🥀(KageHina) Sunsets🥀

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I just realized how many of these oneshots I've written today-

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy!


Hinata Shoyo and I stood in silence. The sunset in front of us reflected in both of our eyes, and onto our skin. It painted both of our faces a warm orange hue.

"Bakayama?" Hinata's voice broke the silence.

"What, Boke?"

Hinata rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out but continued.

"I love you,"



More silence.

"There's no reason. I just do,"

I looked at him. I must be an asshole for not saying I love you back. After all, I loved him so much, but I didn't trust it.

"I'm sorry,"

Hinata looked at me again, his eyes appearing even more orange in the light. He was so bright, a blessing on this very world. He brought joy to even the darkest of souls.

And I made him cry.

The tears spilled slowly from his eyes. I should of hugged him, told him that I was joking and that I truly did love him.

But I couldn't.

And so I walked away, I turned away from the sunset and walked home. In front of me, the moon started to rise. The light from it revealed my glossy eyes.


"Kageyama?" Sugawara grabbed my arm during practice, pulling me to the side.

"What happened between you and Hinata?" Suga's voice reflected the concern on his face.


"Sugawara~Senpai?" I looked to the floor. "I don't want the sun to ever set again,"


To my surprise when I looked up, multiple other members from the team had heard what I said. They stared at me. Some had blank looks while others reeked of pity.

I pushed past Suga, past all of them, and ran. I kept running until I was somewhere I didn't recognize.


I walked along, not knowing where I was. Suddenly, I saw something familiar.

Oikawa and the other members of Aoba Johsai's volleyball team were walking into a cafe, probably as some sort of team bonding exercise.

Before I knew what I was doing, I entered the cafe. By now, I realized that I was starving and was thankful to find my wallet on me. I bought a pastry and a milk drink before I sat down at one of the tables.

Thankfully, they hadn't seen me yet.


"Tobio~Chan?" I looked up to see Oikawa and Iwaizumi standing by my table. The rest of their team was gone by now.

"What are you doing so far from Karasuno?" Iwaizumi's voice was kinder than Oikawa's.

I stared at them, not knowing what to say.

"Idiot," Oikawa stuck his tongue out at me, causing Iwaizumi to hit him hard in the back of the head.

"Owww. Iwa~Chan, so meaaan!"

"Are you okay though?" Iwaizumi's gaze flicked back to me.

"I. I screwed up,"

Tears fell from my face and to my surprise, Oikawa put a hand on my back.

"Well then, since you're my underclassman, it's my job to help,"


I wasn't used to Oikawa being nice to me. I guessed it had something to do with Iwaizumi as they both appeared a lot more intimate with each other lately.

After I explained to them the situation with Hinata, Oikawa just nodded slowly. Iwaizumi tried to walk away, saying how he isn't good with this romance stuff but Oikawa dragged him back.

"Why don't you just tell him you love him?"

"I can't,"


"I...don't fully trust him,"

"Then give him an opportunity to win your trust. Explain to him why you don't trust him and give him a chance,"

I nodded slowly, looking at Oikawa. I was still weirded out by him being nice to me but he did give me decent advice.

"Thank you. Both of you-," I said before Oikawa cut me off.

"I'm sorry, Tobio~chan,"

I blinked in surprise and looked to see that even Iwaizumi was surprised.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you when we were younger. To be honest, I was scared of you,"

"Scared..of me?"

"I was scared that you would overtake me. I mean the talent you had was so much greater than my own,"

"I-," I was at a loss for words.

Oikawa just stood up, reverting back to his usual carefree nature.

"You should be heading back now, Tobio~Chan! Your team must be worried!" He pestered me like a mom would about how I should be more considerate to my friends.

He insisted on walking me back and dragged Iwaizumi along with us.


"Sawamura~San?" Oikawa called for our captain as he walked into the gym.

Daichi looked in surprise at the sight of me being dragged into the gym by my enemy.

Iwaizumi hit Oikawa on the back.

"Iwa~channnn!" Oikawa grumbled in pain.

"We found Tobio. You can have him back," Iwaizumi walked out, dragging Oikawa by the collar.



By the time I arrived back, practice was mostly over so I found myself walking home with Hinata earlier than I expected.



He looked back at me. The light in his eyes was dimmer.

"Come with me,"

We walked to the same spot we had been at on the day of his confession.


"Hinata, I love you too,"

Hinata stood in shock at my words.

"I'm sorry," he turned away from me, walking away.

The stupid sunset lit his back as he walked towards the moon. I tuned to face him, as the sun behind me disappeared into the horizon.

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