🌹(TsukiYama) Flustered🌹

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"When are you coming back?" The words were mumbled on the other side of the call, almost inaudible.

"I wish I could be there, Tsukki," Yamaguchi's face turned sour as he remembered how far away they were. There was no other place he'd rather be than home but college had dragged him hours away from all he held dear.

"Whatever," the response was expected but even without seeing his face, Yamaguchi could see the sad face in his head.

"Y'know I really love you, Tsukki!" He brightened up his voice in hopes of cheering up his partner.

"Don't say embarrassing things like that all of a sudden," the voice was mumbled as if Tsukishima was covering his face.

Sweet laughter fell from Yamaguchi's lips and he smiled widely at his boyfriend's uncharacteristic shyness.

"I love you too," the sound was still mumbled.

"Awww, Tsukki!"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi,"

"Sorry, Tsukki," but a wide grin still covered his face.

"Never mind, I hate you," Tsukishima scoffed.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi pouted.

Quiet snickering floated from the phone's speakers. Tsukishima's laugh was quiet but so worth it.

It was worth everything to make him smile.

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