💐 The Sea Prefers The Moon (SakuAtsu) 💐

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"So...what's up with you?" His voice carried over the hum of cicadas and the crash of waves upon the shore. It was calm, but curious with a hint of worry.

Sakusa didn't look at him, instead he leaned onto the bridge's railing to watch strangers running across the beach. They stood on a bridge that looked over it, in between a road and the sea. A sea that was crowded as people tried to cool off in the Summer months.

Sakusa didn't know how to respond to the question. Not much was 'up with him' unless Atsumu was referring to the panic attack he had when Atsumu had suggested a beach date. Things were still a bit tense however, since both parties felt guilty for no reason in particular. Sakusa could taste the spiraling thoughts in the air, as clear as the salt in the breeze.

"...Kiyoomi?" Atsumu asked, his gaze tearing into Sakusa's masked face. "You okay—?"

"I'm fine," Sakusa interrupted in a monotone voice, glaring at a group of kids who were making sand castles. One young girl began to cry as her castle washed away in the tide along with a doll that her mother ran to catch. Sakusa didn't know why he even cared, maybe it was an excuse for him to look anywhere but at Atsumu's soft eyes.

Atsumu sighed softly. "Okay. I won't force you to talk to me...but I want to help you so if there's anything I can do..," his voice trailed on leaving Sakusa to fill in the blanks. If he wanted a hug, kind words, to find a solution to whatever problem was there...Atsumu was here.

"Okay," there were a lot of words he wanted to say but Sakusa just looked away from the foamy shore and at his partner, watching as Atsumu gave him a reassuring smile.

Atsumu's face was bright and kind but it wasn't a light like a star because it didn't come from Atsumu himself but rather the way he looked in Sakusa's eyes. It was a light that made him look back at himself and consider...that maybe he were just as bright as Atsumu.

Atsumu was a full moon but Sakusa would love him no matter the hour, and even when he was no where to be seen.


"Hey Atsumu?" Sakusa glanced across the red and white checkered tablecloth at the diner where they had stopped for an early lunch. "The reason that I got so anxious earlier—It might sound silly but I'm not too fond of the ocean...quite the opposite actually,"

Atsumu seemed surprised as he buried a fry in ketchup half-heartedly and shoved it into his mouth before he exclaimed "Really? I had no idea!" as crumbs of potato covered his lips.

"Yeah. I didn't know how to tell you and to be honest...I was scared you would think it's odd," Sakusa mumbled before taking a sip of his water. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I freaked out,"

Atsumu wiped his mouth with a napkin and then smiled. "It's perfectly alright. I should have noticed that you were upset and anyways... I'm actually not too thrilled by the sea as well, though my fear usually makes it way out a bit further in the ocean,"

"Oh," Sakusa pursed his lips, now it seems silly that he had worried so much about telling Atsumu about his fears. He had been nervous that it would upset him to cancel the date or change the plans but Atsumu was understanding and well-meaning.

"So would you like do anything else today, perhaps we can catch the next train and go to my place?" Atsumu smiled, squeezing a ketchup packet onto his food with one hand as the other snaked it's way across the table to Sakusa's hand.

Sakusa flushed and sipped his water with his free hand. "Yes, I suppose that'd be nice,"


I sort of make them sound like old European lovers when I write their dialogue, but it's just habit. This is short but I hope you find it sweet. It's always the sun and the moon but I don't think Kiyoomi and Atsumu are much like those two. They strike me much more as the moon and the sea that is drawn towards it, yet too nervous to bask in its light for long.


736 words.

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