UNFINISHED (AkaTsuki) Maintaining Humanity

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(This might be a bit out of character)

I stared at the speaker in the front of the room. He was rather plain looking but when I looked closely, you could see the natural beauty of a real human. His posture was stiff and he seemed uncomfortable at the number of eyes that faced him.

He nodded and cleared his throat before he began talking.

"Greetings, students of this academy. My name is Akaashi Keiji. Some of you may know me as the author of the award winning book, Alexithymia. Today I have come to speak to you all about...uhhh...," he glanced nervously down at the podium where his notes were.
"...I've come to speak to you about the importance of maintaining humanity,"

My eyelashes fluttered as I yawned, already bored out of my mind before he had even finished his introduction. His eyes darted around the room in an anxious manner before the professor whispered some words to him.

Akaashi paled at the words and nodded before the professor slipped away.

Not like that's any of my business

I opened my notebook and doodled as Akaashi began to drone on about the topic he was teaching. His speech wasn't particularly boring but I've read his books before and they're nothing special.

He was nothing special.


When his speech neared its end, I decided to tune back in.

"-I hope every one of you gets to experience a beautiful death,"

I stared at him blankly. His eyes that sparkled at his own words and his lips that were curled into a bitter smile. Tears streamed down his splotchy red face as he bowed his head.

"Thank you for your time,"

Now I was curious.


I packed up my things quickly and hurried out of the lecture hall, hoping to catch up to him.

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