🥀(Kagehina) Lucky 🥀

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I literally wrote this in my head during church. Quick thing, listen to Two Birds on loop during this. It'll make it a bit more sad.


"Maybe if you weren't such an incompetent brat, you wouldn't be so useless on the court," Kageyama's words were harsh. He and Hinata had both been getting more and more distant. Their fighting getting more personal and brutal.

"Maybe if you weren't such a dick, people would actually like you," Hinata snapped back, throwing the ball in his hand at Kageyama.

Kageyama just scoffed, catching it before turning back to practice.

The rest of the team had no idea what to do. After all, they hadn't gotten any worse and they felt like interjecting would make it worse.


A couple minutes into their practice match, Hinata had screwed up their quick, it being obvious that he no longer trusted Kageyama to set for him.

"Hey, maybe we should take a break, guys," Daichi suggested as Kageyama stomped over to Hinata.

"You have one fucking job. Can you at least not screw up that?" The words were harsh. Every word they shared was.

They always reeked of hatred. The team wondered why they had fallen out so much.

"Kageyama. That's enough," Daichi stepped between them, trying to separate them.

"You never change, Bakayama. You'll always be a stupid king," and then Hinata walked away. It had surprised everyone when Hinata spoke with such aggression. He had always fought with Kageyama but more in the way competitive kids did than this.

"Hinata-," Daichi started to say in a warning tone.

"You think anyone would play with you if it wasn't for your jumps? It's all you have, pathetic bitch. It was luck that we were ever friends," Kageyama snarled, shoving past Daichi to pull Hinata up by the collar.

The rest of the team had returned from their break by now and when they noticed the tension, Sugawara and Tanaka ran up to break up what could turn into a brutal physical fight.

Hinata's face darkened, an expression that no one had seen before. Whatever his thoughts were, they were unreadable. He looked like he could kill someone.

"Are you serious?" He bitterly laughed out. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" The condescending tone made Kageyama tighten his grip.

Tanaka pulled Kageyama away, causing Hinata to fall to the floor. "Luck?" Hinata repeated.

Suga offered a hand to Hinata as Tanaka held a struggling Kageyama back.

Hinata slapped the hand away. "Don't touch me,"

"Guys, this isn't the time to be fighting," Yamaguchi's voice came anxiously. The other teammates agreed.

"Do you know what the fuck I lost for this?! Just to stand on the court?" Hinata pulled himself to his feet.

"Hinata, please-," Suga tried to calm him down.

"Every single fucking day. I would practice until my hands bled. I lost friends. I missed out on life. I chased after people like you. I tried so fucking hard for something that I had no chance in. Do you know what it was like, seeing how strong you all were and finally feeling the weight of my own failure?"

"Hinata-," even Tsukishima was slightly concerned now.

"Let me finish. Do you know how powerful I felt when we first did the quick? I finally had a chance, Tobio,"

Kageyama stopped struggling now, causing Tanaka to finally let go of him.

Everyone was shocked, not knowing what to do.

"I felt needed. I felt strong. This was something that I could do. I scared other teams with this. We both did. Then I went and ruined it,"

"What happened between you two?" Asahi asked nervously.

"I-," Kageyama opened his mouth and then closed it again, debating on what he would say. "I didn't mean what I said that day. I was scared so I said something selfish and stupid to keep my own pride. I'm...sorry,"


"I like you too,"

The team was once again shocked, still not knowing what the full context to this was but happy for them.

The duo hugged.


"Can someone explain now?" Daichi asked after a while.

Kageyama looked nervously at Hinata before recalling the story.

"OI, BAKAYAMA!" Hinata ran to catch up with the taller guy.

"What, Dumbass?" Kageyama asked, rolling his eyes but not being able to hide the fondness in his expression.

"Can...Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure whatever," Kageyama looked down at Hinata. The brown eyes enveloping his whole mind.

"I'm probably going to regret this but...I need to say it! I...like you,"

Kageyama froze. He hadn't expected this. A red hue covered his face.


"You heard me!" Hinata said in his normal energetic tone but with a ounce of nervousness.

"What the fuck? Why?" Kageyama asked, no heat behind the words.

"Do I have to have a reason?" Hinata asked genuinely.

"I guess not," Kageyama sighed.

"So do you like me back?" Hinata asked, full of anticipation.

"...I would never like someone like you," he cursed himself for saying that. He did like him back, but he was scared. If he gave his heart to the boy who already had his whole mind, it would be so easy for him to break it. He couldn't handle being abandoned again, so he did the most brash thing he could and abandoned him first.

Kageyama had never been smart when it came to anything besides volleyball so this was what he thought was smart however it hurt his heart so much.

Thinking that Hinata was at fault for the ache in his heart, he took out his emotions on the shorter boy. The harsh words hurt the speaker and the one on the receiving end of them.


The team stood in shock, before Daichi sighed.

"Forget practice, everyone head home today,"


And so, Hinata and Kageyama walked home together, racing each other the whole way.

Happy to laugh together again.

Happy just to see the other.

And Kageyama was especially happy when Hinata won their final race. A bright smile stretching across the small boy's face.

This is what he could of lost.

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