🌹(TsukkiYama) Cupcakes 🌹

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This is inspired by my impulse baking. I'm literally writing this while waiting for my cupcakes to cool.


Tsukishima Kei walked slowly through the supermarket, stopping every once in a while to check his shopping list or to grab and item. His mother had tasked him with the job of getting groceries since she and his brother would be out at a family event.

This was a necessary sacrifice of Tsukishima's time as going to a family event would be a lot more exhausting.

As he walked along, something caught his eye.

The baking section.

He didn't normally act on impulse but he grabbed a cake mix kit, as well as frosting and some things for decoration. He knew his mom probably had the rest of what he needed at home somewhere.

As he walked to the register, he scoffed at his purchase. How childish.


Tadashi Yamaguchi lazed around at home, not really having a plan for the weekend.

On school days, he would hang out with his salty best friend but the weekends were a different matter.

His boredom would usually be solved when Tsukishima would sometimes just show up, asking to hang out, in his arrogant way.

Today was no different.

The doorbell rang loudly, causing Yamaguchi to be startled out of his tired attitude. He walked to the door, opening it to see the familiar face of his best friend.

"Come on," his voice was cold, stern. Yamaguchi nodded, grabbing his phone from a nearby table and stepping out.


"You bought cake mix?" Yamaguchi laughed loudly. It was out of character for Tsukishima to want to do anything, let alone baking. Tsukishima scoffed, turning away. "It's not that surprising,"

Yamaguchi calmed down from his laughing fit after a while. "Gomen, Tsukki," he said, wiping tears from his eyes, a wide smile still on his face. Tsukishima just rolled his eyes, getting out the ingredients on the back of the cake mix box.

Tsukishima mixed together oil, water, eggs, and cake mix in a bowl. By now, Yamaguchi turned to help. "Tsukiiii!!" He shook Tsukishima violently after having set the bowl down. "I'm sorry for laughing at you," his apology was meaningless as a shit eating grin was still stretched across his face.



Yamaguchi poured the batter into the tin carefully. Tsukishima just watched.

After they put it in the oven, they were left with a mess to clean up.

"Tsukkiii, I'm the guest. That means it's your job," Yamaguchi stuck his tongue out at Tsukishima who looked like he was about to kill Yamaguchi.

After Tsukishima had cleaned up the mess, the cupcakes were done.

"They don't look half bad!" Yamaguchi exclaimed, after he got a closer look at them.


They waited for the cupcakes to cool by playing video games on Tsukishima's bed. But that got boring pretty quickly as Yamaguchi kept losing.

"How are you so bad?" Tsukishima asked in his normal cold tone, except Yamaguchi swore that he could see Tsukishima's lips twitching into a small smile.

"I'm not bad!" Yamaguchi retorted, punching Tsukishima's arm lightly.

Now Tsukishima actually did smile.

"Awww! You're smiling!" Yamaguchi said happily after noticing the salty french fries' face.

"No I'm not!" Tsukishima said but his words lost a lot of merit when his smile only grew.

Yamaguchi just laughed and Tsukishima joined in the laughter, obviously self conscious for laughing but he trusted Yamaguchi.


"We can decorate them now!" Tsukishima's voice held a small ounce of excitement.

Yamaguchi nodded, looking at what Tsukishima had bought for decoration.

Dinosaur shaped chocolates and green frosting.


"Tsukki, they're so cute!" Yamaguchi smiled happily gesturing to the cupcakes that Tsukishima had insisted on decorating by himself. Tsukishima's face dusted a light pink and he turned away.


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