🥀(EnnoTana) Our Last Moments 🥀

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This is going to be an adult au. This is me pushing my mental state into characters that I love. This will have themes of suicide, self harm, abuse, drug use, and alcoholism.

The sentence this revolves around is:

{And I loved the chill of your dead body in my hands because at least you were here with me}


I slid down the cold wall, tears rolling down my face. Blood stained the alleyway as the heat drained out of his body.

I hugged his body, scared he would fade away if I let go. Multiple gunshots wounds covered his body and I choked on the metallic scent of blood.

I cursed at him. He wasn't supposed to die, he was stronger than that so why now did his voice not ring in my ears.

The breathing that calmed me to sleep had gone silent, the only sound remaining being my own heartbeat and tears.




I turned to the sound of my name. Tanaka met my gaze grabbing my hand in his own.

"What do you want, idiot," I said tiredly, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

"Let's meet at the usual spot tonight. Okay?"

I nodded, walking swiftly to class as he followed, draping his arm over my shoulder.

Sadly, he had the same class as me next period so running away would be pointless.

He blabbered on about random subjects. It ranged from his family to our last volleyball game.

I just ignored it until he said something that caught my attention.

"Would you rather see someone die or just their body?"

"What kind of dark question is that?!"

He laughed at that but didn't wait for an answer, pointing to our classroom as we neared it.


"Ennoshitaaaaaa!" He called after me as I left the classroom. I sighed loudly but slowed down so he could walk at a slow pace beside me.

He stuck out his tongue at me and I rolled my eyes.

It was lunch time so we made our way outside, not wanting to get caught in the lunch room.

We weren't unpopular per say... but people didn't really like us so it was just better this way.

Besides, I enjoyed the time with Tanaka and sometimes the other second years if they stopped by.

"Are they ashamed of us?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Who?" Tanaka grabbed my arm to stop me.


"Hah?! There's no way when I'm so perfectly good looking!" Tanaka's voice was overconfident but it was obvious he was just trying to make me forget about everyone else.

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