💐(TsukiYamaKageHina) Jealousy 💐

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Wish finally something not angsty. This is slight Tsukishima angst because I kin him so yea. :]


The sky above me was golden as champagne, swirling in a dainty glass. I could feel my stomach anxiously twisting as well.

I've always been intrigued by jealousy. After all, it wasn't always a bad thing. Envy motivates people to become better. But the jealousy that lingered in my chest was a bitter one, because I was not jealous of a person or even a thing. I was rather jealous of humanity.

How is it, that people can express their full feelings, with no regard for how people thought of them. How could people say all that was on their mind?

I had always covered my emotions, ever since I came to the conclusion that embarrassment is worse than death. And so it was better, I thought, to keep my guard up. To stay vigilant. I hid my feelings behind sarcasm and teasing.

That was, until I joined the Karasuno volleyball team. These people expressed all of their passion and emotions without effort. They faced embarrassment head on, not even fazed.

And so I was jealous.


Maybe, it would be best to confront someone about this, and ask them how they do it. No, they would think I'm weird.

Well then, maybe I should try expressing my feelings.

So, I turned to face Yamaguchi, who was busy ranting about a show he had watched. I enjoyed listening to him as he always had entertaining takes on different media. He also always picked up on themes I missed.

And I kid you not, I looked him in the eyes and told him that.

He stopped talking for a second, most likely from shock before smiling wide.

"I really appreciate that! Thank you, Tsukki!"

I smiled slightly, still not used to this. Maybe this wouldn't be so difficult. But then again, emotions like happiness would be easier to express than more intense ones.

"Yamaguchi?" Maybe I was pushing too far. "How do you express emotions so much?"

He seemed to ponder this before making his response.

"I guess, I become more comfortable with people and started to trust that they wouldn't say anything mean," then he added "Why do you ask?"

How do you even begin to become comfortable with people? I only really trusted Yamaguchi but I didn't even know how the trust started since our friendship was practically second nature.

"I want to be able to express myself more," I said, trying to remove the disdain that automatically reeked in my voice when I spoke.

"Really? I'm happy to hear that. I'd be glad to help you with that!" Yamaguchi beamed at me, and I felt a new emotion.

It made me feel light and fluttery and my face was dusted by a light pink. I knew it was most likely love but I didn't understand even that fully, and so I brushed it off.


"Ok. So, step 1 of  'Plan: Help Tsukki Trust People so He Can Express More Emotions' is a go!"

"That name is dumb,"

Me and Yamaguchi were sitting in his room. He had taken this more seriously than even me, and I was the one who's emotions were being involved.

"As I was saying, First, you'll need to find someone to trust," Yamaguchi ran through something in his head before smiling widely, "I have an idea but you're not going to like it,"

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