🌹(KageHina) Everything I Like About You 🌹

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So much fluff today. Woah :OO


Kageyama blushed at the sight of a small white envelope in his locker, sealed with a red heart.

The outside gave no clues as to who had left it and his glance around the room held no possible suspects.

So he carefully opened the envelope, careful not to rip it.

The letter had messy, boyish handwriting and was written on a sheet of notebook paper, a large contrast to the pristine.

After properly analyzing all the parts, Kageyama read the letter.

Dear Kageyama,

I like you, like a wholeee lot. And I couldn't keep ignoring it so here's me telling you, even if you'll never know it was me.

I like you so so so much. I like the way your bangs cover your eyes at times. I like when you forget to have a mean face. I like your mean face. I like when you try to be nice.

I like when you pout at the vending machines because they aren't working. I like how you doodle on your hands in class. I like how you get excited when we win a game. I like how you fall asleep to music. I like when you trust me enough to tell me what's wrong. I like when you smile.

I like when you're happy. I like everything about you.

Maybe I will tell you who i am. I'll regret it later but maybe it's the push I need.

Hinata Shoyo.

A bright red covered Kageyama's face and he buried his face in his hands.

"Hinata b-boke," he mumbled quietly, before pulling out a piece of paper for his response.

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