💐(Aoba Johsai) All For Nothing 💐

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"It was all for nothing,"

The Aoba Johsai volleyball team looked towards their captain. Tears pooled in his eyes and he bit his lip harshly, a small tendril of blood spilling out.

"Don't say that!" Iwaizumi's voice was harsh as he grabbed the collar of Oikawa's shirt, forcing their eyes to meet. "Don't ever say shit like that!"

Iwaizumi looked like he could cry but his voice stayed strong.

"Look at us. Look at where we are. Look at how far we got-!"

"What I see is the fact that we lost!"Oikawa cut off Iwaizumi, spitting the words like poison. He didn't want pity. He didn't deserve sympathy.

"Shut up," Matsukawa was uncharacteristically serious. "You either talk this out like normal people or you shut up,"

The other members of the team nodded in agreement. Hanamaki looked uncomfortable with the tense environment and it was all he could do to not make a joke. Kyoutani's face was a mixture of guilt and anger while Yahaba just looked away. Kumini fiddled with his fingers while Kindaichi curled and uncurled his fists. Watari was trying to cheer people up but wasn't having much luck.

"Fine," Iwaizumi scoffed, letting go of Oikawa's collar. As mad as he was, the team was hurt enough as it was.

Then he shoved his finger into Oikawa's chest. "You. When will you see how much you've grown? When will you be happy with what you have?" His voice was cold, a voice of logic and reason.

Oikawa scoffed. "I'm the captain. This loss is my fault. I could have done more,"

"That's not your job," Kindaichi spoke up softly. "We're a team. We all win together. We all lose together. Don't make this a stupid tyranny,"

Iwaizumi nodded "Can't you see how much you and your team has grown. We're so strong,"

"But they're always stronger,"

"Good for them. What does that mean for us?"

Oikawa blinked, not expecting that reply. He felt his tongue grow heavy and he couldn't speak.

"I'll answer. It means we got pretty damn far. It means we beat so many teams who were stronger than us. And then our luck ran out,"

Our luck ran out

It wasn't your fault

There was nothing we could have done.

"But I wish there was. I wish we beat them and that wish is tearing me apart.

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