldn't I be?" The question was meant to calm Iwaizumi down but Oikawa's voice cracked, causing Iwaizumi to push the door open.

"Don't lie to me, Shittykawa. I won't force you to talk but I'm going to stay with you," his voice was as aggressive as usual but you could tell he cared.

Oikawa just nodded, letting Iwaizumi inside.


They spent the rest of the day together and Iwaizumi hadn't asked Oikawa what had made him cry. They were talking about a new volleyball tactic when Oikawa suddenly went silent, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"Trashy Oikawa?" Iwaizumi looked at him worriedly.

"Iwa," Oikawa looked away. "Am I undesirable?"

What? Why is he asking this?

Thoughts rushed through Iwaizumi's head. He wanted to laugh, to say that of course Oikawa was. He wanted to be arrogant. But sadly, Iwaizumi is not an arrogant man.

"What made you think that?" His voice was calm, but showed obvious disdain for whatever had made Oikawa doubt himself.

Oikawa is confident. He always knows what to do. He knows that people love him. He knows that he's talented. So why? What would change that obvious fact that should be in his brain?!

"Sorry," Oikawa's voice was barely a whisper. "Never mind,"

Iwaizumi just stared at him.


Oikawa looked up, surprised not to hear an insulting name.

"Why the hell would you think you're undesirable?!" His voice was louder, he grabbed Oikawa's shoulders and shook him. "Every girl you've ever met loves you-!"

"But the one person I love never will!" Oikawa's voice cut him off. "He'll never love me!" Tears spilled from his eyes.


"Then he's a fucking bastard!" Iwaizumi's grip on his shoulders tightened.

Oikawa pulled back, forcing Iwaizumi to let go.


"You're a bastard, Iwaizumi," a small smile danced on Oikawa's lips and he spoke the words hesitantly.

Iwaizumi looked into Oikawa's eyes, debating what to say.

"I know,"

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