💐(TsukiYama) Returning to Roots 💐

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This au will be explained later in the story.


The dirt was damp with the afterthoughts of a late night rain. It pulled Yamaguchi's feet deeper as he trudged through the dirt path. The moon above him was the only light and cast a milky glow over his body.

He found warm tears on his face and wished for nothing more than to give up, to fall to his knees and try again in the morning. But something pushed him onwards, maybe it was love. Maybe hatred. And so he pulled himself together and walked through the mud.

He gasped as his knees buckled and rushed to catch himself before he fell. The mud ran over his fingers as he forced himself back to his feet, cursing himself for falling.

He needed to make it tonight. He needed to.

A bird darted along the moon, cawing quietly as if to tease Yamaguchi.

"Lift your wings and fly, pitiful human,"

Yamaguchi huffed and continued his journey. It wasn't long now. He grabbed at his pocket to make sure it was still there and upon finding the object of importance, sighed in relief.

When he arrived at the hill, he took note of the stone pillar that sat beneath it. He pulled the seed out of his pocket and carefully placed it in front of the gravestone, covering it with a thin veil of dirt.

Suddenly, the moon's ray ran over the hill and Yamaguchi watched in awe as the plant sprung up, curling around the stone and reaching towards the sky.

Leaves adorned the tall branches like a crown, some falling to sit on Yamaguchi's head and shoulders. The thick roots of the tree curled down the hill, as if a large hand was grabbing it.

It was a beautiful sight and only now did Yamaguchi allow himself to break down. He fell to his knees and wept as the tree covered him, shielding him from the cruel world.

He read the epitaph through red, tears eyes, crying even more when he had to accept what it said.

Tsukishima Kei,
May the moon call him back to sea

Yamaguchi ran his hands along the carefully carved words, smiling bitterly through his blurry eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kei,"

"What do you have to be sorry for?" A voice came from the tree, floating down to enter Yamaguchi's ears.

It was so familiar.

"I-I," the words failed to leave him.

"Hm?" The voice teased, dancing through the air.

"I never told you how I felt," Yamaguchi finally managed.

"It was pretty obvious, Tadashi," the voice mused, coming ever so close.

"Do you have to torture me like this even from the afterlife?" Yamaguchi sighed, wiping the tears from his face.

"You're the one who brought me back, if only for a day," Tsukishima laughed "I might as well tease you at least a little,"

"Now that's just mean," Yamaguchi whined as a warm hand gently pressed onto his back.

He turned to see Tsukishima's smirking face. He almost wept at the sight of it.

"So you resorted to witchcraft just so you could tell me such an obvious thing,"

"Well I wanted to tell you more," Yamaguchi mumbled defensively.

"Like what?" Tsukishima crouched to sit next to Yamaguchi, his eyes fixed on his own gravestone.

"Well now it's too embarrassing," Yamaguchi covered his face as a red hue ran across it.

"I'll go first then," Tsukishima smiled genuinely, "I like you a lot, Tadashi. You're really adorable and made my life so much better. I love how you always know what to say, even if you don't admit it. You used to play with my hair when you thought I was asleep and then got so shameless that you would do it all the time. You like listening to music with me even if you don't like the songs. You're super cool, Tadashi. And I love you,"

Yamaguchi was a flustered mess and buried his face into his knees.

"I-I love you, Kei," Yamaguchi mumbled.

"Let's make today special, before I must return,"

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