🌹(Iwaoi)Love across Infinity🌹

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"What the hell-?" Iwaizumi turned his attention to the person who lay sprawled across the grass, still whining from their sudden descent from the sky.

The man groaned and cracked his knuckles as he awkwardly made an attempt to stand.

"Who the hell are you?" The strange man tilted in his head in confusion at Iwaizumi.

"I should be asking you that," he crossed his arms, debating whether or not to kill the idiot in front of him.

The idiot raised his hands in surrender. "So mean!" He whined, "My name is Oikawa. I'm a time traveler,"

He gave a small bow at the last sentence, ignoring Iwaizumi's mouth which hung open in surprise.

He shook himself out of his shock, pretending a time traveler was a normal sight.


Oikawa smiled a stupid grin, as if he hadn't expected he would have received the name of his cold acquaintance.

"Y'know, you're not nearly as surprised as I thought you would be. Normally people are all There's no way! but you listened to me immediately. You're either gullible or stupid,"

Iwaizumi scoffed, hitting Oikawa on the shoulder. Oikawa rubbed the spot, grumbling quietly.

"You're not the only one here who's special, Shittykawa," Oikawa rolled his eyes at the name calling.

"I'm immortal,"

Oikawa blinked before murmuring a small "There's no way,"

The irony was amazing to Iwaizumi who was glad he was able to shut up this proud man of the future.

Iwaizumi turned to leave.


"Iwa~Chan, what year is it?" Oikawa asked, following the obviously annoyed guy around.

"What?" Iwaizumi groaned. "Ok I'm placing one rule here before I rip your spine out. No spoiling the future,"

"But Iwa~Chan!"

"It's a rule. I cannot impact the world or change the future but if you were to spoil the future to a mortal, it could mean your future's demise,"

"Oh-," Regret flashed across his face and it became obvious that he hadn't thought the whole time travel thing through. "How are you so knowledgeable about these things anyways?"

"I exist in all times and can access memories from each me. Therefore I have infinite knowledge,"

"That's so cool, Iwa!"

"Shut up!" He ignored the red hue that covered his face although he knew that the person in front of him would mean so much to him in another time.

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