UNFINISHED 💐 promise me? (IwaOi) 💐

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Oikawa carefully laid a blanket over Iwaizumi's sleeping body, careful not to wake him. He had fallen asleep on the couch while waiting for Oikawa to come home from work. His body was sprawled lazily over the gray sofa and his arm spilled onto the floor. The soft yellow blanket covered most of him and he sleepily turned so it curled around him even more.

He looked comfortable.

The sight made Oikawa smile as he took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, carefully setting his hand on top of Iwaizumi's. His hand was much bigger than Iwaizumi's, it had been since they were in high school but the sight of Iwa's small, rough hands still made Oikawa chuckle.

Oikawa breathed a content sigh, he was happy like this. He was happy here. "Iwa?" His voice was barely a whisper. "Promise me we'll stay like this forever....maybe not with me on the floor—," he laughed —but together. I want to stay together,"

Iwaizumi didn't answer, of course he didn't, he was fast asleep. All he could do is snore in response. Oikawa just laughed, he didn't mind. That was enough of an answer for him.

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