💐 I wish I could Talk To You (Tsukkiyama) 💐

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Omg a semi fluffy fic of my favorite boys based off of one of my favorite songs? What more could a man ask for? :)


Tsukishima rolled a stained volleyball beneath his foot as he waited for Yamaguchi to be done with tutoring. His friend had been busy with studying for the high school entrance exams for a while now but he was ending earlier than normal that usual today so the two were going to head to the local park to hang out. Tsukishima could lie and say he wasn't excited but he had been waiting for weeks, having sleepless nights and butterflies in his stomach as he waited for the next time he could hand out with Yamaguchi.

He had even brought his favorite volleyball, an old one that Akiteru had gotten signed by a famous middle blocker when they had gone to see a volleyball game together a few years ago. It always brought back fond memories to see it.

Tsukishima tried to wait patiently but his happiness was rising and his normal stoic behavior was missing as he spun the volleyball in his hands, swinging his legs back and forth with anticipation. He nearly jumped with joy when he saw Yamaguchi exit the public library where his lessons took place, but instead Tsukishima just rose from the bench he was seated at.

He raised his hand to wave but Yamaguchi bounded down the stairs and wrapped him in a tight hug. Tsukishima smiled before gently hitting Yamaguchi on the head.

"Owww, what was that for?" Yamaguchi glared jokingly, stepping away from Tsukishima and crossing his arms.

Tsukishima just rolled his eyes. "You took so long,"

Yamaguchi sighed. "I'd have left earlier if I could, I hate my tutor so much,"

"Why?" Tsukishima asked as they began their walk to the park.

Yamaguchi huffed. "He's old, and mean. He makes me redo the whole page if I get even one question wrong! Why should i need to do that!?"

Tsukishima held back a laugh but snickered softly.

"Oi, what are you giggling about?" Yamaguchi glared at him halfheartedly.

"Nothing,..this just reminded of that girl who asked me for your number because she thought you were super nice," Tsukishima laughed. "She was so surprised when she met you and saw how much of an ass you are,"

Yamaguchi laughed as well, tossing the volleyball up and down in his hands. "I forget people think Im so gentle and kind, I have no idea how they get that impression!"

We could see the park in our vision now as we stepped towards the gate.

"Maybe it's because you always apologize so much,"

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes and stepped through the park's gate, waving with a smile at a classmate of his in the distance. "That's just my anxiety, if I actually remembered to take my meds more often, I'd apologize a lot less,"

"Whatever you say,"


The two took seats on the swings beside each other, tossing the volleyball up in their hands and trying to catch it. It was nice hanging out like this, especially on a day like this with perfect weather, the two could just chat and enjoy the park with no cares in the world. But sometimes it felt like they were still hiding something from each other.

"Tsukki, if you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with your dad right now?" Yamaguchi asked timidly, almost out of nowhere. "I mean, I haven't seen him around anymore when I've been over—,"

"Hm?" Tsukishima pushed his glasses up on his nose. "That prick skipped town a couple weeks ago. We're trying to work things out and my moms trying to get a divorce with him but he's shit at communication so it's been a big thing,"

"Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you feeling okay about it all?" Yamaguchi had a worried expression and he reached out his hand and placed it on Tsukishima's shoulder, dropping the volleyball into the mulch on the ground.

He nodded. "Yeah it's fine, I never cared for him all that much anyways. It's just a bit inconvenient because my mother and Akiteru are so caught up with all the divorce stuff that I haven't seen them much...sorry that sounds kind of selfish—,"

"No, Tsukki! That's a reasonable thing to feel! Maybe it would help if you told them how you feel, I'm sure they'd want to hear. Yamaguchi advised.

"Maybe...," Tsukishima's voice trailed off. "You give good advice, Tadashi,"

"Do I?" He smiled. "I try my best and hey—you know if you ever want to talk to someone...I'm always up for it,"

"Ok—thanks....the same goes for you," Tsukishima flushed a little. "You can talk to me, I guess,"

Yamaguchi laughed. "Awww is the snarky and cold Tsukki getting soft for someone like me?"

"I'll punch you, short ass," Tsukishima scoffed

"Im basically your height, Tsukki! You're just a freak of nature," he laughed, with a bit of endearment in his tone he picked the volleyball of the ground and spun it in his hands. "Y'know, I'm glad we could talk today...we don't see each other much anymore cause of all the exam stuff but every time I see you...I remember how fun it is to chat with you,"

"...you too," Tsukishima mumbled. "I'm glad...,"

Yamaguchi snickered behind his hand as he fidgeted with the volleyball, "Aw see! You are getting soft!"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and punched the other's arm gently.

"Oww—you ass," Tadashi scowled playfully them laughed. "I guess I deserve it"

"Yeah...whatever," Tsukishima murmured. "...I'm glad we're friends,"

Yamaguchi turned to stare at him, a bit surprised. Tsukishima usually never said things that sweet out of nowhere. He was happy to hear it though and he smiled softly. "Me too,"

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